SOLR Cloud(8)Deployment and Backup Cloud
Since we already have EFS on the old cluster, we stop consumer and back up the data first
Status check to make sure we already success on backing up
You can also check the size in /efs directory
>du -h
Build the latest settings
>make ZK_ROOT=/solr/allJobsTest clean build
Push the latest Docker Image to Repository
>make push
Create a new cluster, and ask this cluster to join the same cloud as the previous cluster
>cd elasticbeanstalk/
>make ENVIRONMENT=allJobs2 ZK_ROOT=/solr/allJobs create
It the new machines did not join the cloud, we add replica
>curl "http://allJobsTest.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/solr/admin/collections?action=ADDREPLICA&collection=allJobs&shard=shard1"
After that the new cluster will copy the data from leader from the old cluster
Do Cname swap on AWS for the 2 clusters
After stable for 1 week, shutdown the old Cluster