Busy on Busy这个功能首先出现在Ignite 2016上介绍Skype for Business的新功能时出现的,意思是当拨打对方的Teams时,若对方忙线,会听到Busy Signal.


Teams 新功能更新【五月底】Busy on Busy 忙线音_第1张图片

那么现在Teams上面的Busy on busy的功能也是一样,若对方忙线,会听到Busy Signal 或转到留言,原文如下:
Busy on Busy is a feature that allows callers to know if a user is already on another call or meeting when contacting them. When a call comes in to a user who is already engaged in a call or meeting, this setting alerts the calling party that the user is busy by playing a busy signal or an appropriate message.

Busy on Busy这个开关会在Teams Calling Policy中设置,到时我会把截图更在这篇Blog上面,敬请期待。

根据消息,这个功能将会在四月底开始Roll Out, 直接五月底完成全球的Roll Out
Teams 新功能更新【五月底】Busy on Busy 忙线音_第2张图片