dir  //显示当前目录下的文件信息


Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:36:15   qytang.txt

    1  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,448 KB free)

delete qytang.txt  //删除文件

Delete flash:/test/qytang.txt? (y/n)[n]:y

Info: Deleting file flash:/test/qytang.txt...succeed.

dir /all   //查看所有文件

Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt

    1  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:36:24   [qytang.txt]


1,090,732 KB total (784,444 KB free)

undelete qytang.txt

Undelete flash:/test/qytang.txt? (y/n)[n]:y

%Undeleted file flash:/test/qytang.txt.


Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:36:15   qytang.txt

    1  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,448 KB free)



delete ?

  STRING<1-64>  [drive][path][file name]

  /force        Force delete a file

  /unreserved   Delete a file permanently

  flash:        Device name

delete /un  

delete /unreserved qytang.txt  //删除/永久删除文件


Warning: The contents of file flash:/test/qytang.txt cannot be recycled. Continu

e? (y/n)[n]:y

Info: Deleting file flash:/test/qytang.txt...

Deleting file permanently from flash will take a long time if needed...succeed.


Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,452 KB free)

dir /all

Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,452 KB free)

copy hcna.txt hcie.txt  //复制文件

Copy flash:/test/hcna.txt to flash:/test/hcie.txt? (y/n)[n]:y


100%  complete

Info: Copied file flash:/test/hcna.txt to flash:/test/hcie.txt...Done


Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt

    1  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:39:06   hcie.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,444 KB free)

delete hcie.txt

Delete flash:/test/hcie.txt? (y/n)[n]:y

Info: Deleting file flash:/test/hcie.txt...succeed.

dir /all

Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt

    1  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:39:20   [hcie.txt]


1,090,732 KB total (784,444 KB free)

reset recycle-bin //彻底删除回收站中的文件

Squeeze flash:/test/hcie.txt? (y/n)[n]:y

Clear file from flash will take a long time if needed...Done.

%Cleared file flash:/test/hcie.txt.


Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,452 KB free)

dir /all

Directory of flash:/test/


  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName

    0  -rw-             98  Oct 11 2018 08:28:00   hcna.txt


1,090,732 KB total (784,452 KB free)



save huawei.zip  //保存配置文件

 Are you sure to save the configuration to huawei.zip? (y/n)[n]:y

  It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait........

  Configuration file had been saved successfully

  Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated




startup saved-configuration ?

  STRING<1-64>  Specify the filename,in the format of [drive][filename]

startup saved-configuration huawei.zip  //设置启动项

This operation will take several minutes, please wait.....

Info: Succeeded in setting the file for booting system

dis star   

dis startup


  Startup system software:                   null

  Next startup system software:              null

  Backup system software for next startup:   null

  Startup saved-configuration file:          flash:/vrpcfg.zip

  Next startup saved-configuration file:     flash:/huawei.zip

  Startup license file:                      null

  Next startup license file:                 null

  Startup patch package:                     null

  Next startup patch package:                null

  Startup voice-files:                       null

  Next startup voice-files:                  null





compare configuration   //对比配置文件

 The current configuration is not the same as the next startup configuration fil


 ====== Current configuration line 2 ======

 sysname AR1


 snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB03000000000000



 clock timezone China-Standard-Time minus 08:00:00

 ====== Configuration file line 2 ======

 sysname QYTANG


 snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB03000000000000



 clock timezone China-Standard-Time minus 08:00:00




fixdisk flash:

Fixdisk flash: will take long time if needed

%Fixdisk flash: completed.

