重新实现JCAPI的JCE Provider

The Pheox JCAPI ( http://pheox.com/download) 提供一个JCE Provider可以直接操作Microsoft 操作系统本地证书库/私钥的。JCAPI用一个jcapi.dll封装了这些复杂性,这个dll负责调用Windows内置的CSP来完成加密签名哈希等密码运算。
00000001     10002AA0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreCipherJNI_decrypt@ 24
00000002     100021A0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreCipherJNI_encrypt@ 20
00000003     100027A0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreCipherJNI_encryptWithPrivateKey@ 20
00000004     10001E10    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreCipherJNI_getPrivateKeySize@ 12
00000005      10003610     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_aliases@ 16
00000006     100039D0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_containsAlias@ 12
00000007     10005E50    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_createBase64Hash@ 12
00000008     10003B30    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_deleteEntry@ 12
00000009     10003DA0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_getCertificate@ 12
0000000A    10003FE0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_getCertificateChain@
10004530     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_getKey@ 12
0000000C    10004C00    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_isKeyEntry@
0000000D    10004E00    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_setCertificateEntry@
10005020     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_setKeyEntry@ 44
0000000F    10005CA0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreKeyStoreJNI_size@
00000010     100062A0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreSignatureJNI_hashFinal@ 12
00000011     10005F80    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreSignatureJNI_hashInit@ 12
00000012      10006140     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreSignatureJNI_hashUpdate@ 16
00000013      10006430     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreSignatureJNI_sign@ 28
00000014     10006F60    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreSignatureJNI_verify@ 28
00000015     10007CF0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_addPKCS11CSP@ 16
00000016      10007880     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_createCertEntryStore@ 8
00000017     10007C20    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getAddedPKCS11CSPs@ 8
00000018     100078E0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getCSP@ 12
00000019     10008F10    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getCertStoreFriendlyName@ 12
0000001A    100089C0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getCertificateFriendlyName@
10007500     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getJCAPIDLLVersion@ 8
10007520     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getMSCSPs@ 8
10009010     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getMSCertStoreNames@ 8
0000001E    10007E20    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getPKCS11DLLName@
0000001F    100083F0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getPKCS11TokenInfo@
00000020     10007B50    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_getSupportedPKCS11CSPs@ 8
00000021     100077A0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_init@ 12
00000022     10007F40    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_isPKCS11PrivateKey@ 12
00000023     10007D90    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_removePKCS11CSP@ 12
00000024     10008F90    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_reportMemStatus@ 8
00000025      10008360     _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_setCallbackPinCode@ 12
00000026     100083B0    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_setCertOpenStoreFlags@ 12
00000027     10008C80    _Java_com_pheox_jcapi_CoreUtilJNI_setCertificateFriendlyName@ 16
0000002C    CertEnumSystemStore
00000041     CertGetCertificateContextProperty
0000008B    CryptFindLocalizedName
00000056     CertRegisterSystemStore
00000097     CryptHashCertificate
00000061     CertSetCertificateContextProperty
00000019     CertCreateCertificateContext
00000004     CertAddCertificateContextToStore
00000044     CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore
0000001E    CertDeleteCertificateFromStore
00000029     CertEnumCertificatesInStore
0000007C    CryptDecodeObject
0000009C    CryptImportPublicKeyInfo
00000050     CertOpenStore
00000032     CertFindCertificateInStore
0000000F    CertCloseStore
0000003C    CertFreeCertificateContext

导入, ADVAPI32.dll
顺序 (示意)    名字
000000A8    CryptSignHashA
00000099     CryptGetHashParam
0000008B    CryptDestroyHash
0000009D    CryptHashData
00000088     CryptCreateHash
00000094     CryptExportKey
00000089     CryptDecrypt
0000009F    CryptImportKey
0000008F    CryptEncrypt
0000009C    CryptGetUserKey
0000009A    CryptGetKeyParam
0000008C    CryptDestroyKey
00000085     CryptAcquireContextA
000000A0    CryptReleaseContext
000000AA    CryptVerifySignatureA
00000092     CryptEnumProvidersA
000001C9    RegCloseKey
000001EC    RegQueryValueExA
000001F9    RegSetValueExA
000001CD    RegCreateKeyExA
000001E2    RegOpenKeyExA
000000A1    CryptSetHashParam


  • java.security.KeyStoreSpi
  • java.security.SignatureSpi
  • javax.crypto.CipherSpi

    也就是,我们通过Java应用程序可以直接借助于JCE API来调用CryptoAPI。

    这个JCE API算法支持下面的基本操作

    • Add, remove, list and access X.509 certificates.
    • Add, remove, access and export RSA private keys.
    • Create signatures with RSA private keys using the following algorithms:
      • SHA1withRSA
      • MD5withRSA
      • MD2withRSA
    • Verify signatures with RSA public keys.
    • Encrypt/decrypt data with RSA public/private keys using the following algorithm, mode and padding:
      • RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding
    • Wrap and unwrap symmetric- and asymmetric keys with RSA key pairs through MS CAPI and PKCS#11.
    • Built-in support for tested PKCS#11 CSP manufacturers that is compliant with the functions required by JCAPI.
    • Dynamically adding/removing of PKCS#11 CSPs into JCAPI.
    • Private key call-back interface for PKCS#11 providers. You can provide your own preferred Java call-back implementation to be called whenever a private key is accessed through PKCS#11.
    • List and configure MS CAPI system (certificate) stores.
    • Use a MS CAPI system (certificate) store as an un-trusted store.
    • Set and get MS CAPI friendly names for certificates.
    • Get MS CAPI friendly names for system (certificate) stores.
    • Get detailed information about your PKCS#11 hardware token through the JCAPI PKCS#11 information class.
    • Use JCAPI supported plug-ins. A JCAPI plug-in is a signed JAR file that extends or enhances the functionality of JCAPI without the need of recompiling JCAPI.
    • JCAPI SSL plugin. Use this plug-in to simplify the work of integrating the JCAPI key store for SSL enabled applications. The plug-in transparently supports both the old JSSE version for Java 1.3, and the newer versions included in Java 1.4 and higher. This plug-in transparently supports the PKCS#11 implementation as defined in Java 5. Your JCAPI supported hardware keys can be plugged in and used immediately for SSL. JCAPI will automatically configure the token for you by setting the correct slot identity to use etc.
    • JCAPI X.509 Factory plug-in. Use this plug-in to transparently replace any other X.509 certificate factories used by your Java system.
    • JCAPI is signed with a qualified code signing certificate that is trusted by all modern web browsers which makes it suitable in trusted applets.

    JCE API支持一下的系统,我只是在Windows2000上测试通过,其他平台我不能保证破解能正常使用。

    • Windows 98
    • Windows 98 SE
    • Windows ME
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP

    JCE 支持JDK1.4以上,JDK1.3稍微为麻烦,要自己配制JCE和JSSE

    • Java 1.3.1 with JCE 1.2.2 and JSSE 1.0.3
    • Java 1.4
    • Java 1.5


    JCAPI的时间限制比较容易去除,但由于JNI层以上的代码做了大量混淆,我不得不重写这个JCE Provider,最起码要实现KeyStoreSpi,SignatureSpi和CipherSpi。

  • JCAPI的JCE Provider我将会在下个月提供

  • 你可能感兴趣的:(Java,Windows,JNI,XP,Security)