Mounting an NFS shared resource to Windows


NFS node

Edit /etc/exports

vi /etc/exports

Add following content.

/a/global  (rw,no_root_squash)
/home  (rw,no_root_squash)

Restart NFS service:


/etc/init.d/nfs restart


service nfs restart

Windows nodes:

Install and Uninstall Services for Network File System Using OCSetup.exe:

Before running OCSetup.exe at a command prompt, set the command prompt to run as an administrator (even if you are logged on as an administrator on the computer).

1. Click the Start button, and select All Programs.
2. Select Accessories.
3. Right-click the command prompt, and click Run as administrator.

Ocsetup ServicesForNFS-ServerAndClient;ClientForNFS-Infrastructure;NFS-Administration

Mounting an NFS shared resource to a drive letter:

mount -u:root -p: \\\a\global z:


mount -u:root -p:password \\\d\oss z:




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