...the political column of Walter Lippmann, America’s most venerated pundit...
...and his article was written in mock-scientific museum-expedition style, duly portentous.
duly (这里取第一个意思)
1. in the proper or expected way 适当地,恰当地,应当地
Here are your travel documents, all duly signed.
2. at the proper time or as expected 准时地,按时地
The Queen duly appeared on the balcony to wave to the crowds.
There’s no party line: good advice for writers. You can be your own party line.
the official opinion of a political party or other organization, which its members are expected to agree with and support 政党[组织]的路线
follow/toe the party line (= to support the official opinion) 遵循/服从政党的路线
He refused to toe the party line.
Learning is a tonic.
1. 奎宁水
2. [C] a drink that you have as a medicine to give you more energy or strength when you feel tired 补药,补品
A lot of people need a tonic at the end of the winter.
3. [C usually singular 一般用单数] something that makes you feel happy and full of energy使精神振奋的东【英】
A weekend by the sea was the perfect tonic.
What caught my attention was that Peterson was still going at full momentum at 84...
这里应该可以理解为at full speed。也就是说丝毫没有懈怠。 his mid-80s Peterson was on a schedule that would tax a man of 50.
to make someone have to work hard or make an effort 使负重担;使费力气;使伤脑筋
It shouldn’t tax your brain too much.
tax sb’s patience/strength etc
The kids are really taxing my patience today.
...many species had made a comeback from their narrow escape, helped by a citizenry that...
1. write with enjoyment. Your own interest will naturally be delivered to the readers. put your personality into your writing.
2. Non-fiction writers have to account for their writing and not be biased from facts.
3. Confidence comes from writers' interest of the topic. It is also originated from their sincerity and fundamental skills when they set foot on a new terrain. Writers can explore the unfamiliar topic and find what’s related to their own experience. But if you don’t have a feeling or opinion of it, don’t write about it.
4. We can count on the fundamentals of interviewing and writing, as well as our general intelligence and humanity to write about any subject.
5. You can often get good material after interviewing the subject by causally chatting with him.