ActiveMQ启动过程详解 :
ActiveMQ Broker发送消息给消费者过程详解:
Session session = connection.createSession(Boolean.TRUE,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue :消息的目的地;消息发送给谁. Queue destination = session.createQueue(qname); MessageProducer:消息发送者 MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination); //设置生产者的模式,有两种可选 //DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT 当activemq关闭的时候,队列数据将会被保存 //DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT 当activemq关闭的时候,队列里面的数据将会被清空 producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT); 构造消息,此处写死,项目就是参数,或者方法获取 sendMessage(session, producer); session.commit(); connection.close();
Queue destination = session.createQueue(qname); public Queue createQueue(String queueName) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); //如果队列名以id开始则创建临时队列,否则创建ActiveMQQueue if(queueName.startsWith("ID:")) return new ActiveMQTempQueue(queueName); else return new ActiveMQQueue(queueName); }
public class ActiveMQQueue extends ActiveMQDestination implements Queue { public static final byte DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE = 100; private static final long serialVersionUID = -3885260014960795889L; public ActiveMQQueue(String name) { //构造父类 super(name); } public String getQueueName() throws JMSException { return getPhysicalName(); } public byte getDestinationType() { return 1; } protected String getQualifiedPrefix() { return "queue://"; } }
public abstract class ActiveMQDestination extends JNDIBaseStorable implements DataStructure, Destination, Externalizable, Comparable { public static final String PATH_SEPERATOR = "."; public static final char COMPOSITE_SEPERATOR = 44; public static final byte QUEUE_TYPE = 1;//队列类型 public static final byte TOPIC_TYPE = 2;//主题类型 public static final byte TEMP_MASK = 4; public static final byte TEMP_TOPIC_TYPE = 6; public static final byte TEMP_QUEUE_TYPE = 5; public static final String QUEUE_QUALIFIED_PREFIX = "queue://";//队列命名目录 public static final String TOPIC_QUALIFIED_PREFIX = "topic://";//主题命名目录 public static final String TEMP_QUEUE_QUALIFED_PREFIX = "temp-queue://"; public static final String TEMP_TOPIC_QUALIFED_PREFIX = "temp-topic://"; public static final String IS_DLQ = "isDLQ"; public static final String TEMP_DESTINATION_NAME_PREFIX = "ID:"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -3885260014960795889L; protected String physicalName; protected transient ActiveMQDestination compositeDestinations[]; protected transient String destinationPaths[]; protected transient boolean isPattern; protected transient int hashValue; protected Map options; protected static UnresolvedDestinationTransformer unresolvableDestinationTransformer = new DefaultUnresolvedDestinationTransformer(); protected ActiveMQDestination(String name) { setPhysicalName(name); } //获取目的地类型 public String getDestinationTypeAsString() { switch(getDestinationType()) { case 1: // '\001' return "Queue"; case 2: // '\002' return "Topic"; case 5: // '\005' return "TempQueue"; case 6: // '\006' return "TempTopic"; case 3: // '\003' case 4: // '\004' default: throw new IllegalArgumentException((new StringBuilder()).append("Invalid destination type: ").append(getDestinationType()).toString()); } } //创建目的地 public static ActiveMQDestination createDestination(String name, byte defaultType) { if(name.startsWith("queue://")) return new ActiveMQQueue(name.substring("queue://".length())); if(name.startsWith("topic://")) return new ActiveMQTopic(name.substring("topic://".length())); if(name.startsWith("temp-queue://")) return new ActiveMQTempQueue(name.substring("temp-queue://".length())); if(name.startsWith("temp-topic://")) return new ActiveMQTempTopic(name.substring("temp-topic://".length())); switch(defaultType) { case 1: // '\001' return new ActiveMQQueue(name); case 2: // '\002' return new ActiveMQTopic(name); case 5: // '\005' return new ActiveMQTempQueue(name); case 6: // '\006' return new ActiveMQTempTopic(name); case 3: // '\003' case 4: // '\004' default: throw new IllegalArgumentException((new StringBuilder()).append("Invalid default destination type: ").append(defaultType).toString()); } } //将目的地物理名和配置项写入输出流 public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(getPhysicalName()); out.writeObject(options); } //从输入流读取目的地物理名和配置项 public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { setPhysicalName(in.readUTF()); options = (Map)in.readObject(); } }
Topic :消息的目的地;消息发送给谁.
Topic destination = session.createTopic(tname);
public Topic createTopic(String topicName) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if(topicName.startsWith("ID:")) return new ActiveMQTempTopic(topicName); else return new ActiveMQTopic(topicName); }
public class ActiveMQTopic extends ActiveMQDestination implements Topic { public static final byte DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE = 101; private static final long serialVersionUID = 7300307405896488588L; public ActiveMQTopic(String name) { super(name); } public byte getDataStructureType() { return 101; } public boolean isTopic() { return true; } public String getTopicName() throws JMSException { return getPhysicalName(); } public byte getDestinationType() { return 2; } protected String getQualifiedPrefix() { return "topic://"; } }
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
public MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if(destination instanceof CustomDestination) { CustomDestination customDestination = (CustomDestination)destination; return customDestination.createProducer(this); } else { int timeSendOut = connection.getSendTimeout(); return new ActiveMQMessageProducer(this, getNextProducerId(), ActiveMQMessageTransformation.transformDestination(destination), timeSendOut); } }
public class ActiveMQMessageProducer extends ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport implements StatsCapable, Disposable { protected ProducerInfo info;//生产者信息 protected boolean closed; private final JMSProducerStatsImpl stats;//生产者状态管理器 private AtomicLong messageSequence;//消息序列号 private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private MessageTransformer transformer;//消息转化器 private MemoryUsage producerWindow;//生产者窗口 protected ActiveMQMessageProducer(ActiveMQSession session, ProducerId producerId, ActiveMQDestination destination, int sendTimeout) throws JMSException { super(session); //创建生产者信息 info = new ProducerInfo(producerId); //从连接获取生产者窗口信息 info.setWindowSize(session.connection.getProducerWindowSize()); if(destination != null && destination.getOptions() != null) { Map options = IntrospectionSupport.extractProperties(new HashMap(destination.getOptions()), "producer."); IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(info, options); if(options.size() > 0) { String msg = (new StringBuilder()).append("There are ").append(options.size()).append(" producer options that couldn't be set on the producer.").append(" Check the options are spelled correctly.").append(" Unknown parameters=[").append(options).append("].").append(" This producer cannot be started.").toString(); LOG.warn(msg); throw new ConfigurationException(msg); } } info.setDestination(destination); if(session.connection.getProtocolVersion() >= 3 && info.getWindowSize() > 0) { producerWindow = new MemoryUsage((new StringBuilder()).append("Producer Window: ").append(producerId).toString()); producerWindow.setExecutor(session.getConnectionExecutor()); producerWindow.setLimit(info.getWindowSize()); producerWindow.start(); } //默认为消息持久化 defaultDeliveryMode = 2;// defaultPriority = 4;//默认优先级为r4 defaultTimeToLive = 0L; messageSequence = new AtomicLong(0L);//新建消息序列号 stats = new JMSProducerStatsImpl(session.getSessionStats(), destination); try { //将消息生产者添加到会话,通过会话将生产者信息发送给Server this.session.addProducer(this); this.session.syncSendPacket(info); } setSendTimeout(sendTimeout); //设置消息转换器 setTransformer(session.getTransformer()); } }
public abstract class ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport implements MessageProducer, Closeable { protected ActiveMQSession session;//会话 protected boolean disableMessageID; protected boolean disableMessageTimestamp; protected int defaultDeliveryMode;//默认传输模式 protected int defaultPriority;//默认优先级 protected long defaultTimeToLive; protected int sendTimeout; public ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport(ActiveMQSession session) { sendTimeout = 0; this.session = session; disableMessageTimestamp = session.connection.isDisableTimeStampsByDefault(); } }
public TopicPublisher createPublisher(Topic topic) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if(topic instanceof CustomDestination) { CustomDestination customDestination = (CustomDestination)topic; return customDestination.createPublisher(this); } else { int timeSendOut = connection.getSendTimeout(); return new ActiveMQTopicPublisher(this, ActiveMQMessageTransformation.transformDestination(topic), timeSendOut); } }
public class ActiveMQTopicPublisher extends ActiveMQMessageProducer implements TopicPublisher { protected ActiveMQTopicPublisher(ActiveMQSession session, ActiveMQDestination destination, int sendTimeout) throws JMSException { super(session, session.getNextProducerId(), destination, sendTimeout); } public Topic getTopic() throws JMSException { return (Topic)super.getDestination(); } public void publish(Message message) throws JMSException { super.send(message); } public void publish(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive) throws JMSException { super.send(message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive); } public void publish(Topic topic, Message message) throws JMSException { super.send(topic, message); } public void publish(Topic topic, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive) throws JMSException { super.send(topic, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive); } }
sendMessage(session, producer);
public static void sendMessage(Session session, MessageProducer producer) throws Exception { for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {//有限制,达到1000就不行 TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("向ActiveMq发送的Queue消息" + i); // 发送消息到目的地方 System.out.println("发送消息:" + "ActiveMq 发送的Queue消息" + i); producer.send(message); } }
public TextMessage createTextMessage(String text) throws JMSException { //创建文本消息 ActiveMQTextMessage message = new ActiveMQTextMessage(); message.setText(text); //配置消息 configureMessage(message); return message; }
ActiveMQTextMessage message = new ActiveMQTextMessage();
public class ActiveMQTextMessage extends ActiveMQMessage implements TextMessage { public static final byte DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE = 28; protected String text; private void copy(ActiveMQTextMessage copy) { super.copy(copy); copy.text = text; } public byte getDataStructureType() { return 28; } public String getJMSXMimeType() { return "jms/text-message"; } public void setText(String text) throws MessageNotWriteableException { checkReadOnlyBody(); this.text = text; setContent(null); } }
protected void configureMessage(ActiveMQMessage message) throws IllegalStateException { checkClosed(); //设置消息MQ连接 message.setConnection(connection); }
public abstract class Message extends BaseCommand implements MarshallAware, MessageReference { public static final String ORIGINAL_EXPIRATION = "originalExpiration"; public static final int DEFAULT_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1024; protected MessageId messageId;//消息id protected ActiveMQDestination originalDestination;//消息原目的地 protected TransactionId originalTransactionId;//事务原id protected ProducerId producerId;//生产者id protected ActiveMQDestination destination;//消息目的地 protected TransactionId transactionId;//事务id protected long expiration;//失效时间 protected long timestamp;//时间戳 protected long arrival; protected long brokerInTime; protected long brokerOutTime; protected String correlationId; protected ActiveMQDestination replyTo;//消息回复目的地 protected boolean persistent;//是否持久化 protected String type; protected byte priority;//优先级 protected String groupID; protected int groupSequence; protected ConsumerId targetConsumerId;//消息者id protected boolean compressed; protected String userID; protected ByteSequence content; protected ByteSequence marshalledProperties; protected DataStructure dataStructure;//数据结构 protected int redeliveryCounter;//传输计数器 protected int size; protected Map properties; protected boolean readOnlyProperties;//读写属性 protected boolean readOnlyBody; protected transient boolean recievedByDFBridge; protected boolean droppable; protected boolean jmsXGroupFirstForConsumer; private transient short referenceCount; private transient ActiveMQConnection connection;//连接 transient MessageDestination regionDestination; transient MemoryUsage memoryUsage;//内存使用情况 private BrokerId brokerPath[];//broker地址 private BrokerId cluster[];//簇地址 }
public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage(Serializable object) throws JMSException { //创建ObjectMessage ActiveMQObjectMessage message = new ActiveMQObjectMessage(); //配置消息连接ActiveMQConnection信息 configureMessage(message); message.setObject(object); return message; }
public class ActiveMQObjectMessage extends ActiveMQMessage implements ObjectMessage { public static final byte DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE = 26; static final ClassLoader ACTIVEMQ_CLASSLOADER = org/apache/activemq/command/ActiveMQObjectMessage.getClassLoader(); protected transient Serializable object; public byte getDataStructureType() { return 26; } public String getJMSXMimeType() { return "jms/object-message"; } }
public void send(Message message) throws JMSException { send(getDestination(), message, defaultDeliveryMode, defaultPriority, defaultTimeToLive); }
public void send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive) throws JMSException { send(destination, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive, null); } public void send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, AsyncCallback onComplete) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if(destination == null) if(info.getDestination() == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A destination must be specified."); else throw new InvalidDestinationException("Don't understand null destinations"); ActiveMQDestination dest; //转换消息目的地 if(destination.equals(info.getDestination())) dest = (ActiveMQDestination)destination; else if(info.getDestination() == null) dest = ActiveMQDestination.transform(destination); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException((new StringBuilder()).append("This producer can only send messages to: ").append(info.getDestination().getPhysicalName()).toString()); if(dest == null) throw new JMSException("No destination specified"); //转换消息 if(transformer != null) { //实际使用ActiveMQConnection的消息转换器 Message transformedMessage = transformer.producerTransform(session, this, message); if(transformedMessage != null) message = transformedMessage; } //如果生产者窗口不为空,则等待有足够的空间 if(producerWindow != null) try { producerWindow.waitForSpace(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw new JMSException("Send aborted due to thread interrupt."); } //通过会话发送消息 session.send(this, dest, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive, producerWindow, sendTimeout, onComplete); //记录消息发送事件 stats.onMessage(); }
session.send(this, dest, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive, producerWindow, sendTimeout, onComplete);
protected void send(ActiveMQMessageProducer producer, ActiveMQDestination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, MemoryUsage producerWindow, int sendTimeout, AsyncCallback onComplete) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if(destination.isTemporary() && connection.isDeleted(destination)) throw new InvalidDestinationException((new StringBuilder()).append("Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: ").append(destination).toString()); //获取发送互质锁 synchronized(sendMutex) { //开始事务,获取事务id doStartTransaction(); TransactionId txid = transactionContext.getTransactionId(); //获取生产者序列号 long sequenceNumber = producer.getMessageSequence(); message.setJMSDeliveryMode(deliveryMode);//设置持久化模式 long expiration = 0L; if(!producer.getDisableMessageTimestamp()) { //设置消息时间戳及生存时间 long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); message.setJMSTimestamp(timeStamp); if(timeToLive > 0L) expiration = timeToLive + timeStamp; } //设置消息失效时间,优先级 message.setJMSExpiration(expiration); message.setJMSPriority(priority); message.setJMSRedelivered(false);//不允许消息重传 //转化消息 ActiveMQMessage msg = ActiveMQMessageTransformation.transformMessage(message, connection); //设置消息目的地 msg.setDestination(destination); //设置消息id msg.setMessageId(new MessageId(producer.getProducerInfo().getProducerId(), sequenceNumber)); if(msg != message) { message.setJMSMessageID(msg.getMessageId().toString()); message.setJMSDestination(destination); } msg.setBrokerPath(null); msg.setTransactionId(txid);//设置事务id if(connection.isCopyMessageOnSend()) msg = (ActiveMQMessage)msg.copy(); //设置消息连接 msg.setConnection(connection); msg.onSend(); //设置消息生产者id msg.setProducerId(msg.getMessageId().getProducerId()); if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace((new StringBuilder()).append(getSessionId()).append(" sending message: ").append(msg).toString()); if(onComplete == null && sendTimeout <= 0 && !msg.isResponseRequired() && !connection.isAlwaysSyncSend() && (!msg.isPersistent() || connection.isUseAsyncSend() || txid != null)) { //如果消息发送回调为空,则异步发送消息 connection.asyncSendPacket(msg); if(producerWindow != null) { int size = msg.getSize(); //增加内存消耗 producerWindow.increaseUsage(size); } } else if(sendTimeout > 0 && onComplete == null) //否则同步延时发送消息 connection.syncSendPacket(msg, sendTimeout); else connection.syncSendPacket(msg, onComplete); } }
protected void doStartTransaction() throws JMSException { if(getTransacted() && !transactionContext.isInXATransaction()) transactionContext.begin(); }
public class TransactionContext implements XAResource { private static final HashMap ENDED_XA_TRANSACTION_CONTEXTS = new HashMap(); private ActiveMQConnection connection;//事务所属连接 private final LongSequenceGenerator localTransactionIdGenerator; private List synchronizations; private Xid associatedXid; private TransactionId transactionId;//事务id private LocalTransactionEventListener localTransactionEventListener; private int beforeEndIndex; public void begin() throws JMSException { if(isInXATransaction()) throw new TransactionInProgressException("Cannot start local transaction. XA transaction is already in progress."); if(transactionId == null) { synchronizations = null; beforeEndIndex = 0; //新建本地事务id,和事务信息 transactionId = new LocalTransactionId(getConnectionId(), localTransactionIdGenerator.getNextSequenceId()); TransactionInfo info = new TransactionInfo(getConnectionId(), transactionId, (byte)0); connection.ensureConnectionInfoSent(); //通过连接异步发送事务信息报 connection.asyncSendPacket(info); if(localTransactionEventListener != null) localTransactionEventListener.beginEvent(); LOG.debug("Begin:{}", transactionId); } } }
public void asyncSendPacket(Command command) throws JMSException { if(isClosed()) { throw new ConnectionClosedException(); } else { //异步发送消息 doAsyncSendPacket(command); return; } } //异步发送消息 private void doAsyncSendPacket(Command command) throws JMSException { try { //这个我们前面看过是transport-》TcpTransport-》MutexTransport-》ResponseCorrelator transport.oneway(command); } catch(IOException e) { throw JMSExceptionSupport.create(e); } }
public class ResponseCorrelator extends TransportFilter { private final Map requestMap; private IntSequenceGenerator sequenceGenerator; private final boolean debug; private IOException error; public ResponseCorrelator(Transport next) { //next为MutexTransport this(next, new IntSequenceGenerator()); } public void oneway(Object o) throws IOException { Command command = (Command)o; //设置命令序列化id command.setCommandId(sequenceGenerator.getNextSequenceId()); command.setResponseRequired(false); next.oneway(command); }
public class MutexTransport extends TransportFilter { private final ReentrantLock writeLock; private boolean syncOnCommand; public MutexTransport(Transport next) { //next为TcpTransport super(next); writeLock = new ReentrantLock(); syncOnCommand = false; } //正在发送命令 public void oneway(Object command) throws IOException { //获取写锁 writeLock.lock(); next.oneway(command); writeLock.unlock(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_37; Exception exception; exception; writeLock.unlock(); throw exception; } }
public class TcpTransport extends TransportThreadSupport implements Transport, Service, Runnable { protected final URI remoteLocation;//远程URI protected final URI localLocation;//本地URI protected final WireFormat wireFormat; protected int connectionTimeout;//连接超时时间 protected int soTimeout; protected int socketBufferSize;//socket的缓存大小 protected int ioBufferSize;//io缓存大小 protected boolean closeAsync; protected Socket socket; protected DataOutputStream dataOut;//socket的输出流 protected DataInputStream dataIn;//socket的输入流 protected TimeStampStream buffOut; protected int trafficClass; private boolean trafficClassSet; protected boolean diffServChosen; protected boolean typeOfServiceChosen; protected boolean trace; protected String logWriterName; protected boolean dynamicManagement; protected boolean startLogging; protected int jmxPort; protected boolean useLocalHost; protected int minmumWireFormatVersion; protected SocketFactory socketFactory; protected final AtomicReference stoppedLatch; protected volatile int receiveCounter; private Map socketOptions; private int soLinger; private Boolean keepAlive;//是否保活 private Boolean tcpNoDelay;//tcp是否为非延时 private Thread runnerThread; public void oneway(Object command) throws IOException { checkStarted(); //将命令写到dataOut缓存区中,而dataOut我们在前面分析中TcpTransport的启动中, //TcpTransport与Broker建立套接字,dataOUt为socket的输出流 wireFormat.marshal(command, dataOut); //刷新缓存 dataOut.flush(); } }
public abstract class TransportFactory { //TRANSPORT_FACTORY_FINDER,transport加载路径 private static final FactoryFinder TRANSPORT_FACTORY_FINDER = new FactoryFinder("META-INF/services/org/apache/activemq/transport/"); //WIREFORMAT_FACTORY加载路径 private static final FactoryFinder WIREFORMAT_FACTORY_FINDER = new FactoryFinder("META-INF/services/org/apache/activemq/wireformat/"); private static final ConcurrentMap TRANSPORT_FACTORYS = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private static final String WRITE_TIMEOUT_FILTER = "soWriteTimeout"; private static final String THREAD_NAME_FILTER = "threadName"; //TransportFactory创建TcpTransport public Transport doConnect(URI location, Executor ex) throws Exception { return doConnect(location); } public Transport doConnect(URI location) throws Exception { Transport rc; Map options = new HashMap(URISupport.parseParameters(location)); if(!options.containsKey("")) options.put("", location.getHost()); //创建WireFormat WireFormat wf = createWireFormat(options); Transport transport = createTransport(location, wf); rc = configure(transport, wf, options); if(!options.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException((new StringBuilder()).append("Invalid connect parameters: ").append(options).toString()); return rc; URISyntaxException e; e; throw IOExceptionSupport.create(e); } //配置Transport public Transport configure(Transport transport, WireFormat wf, Map options) throws Exception { transport = compositeConfigure(transport, wf, options); transport = new MutexTransport(transport); transport = new ResponseCorrelator(transport); return transport; } }
WireFormat wf = createWireFormat(options);
protected WireFormat createWireFormat(Map options) throws IOException { //创建WireFormatFactory WireFormatFactory factory = createWireFormatFactory(options); //从工厂创建WireFormat WireFormat format = factory.createWireFormat(); return format; } protected WireFormatFactory createWireFormatFactory(Map options) throws IOException { String wireFormat; wireFormat = (String)options.remove("wireFormat"); if(wireFormat == null) //获取默认wireFormat类型 wireFormat = getDefaultWireFormatType(); WireFormatFactory wff; //这个是不是有点与获取TransportFactory工厂有点像 //WIREFORMAT_FACTORY_FINDER,从META-INF/services/org/apache/activemq/wireformat/ //路径下加载相应的default配置文件,然后加载配置文件class属性对应的class //实际org.apache.activemq.openwire.OpenWireFormatFactory wff = (WireFormatFactory)WIREFORMAT_FACTORY_FINDER.newInstance(wireFormat); IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(wff, options, "wireFormat."); return wff; Throwable e; e; throw IOExceptionSupport.create((new StringBuilder()).append("Could not create wire format factory for: ").append(wireFormat).append(", reason: ").append(e).toString(), e); } protected String getDefaultWireFormatType() { return "default"; }
public class OpenWireFormatFactory implements WireFormatFactory { private int version;//版本 private boolean stackTraceEnabled; private boolean tcpNoDelayEnabled;//tcp是否有延时 private boolean cacheEnabled;//是否开启缓存 private boolean tightEncodingEnabled; private boolean sizePrefixDisabled; private long maxInactivityDuration; private long maxInactivityDurationInitalDelay; private int cacheSize;缓存大小// private long maxFrameSize; private String host;//broker ip public OpenWireFormatFactory() { version = 11; stackTraceEnabled = true; tcpNoDelayEnabled = true; cacheEnabled = true; tightEncodingEnabled = true; maxInactivityDuration = 30000L; maxInactivityDurationInitalDelay = 10000L; cacheSize = 1024; maxFrameSize = 9223372036854775807L; host = null; } public WireFormat createWireFormat() { //创建WireFormat协议信息 WireFormatInfo info = new WireFormatInfo(); info.setVersion(version); try { //设置wireFormat协议下,socket发送消息的缓存,ip,延时等信息 info.setStackTraceEnabled(stackTraceEnabled); info.setCacheEnabled(cacheEnabled); info.setTcpNoDelayEnabled(tcpNoDelayEnabled); info.setTightEncodingEnabled(tightEncodingEnabled); info.setSizePrefixDisabled(sizePrefixDisabled); info.setMaxInactivityDuration(maxInactivityDuration); info.setMaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay(maxInactivityDurationInitalDelay); info.setCacheSize(cacheSize); info.setMaxFrameSize(maxFrameSize); if(host != null) info.setHost(host); } catch(Exception e) { IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException("Could not configure WireFormatInfo"); ise.initCause(e); throw ise; } //创建OpenWireFormat OpenWireFormat f = new OpenWireFormat(version); f.setMaxFrameSize(maxFrameSize); f.setPreferedWireFormatInfo(info); return f; } }
public final class OpenWireFormat implements WireFormat { public static final int DEFAULT_STORE_VERSION = 11; public static final int DEFAULT_WIRE_VERSION = 11; public static final int DEFAULT_LEGACY_VERSION = 6; public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 9223372036854775807L; static final byte NULL_TYPE = 0; private static final int MARSHAL_CACHE_SIZE = 16383; private static final int MARSHAL_CACHE_FREE_SPACE = 100; private DataStreamMarshaller dataMarshallers[]; private int version; private boolean stackTraceEnabled; private boolean tcpNoDelayEnabled;//是否有延时 private boolean cacheEnabled;//是否启动缓存 private boolean tightEncodingEnabled; private boolean sizePrefixDisabled; private long maxFrameSize; private short nextMarshallCacheIndex; private short nextMarshallCacheEvictionIndex; private Map marshallCacheMap; private DataStructure marshallCache[]; private DataStructure unmarshallCache[]; private DataByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut;//输出流 private DataByteArrayInputStream bytesIn; private WireFormatInfo preferedWireFormatInfo;//协议信息 public OpenWireFormat(int i) { maxFrameSize = 9223372036854775807L; marshallCacheMap = new HashMap(); marshallCache = null; unmarshallCache = null; bytesOut = new DataByteArrayOutputStream(); bytesIn = new DataByteArrayInputStream(); setVersion(i); } }
wireFormat.marshal(command, dataOut);
public synchronized void marshal(Object o, DataOutput dataOut) throws IOException { if(cacheEnabled) runMarshallCacheEvictionSweep(); int size = 1; if(o != null) { //获取数据类型 DataStructure c = (DataStructure)o; byte type = c.getDataStructureType(); DataStreamMarshaller dsm = dataMarshallers[type & 255]; if(dsm == null) throw new IOException((new StringBuilder()).append("Unknown data type: ").append(type).toString()); if(tightEncodingEnabled) { BooleanStream bs = new BooleanStream(); size += dsm.tightMarshal1(this, c, bs); size += bs.marshalledSize(); if(!sizePrefixDisabled) dataOut.writeInt(size); dataOut.writeByte(type); bs.marshal(dataOut); dsm.tightMarshal2(this, c, dataOut, bs); } else { DataOutput looseOut = dataOut; if(!sizePrefixDisabled) { bytesOut.restart(); looseOut = bytesOut; } //将类型写到数据输出流 looseOut.writeByte(type); //将消息信息写到输出流 dsm.looseMarshal(this, c, looseOut); if(!sizePrefixDisabled) { ByteSequence sequence = bytesOut.toByteSequence(); dataOut.writeInt(sequence.getLength()); dataOut.write(sequence.getData(), sequence.getOffset(), sequence.getLength()); } } } else { if(!sizePrefixDisabled) dataOut.writeInt(size); dataOut.writeByte(0); } }
将消息信息写到输出流 dsm.looseMarshal(this, c, looseOut);
public void looseMarshal(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object o, DataOutput dataOut) throws IOException { WireFormatInfo info = (WireFormatInfo)o; info.beforeMarshall(wireFormat); super.looseMarshal(wireFormat, o, dataOut); looseMarshalConstByteArray(wireFormat, info.getMagic(), dataOut, 8); dataOut.writeInt(info.getVersion()); looseMarshalByteSequence(wireFormat, info.getMarshalledProperties(), dataOut); }
public class JMSEndpointStatsImpl extends StatsImpl { protected CountStatisticImpl messageCount;//消息数统计 protected CountStatisticImpl pendingMessageCount; protected CountStatisticImpl expiredMessageCount;//过期消息统计 protected TimeStatisticImpl messageWaitTime;//消息等待时间统计 protected TimeStatisticImpl messageRateTime; public void onMessage() { if(enabled) { long start = messageCount.getLastSampleTime(); messageCount.increment();//增加消息数 long end = messageCount.getLastSampleTime(); messageRateTime.addTime(end - start); } } }
public class CountStatisticImpl extends StatisticImpl implements CountStatistic { private final AtomicLong counter;//消息计数器 private CountStatisticImpl parent; //生产者,生产消息,增加消息计数器 public void increment() { if(isEnabled()) { counter.incrementAndGet(); updateSampleTime(); if(parent != null) parent.increment(); } } }
public void commit() throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if(!getTransacted()) throw new IllegalStateException("Not a transacted session"); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug((new StringBuilder()).append(getSessionId()).append(" Transaction Commit :").append(transactionContext.getTransactionId()).toString()); //提交事务 transactionContext.commit(); }
public void commit() throws JMSException { if(isInXATransaction()) throw new TransactionInProgressException("Cannot commit() if an XA transaction is already in progress "); try { beforeEnd(); } catch(JMSException e) { rollback(); throw e; } if(transactionId != null) { LOG.debug("Commit: {} syncCount: {}", transactionId, Integer.valueOf(synchronizations == null ? 0 : synchronizations.size())); TransactionInfo info = new TransactionInfo(getConnectionId(), transactionId, (byte)2); transactionId = null; try { //发送事务提交信息 syncSendPacketWithInterruptionHandling(info); if(localTransactionEventListener != null) localTransactionEventListener.commitEvent(); afterCommit(); } catch(JMSException cause) {"commit failed for transaction {}", info.getTransactionId(), cause); if(localTransactionEventListener != null) localTransactionEventListener.rollbackEvent(); afterRollback(); throw cause; } } }
public void close() throws JMSException { boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted(); if(!closed.get() && !transportFailed.get()) //关闭会话 doStop(false); synchronized(this) { if(!closed.get()) { closing.set(true);//设置关闭状态 //关闭目的地 if(destinationSource != null) { destinationSource.stop(); destinationSource = null; } if(advisoryConsumer != null) { advisoryConsumer.dispose(); advisoryConsumer = null; } //关闭调度器 Scheduler scheduler = this.scheduler; if(scheduler != null) try { scheduler.stop(); } catch(Exception e) { JMSException ex = JMSExceptionSupport.create(e); throw ex; } long lastDeliveredSequenceId = -1L; for(Iterator i = sessions.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ActiveMQSession s = (ActiveMQSession); s.dispose(); lastDeliveredSequenceId = Math.max(lastDeliveredSequenceId, s.getLastDeliveredSequenceId()); } ActiveMQConnectionConsumer c; //移除消费者信息 for(Iterator i = connectionConsumers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); c.dispose()) c = (ActiveMQConnectionConsumer); activeTempDestinations.clear(); if(isConnectionInfoSentToBroker) { RemoveInfo removeCommand = info.createRemoveCommand(); removeCommand.setLastDeliveredSequenceId(lastDeliveredSequenceId); try { //发送移除命令 doSyncSendPacket(removeCommand, closeTimeout); } catch(JMSException e) { if(!(e.getCause() instanceof RequestTimedOutIOException)) throw e; } //发送关闭命令 doAsyncSendPacket(new ShutdownInfo()); } started.set(false); if(sessionTaskRunner != null) sessionTaskRunner.shutdown(); closed.set(true); closing.set(false); } } try { if(executor != null) //关闭线程执行器 ThreadPoolUtils.shutdown(executor); } catch(Throwable e) { LOG.warn((new StringBuilder()).append("Error shutting down thread pool: ").append(executor).append(". This exception will be ignored.").toString(), e); } //关闭transport ServiceSupport.dispose(transport); //从连接状态管理器移除连接 factoryStats.removeConnection(this); if(interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_506; Exception exception1; exception1; try { if(executor != null) ThreadPoolUtils.shutdown(executor); } catch(Throwable e) { LOG.warn((new StringBuilder()).append("Error shutting down thread pool: ").append(executor).append(". This exception will be ignored.").toString(), e); } ServiceSupport.dispose(transport); factoryStats.removeConnection(this); if(interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw exception1; }
void doStop(boolean checkClosed) throws JMSException { if(checkClosed) checkClosedOrFailed(); if(started.compareAndSet(true, false)) synchronized(sessions) { ActiveMQSession s; for(Iterator i = sessions.iterator(); i.hasNext(); s.stop()) s = (ActiveMQSession); } }
public class MemoryUsage extends Usage { public MemoryUsage(String name) { this(null, name); } //等待空间可利用 public boolean waitForSpace(long timeout) throws InterruptedException { if(parent != null && !((MemoryUsage)parent).waitForSpace(timeout)) return false; usageLock.readLock().lock(); if(percentUsage < 100) break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_124; usageLock.readLock().unlock(); usageLock.writeLock().lock(); while(percentUsage >= 100) waitForSpaceCondition.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); usageLock.readLock().lock(); usageLock.writeLock().unlock(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_124; Exception exception; exception; usageLock.writeLock().unlock(); throw exception; boolean flag = percentUsage < 100; usageLock.readLock().unlock(); return flag; Exception exception1; exception1; usageLock.readLock().unlock(); throw exception1; } //内存是否满 public boolean isFull() { if(parent != null && ((MemoryUsage)parent).isFull()) return true; usageLock.readLock().lock(); boolean flag = percentUsage >= 100; usageLock.readLock().unlock(); return flag; Exception exception; exception; usageLock.readLock().unlock(); throw exception; } //增加内存使用量 public void increaseUsage(long value) { if(value == 0L) return; usageLock.writeLock().lock(); usage += value; setPercentUsage(caclPercentUsage()); usageLock.writeLock().unlock(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_61; Exception exception; exception; usageLock.writeLock().unlock(); throw exception; if(parent != null) ((MemoryUsage)parent).increaseUsage(value); return; } //减少内存使用量 public void decreaseUsage(long value) { if(value == 0L) return; usageLock.writeLock().lock(); usage -= value; setPercentUsage(caclPercentUsage()); usageLock.writeLock().unlock(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_61; Exception exception; exception; usageLock.writeLock().unlock(); throw exception; if(parent != null) ((MemoryUsage)parent).decreaseUsage(value); return; } }
public abstract class Usage implements Service { //内存使用锁 protected final ReentrantReadWriteLock usageLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); protected final Condition waitForSpaceCondition;//等待条件 protected int percentUsage;//内存使用百分比 protected Usage parent; protected String name; private UsageCapacity limiter; private int percentUsageMinDelta; private final List listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); private final boolean debug; private float usagePortion; private final List children = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); private final List callbacks = new LinkedList(); private int pollingTime; private final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(); private ThreadPoolExecutor executor; } //消息,消息目的转化器 public final class ActiveMQMessageTransformation { //转化目的地 public static ActiveMQDestination transformDestination(Destination destination) throws JMSException { ActiveMQDestination activeMQDestination = null; if(destination != null) { if(destination instanceof ActiveMQDestination) return (ActiveMQDestination)destination; if(destination instanceof TemporaryQueue) activeMQDestination = new ActiveMQTempQueue(((Queue)destination).getQueueName()); else if(destination instanceof TemporaryTopic) activeMQDestination = new ActiveMQTempTopic(((Topic)destination).getTopicName()); else if(destination instanceof Queue) activeMQDestination = new ActiveMQQueue(((Queue)destination).getQueueName()); else if(destination instanceof Topic) activeMQDestination = new ActiveMQTopic(((Topic)destination).getTopicName()); } return activeMQDestination; } //转换消息 public static ActiveMQMessage transformMessage(Message message, ActiveMQConnection connection) throws JMSException { if(message instanceof ActiveMQMessage) return (ActiveMQMessage)message; ActiveMQMessage activeMessage = null; if(message instanceof BytesMessage) { BytesMessage bytesMsg = (BytesMessage)message; bytesMsg.reset(); ActiveMQBytesMessage msg = new ActiveMQBytesMessage(); msg.setConnection(connection); try { do msg.writeByte(bytesMsg.readByte()); while(true); } catch(MessageEOFException messageeofexception) { } catch(JMSException jmsexception) { } activeMessage = msg; } else if(message instanceof MapMessage) { MapMessage mapMsg = (MapMessage)message; ActiveMQMapMessage msg = new ActiveMQMapMessage(); msg.setConnection(connection); String name; for(Enumeration iter = mapMsg.getMapNames(); iter.hasMoreElements(); msg.setObject(name, mapMsg.getObject(name))) name = iter.nextElement().toString(); activeMessage = msg; } else if(message instanceof ObjectMessage) { ObjectMessage objMsg = (ObjectMessage)message; ActiveMQObjectMessage msg = new ActiveMQObjectMessage(); msg.setConnection(connection); msg.setObject(objMsg.getObject()); msg.storeContent(); activeMessage = msg; } else if(message instanceof StreamMessage) { StreamMessage streamMessage = (StreamMessage)message; streamMessage.reset(); ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); msg.setConnection(connection); Object obj = null; try { while((obj = streamMessage.readObject()) != null) msg.writeObject(obj); } catch(MessageEOFException messageeofexception1) { } catch(JMSException jmsexception1) { } activeMessage = msg; } else if(message instanceof TextMessage) { TextMessage textMsg = (TextMessage)message; ActiveMQTextMessage msg = new ActiveMQTextMessage(); msg.setConnection(connection); msg.setText(textMsg.getText()); activeMessage = msg; } else if(message instanceof BlobMessage) { BlobMessage blobMessage = (BlobMessage)message; ActiveMQBlobMessage msg = new ActiveMQBlobMessage(); msg.setConnection(connection); if(connection != null) msg.setBlobDownloader(new BlobDownloader(connection.getBlobTransferPolicy())); try { msg.setURL(blobMessage.getURL()); } catch(MalformedURLException malformedurlexception) { } activeMessage = msg; } else { activeMessage = new ActiveMQMessage(); activeMessage.setConnection(connection); } copyProperties(message, activeMessage); return activeMessage; } public static void copyProperties(Message fromMessage, Message toMessage) throws JMSException { toMessage.setJMSMessageID(fromMessage.getJMSMessageID()); toMessage.setJMSCorrelationID(fromMessage.getJMSCorrelationID()); toMessage.setJMSReplyTo(transformDestination(fromMessage.getJMSReplyTo())); toMessage.setJMSDestination(transformDestination(fromMessage.getJMSDestination())); toMessage.setJMSDeliveryMode(fromMessage.getJMSDeliveryMode()); toMessage.setJMSRedelivered(fromMessage.getJMSRedelivered()); toMessage.setJMSType(fromMessage.getJMSType()); toMessage.setJMSExpiration(fromMessage.getJMSExpiration()); toMessage.setJMSPriority(fromMessage.getJMSPriority()); toMessage.setJMSTimestamp(fromMessage.getJMSTimestamp()); String name; Object obj; for(Enumeration propertyNames = fromMessage.getPropertyNames(); propertyNames.hasMoreElements(); toMessage.setObjectProperty(name, obj)) { name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); obj = fromMessage.getObjectProperty(name); } } }
public interface DeliveryMode { public static final int NON_PERSISTENT = 1; public static final int PERSISTENT = 2; }
package; import; import; /** * Only the identity of the class of an Externalizable instance is * written in the serialization stream and it is the responsibility * of the class to save and restore the contents of its instances. * * The writeExternal and readExternal methods of the Externalizable * interface are implemented by a class to give the class complete * control over the format and contents of the stream for an object * and its supertypes. These methods must explicitly * coordinate with the supertype to save its state. These methods supersede * customized implementations of writeObject and readObject methods.
* * Object Serialization uses the Serializable and Externalizable * interfaces. Object persistence mechanisms can use them as well. Each * object to be stored is tested for the Externalizable interface. If * the object supports Externalizable, the writeExternal method is called. If the * object does not support Externalizable and does implement * Serializable, the object is saved using * ObjectOutputStream.
When an Externalizable object is * reconstructed, an instance is created using the public no-arg * constructor, then the readExternal method called. Serializable * objects are restored by reading them from an ObjectInputStream.
* * An Externalizable instance can designate a substitution object via * the writeReplace and readResolve methods documented in the Serializable * interface.
* * @author unascribed * @see * @see * @see * @see * @see * @since JDK1.1 */ public interface Externalizable extends { /** * The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents * by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or * calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, * and arrays. * * @serialData Overriding methods should use this tag to describe * the data layout of this Externalizable object. * List the sequence of element types and, if possible, * relate the element to a public/protected field and/or * method of this Externalizable class. * * @param out the stream to write the object to * @exception IOException Includes any I/O exceptions that may occur */ void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException; /** * The object implements the readExternal method to restore its * contents by calling the methods of DataInput for primitive * types and readObject for objects, strings and arrays. The * readExternal method must read the values in the same sequence * and with the same types as were written by writeExternal. * * @param in the stream to read data from in order to restore the object * @exception IOException if I/O errors occur * @exception ClassNotFoundException If the class for an object being * restored cannot be found. */ void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException; } package; /** * ObjectOutput extends the DataOutput interface to include writing of objects. * DataOutput includes methods for output of primitive types, ObjectOutput * extends that interface to include objects, arrays, and Strings. * * @author unascribed * @see * @see * @see * @since JDK1.1 */ public interface ObjectOutput extends DataOutput, AutoCloseable { /** * Write an object to the underlying storage or stream. The * class that implements this interface defines how the object is * written. * * @param obj the object to be written * @exception IOException Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions. */ public void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException; /** * Writes a byte. This method will block until the byte is actually * written. * @param b the byte * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ public void write(int b) throws IOException; /** * Writes an array of bytes. This method will block until the bytes * are actually written. * @param b the data to be written * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException; /** * Writes a sub array of bytes. * @param b the data to be written * @param off the start offset in the data * @param len the number of bytes that are written * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException; /** * Flushes the stream. This will write any buffered * output bytes. * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ public void flush() throws IOException; /** * Closes the stream. This method must be called * to release any resources associated with the * stream. * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ public void close() throws IOException; }