TaskScheduler mapreduce的任务调度器类,当jobClient 提交一个job 给JobTracker 的时候.JobTracker 接受taskTracker 的心跳.心跳信息含有空闲的slot信息等.JobTracker 则通过调用TaskScheduler 的assignTasks()方法类给报告心跳信息中含有空闲的slots信息的taskTracker 分布任务、
TaskScheduler 类为hadoop的 调度器的抽象类。默认继承它作为hadoop调度器的方式为FIFO,当然也有Capacity 和Fair等其他调度器,也可以自己编写符合特定场景所需要的调度器.通过继承TaskScheduler 类即可完成该功能、
下面就 FIFO 调度器进行简单的说明:
JobQueueTaskScheduler 类为FIFO 调度器的实现类.
1. 首先JobQueueTaskSchduler 注册两个监听器类:
JobQueueJobInProgressListener jobQueueJobInProgressListener;
EagerTaskInitializationListener eagerTaskInitializationListener;
JobQueueJobInProgressListener 维护一个job的queue ,其中JobSchedulingInfo 中包含job调度的信息:priority,startTime,id.以及 jobAdd update 等操作jobqueue的方法
EagerTaskInitializationListener 初始化job的listener ,这里所谓的初始化不是初始化job的属性信息,而是针对已经存在jobqueue中 即将被执行job的初始化,
class JobInitManager implements Runnable { public void run() { JobInProgress job = null; while (true) { try { synchronized (jobInitQueue) { while (jobInitQueue.isEmpty()) { jobInitQueue.wait(); } job = jobInitQueue.remove(0); } threadPool.execute(new InitJob(job)); } catch (InterruptedException t) { LOG.info("JobInitManagerThread interrupted."); break; } } LOG.info("Shutting down thread pool"); threadPool.shutdownNow(); } }
resortInitQueue 按照priority 和starttime 来排序
public EagerTaskInitializationListener(Configuration conf) { numThreads = conf.getInt("mapred.jobinit.threads", DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS); threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads); }
在JobTracker 启动的时候 创建 mapred.jobinit.threads 改数量的线程去监控jobqueue.当jobqueue 中含有job的时候 则initjob
class InitJob implements Runnable { private JobInProgress job; public InitJob(JobInProgress job) { this.job = job; } //调用run方法 回调TaskTrackerManager public void run() { ttm.initJob(job); } }
下面分析分析 FIFO模式下的 assignTasks()
@Override public synchronized ListassignTasks(TaskTracker taskTracker) throws IOException { TaskTrackerStatus taskTrackerStatus = taskTracker.getStatus(); ClusterStatus clusterStatus = taskTrackerManager.getClusterStatus(); //获取集群中TaskTracker 总数 final int numTaskTrackers = clusterStatus.getTaskTrackers(); //集群中map slot总数 final int clusterMapCapacity = clusterStatus.getMaxMapTasks(); //集群中reduce slot 总数 final int clusterReduceCapacity = clusterStatus.getMaxReduceTasks(); Collection jobQueue = jobQueueJobInProgressListener.getJobQueue(); // // Get map + reduce counts for the current tracker. // //当前的taskTracker 上map slot 总数 final int trackerMapCapacity = taskTrackerStatus.getMaxMapSlots(); //当前的taskTracker 上reduce slot 总数 final int trackerReduceCapacity = taskTrackerStatus.getMaxReduceSlots(); //当前的taskTracker上正在运行的 map数目 final int trackerRunningMaps = taskTrackerStatus.countMapTasks(); //当前的taskTracker上正在运行的 reduce数目 final int trackerRunningReduces = taskTrackerStatus.countReduceTasks(); // Assigned tasks List assignedTasks = new ArrayList (); // // Compute (running + pending) map and reduce task numbers across pool // //该taskTracker上剩余的reduce数 int remainingReduceLoad = 0; //该taskTracker 剩余的map数 int remainingMapLoad = 0; synchronized (jobQueue) { for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) { if (job.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING) { remainingMapLoad += (job.desiredMaps() - job.finishedMaps()); if (job.scheduleReduces()) { remainingReduceLoad += (job.desiredReduces() - job.finishedReduces()); } } } } // Compute the 'load factor' for maps and reduces //map因子 double mapLoadFactor = 0.0; if (clusterMapCapacity > 0) { mapLoadFactor = (double)remainingMapLoad / clusterMapCapacity; } double reduceLoadFactor = 0.0; if (clusterReduceCapacity > 0) { reduceLoadFactor = (double)remainingReduceLoad / clusterReduceCapacity; } // // In the below steps, we allocate first map tasks (if appropriate), // and then reduce tasks if appropriate. We go through all jobs // in order of job arrival; jobs only get serviced if their // predecessors are serviced, too. // // // We assign tasks to the current taskTracker if the given machine // has a workload that's less than the maximum load of that kind of // task. // However, if the cluster is close to getting loaded i.e. we don't // have enough _padding_ for speculative executions etc., we only // schedule the "highest priority" task i.e. the task from the job // with the highest priority. // final int trackerCurrentMapCapacity = Math.min((int)Math.ceil(mapLoadFactor * trackerMapCapacity), trackerMapCapacity); int availableMapSlots = trackerCurrentMapCapacity - trackerRunningMaps; boolean exceededMapPadding = false; if (availableMapSlots > 0) { exceededMapPadding = exceededPadding(true, clusterStatus, trackerMapCapacity); } int numLocalMaps = 0; int numNonLocalMaps = 0; scheduleMaps: for (int i=0; i < availableMapSlots; ++i) { synchronized (jobQueue) { for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) { if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING) { continue; } Task t = null; // Try to schedule a node-local or rack-local Map task t = job.obtainNewNodeOrRackLocalMapTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers, taskTrackerManager.getNumberOfUniqueHosts()); if (t != null) { assignedTasks.add(t); ++numLocalMaps; // Don't assign map tasks to the hilt! // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures, // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job if (exceededMapPadding) { break scheduleMaps; } // Try all jobs again for the next Map task break; } // Try to schedule a node-local or rack-local Map task t = job.obtainNewNonLocalMapTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers, taskTrackerManager.getNumberOfUniqueHosts()); if (t != null) { assignedTasks.add(t); ++numNonLocalMaps; // We assign at most 1 off-switch or speculative task // This is to prevent TaskTrackers from stealing local-tasks // from other TaskTrackers. break scheduleMaps; } } } } int assignedMaps = assignedTasks.size(); // // Same thing, but for reduce tasks // However we _never_ assign more than 1 reduce task per heartbeat // final int trackerCurrentReduceCapacity = Math.min((int)Math.ceil(reduceLoadFactor * trackerReduceCapacity), trackerReduceCapacity); final int availableReduceSlots = Math.min((trackerCurrentReduceCapacity - trackerRunningReduces), 1); boolean exceededReducePadding = false; if (availableReduceSlots > 0) { exceededReducePadding = exceededPadding(false, clusterStatus, trackerReduceCapacity); synchronized (jobQueue) { for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) { if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING || job.numReduceTasks == 0) { continue; } Task t = job.obtainNewReduceTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers, taskTrackerManager.getNumberOfUniqueHosts() ); if (t != null) { assignedTasks.add(t); break; } // Don't assign reduce tasks to the hilt! // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures, // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job if (exceededReducePadding) { break; } } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Task assignments for " + taskTrackerStatus.getTrackerName() + " --> " + "[" + mapLoadFactor + ", " + trackerMapCapacity + ", " + trackerCurrentMapCapacity + ", " + trackerRunningMaps + "] -> [" + (trackerCurrentMapCapacity - trackerRunningMaps) + ", " + assignedMaps + " (" + numLocalMaps + ", " + numNonLocalMaps + ")] [" + reduceLoadFactor + ", " + trackerReduceCapacity + ", " + trackerCurrentReduceCapacity + "," + trackerRunningReduces + "] -> [" + (trackerCurrentReduceCapacity - trackerRunningReduces) + ", " + (assignedTasks.size()-assignedMaps) + "]"); } return assignedTasks; }
obtainNewNodeOrRackLocalMapTask 和obtainNewNonLocalMapTask