


//This script will only work in editor mode. You cannot adjust the scale dynamically in-game!
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

using UnityEditor;

public class ParticleScaler : MonoBehaviour 
	public float particleScale = 1.0f;
	public bool alsoScaleGameobject = true;

	float prevScale;

	void Start()
		prevScale = particleScale;

	void Update () 
		//check if we need to update
		if (prevScale != particleScale && particleScale > 0)
			if (alsoScaleGameobject)
				transform.localScale = new Vector3(particleScale, particleScale, particleScale);

			float scaleFactor = particleScale / prevScale;

			//scale legacy particle systems

			//scale shuriken particle systems

			//scale trail renders

			prevScale = particleScale;

	void ScaleShurikenSystems(float scaleFactor)
		//get all shuriken systems we need to do scaling on
		ParticleSystem[] systems = GetComponentsInChildren();

		foreach (ParticleSystem system in systems)
			system.startSpeed *= scaleFactor;
			system.startSize *= scaleFactor;
			system.gravityModifier *= scaleFactor;

			//some variables cannot be accessed through regular script, we will acces them through a serialized object
			SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(system);
			//unity 4.0 and onwards will already do this one for us
#if UNITY_3_5 
			so.FindProperty("ShapeModule.radius").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ShapeModule.boxX").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ShapeModule.boxY").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ShapeModule.boxZ").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("VelocityModule.x.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("VelocityModule.y.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("VelocityModule.z.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ClampVelocityModule.magnitude.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ClampVelocityModule.x.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ClampVelocityModule.y.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ClampVelocityModule.z.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ForceModule.x.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ForceModule.y.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ForceModule.z.scalar").floatValue *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("ColorBySpeedModule.range").vector2Value *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("SizeBySpeedModule.range").vector2Value *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("RotationBySpeedModule.range").vector2Value *= scaleFactor;


	void ScaleLegacySystems(float scaleFactor)
		//get all emitters we need to do scaling on
		ParticleEmitter[] emitters = GetComponentsInChildren();

		//get all animators we need to do scaling on
		ParticleAnimator[] animators = GetComponentsInChildren();

		//apply scaling to emitters
		foreach (ParticleEmitter emitter in emitters)
			emitter.minSize *= scaleFactor;
			emitter.maxSize *= scaleFactor;
			emitter.worldVelocity *= scaleFactor;
			emitter.localVelocity *= scaleFactor;
			emitter.rndVelocity *= scaleFactor;

			//some variables cannot be accessed through regular script, we will acces them through a serialized object
			SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(emitter);

			so.FindProperty("m_Ellipsoid").vector3Value *= scaleFactor;
			so.FindProperty("tangentVelocity").vector3Value *= scaleFactor;

		//apply scaling to animators
		foreach (ParticleAnimator animator in animators)
			animator.force *= scaleFactor;
			animator.rndForce *= scaleFactor;

	void ScaleTrailRenderers(float scaleFactor)
		//get all animators we need to do scaling on
		TrailRenderer[] trails = GetComponentsInChildren();

		//apply scaling to animators
		foreach (TrailRenderer trail in trails)
			trail.startWidth *= scaleFactor;
			trail.endWidth *= scaleFactor;
