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Q&A: SCCM 安装MP时报10005错误
Product: SMS Management Point -- Error 25006. Setup was unable to create the Internet virtual directory CCM_Incoming
The error code is 80041315
Q&A: SCCM 安装MP时报10005错误_第1张图片
1.   验证是否安装了IIS;
2.   验证是否安装了 BITS
3.   验证是否启用了Webdv;
4.   验证Task Scheduler服务器是否开启;
5.   验证 Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service 是否启动;
6.   检查安装 MP 的计算机帐户是否加入 SMS_SiteSystemToSQLConnection_
参考材料: 如果以上的方法都无法解决,可以尝试重新安装MP组件:
Remove the MP as a site system role (if it is still installed), wait for it to finish

 Run a ccmclean /all (this is a tool you can find in the SMS 2003 Toolkit 2)

Remove IIS completely


Stop the Task Scheduler Service

Rename the %windir%\Tasks folder to something else (or move it)

Start the Task Scheduler Service (this will recreate the %windir%\Tasks folder)

 Optional: Enable auditing on the \inetpub\wwwroot folder (and subfolders) Make sure to set local security policy to trap failures of file access.  Well need this in case we see the same security failure.  Well just look at the security logs.

Reinstall IIS, BITS, WebDAV

 Insure BITS and WebDAV are enabled

 Reinstall the MP