Large ExtJS4 MVC application skeleton
This is an ExtJS 4 MVC application skeleton.
Current features
Routed Application (https://github.com/christocracy/RoutedApp from Chris Scott)
Statefull tree menu
History Support (back and forward support)
Login box (used the Ex.ux.LoginDialog from Sumit Madan for it)
Module support (if possible)
Add a config file that can be used in the application (with dev/prod support)
Dashboard like http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/example/portal/portal.html
Translations (not the Extjs way, but something like https://github.com/mitchellsimoens/Ext.LocaleManager)
Better Crud examples with JSON data files (including stores and models)
Authentication and Authorization support
Diffrent navigation layout support
Add Unit Tests
Just extract ExtJS 4.0.7 in the extjs folder and it should work.
Live demo: http://extjs.dbpatch-project.com (username admin with no password)
- extjs4_mvc_skel-master.rar (28.5 KB)
- 下载次数: 2