一个ResourceNotFound Exception引发的思考

问题背景:在大模式下启动相机,直接crash报了ResourceNotFound Exception。
sw(N)dp = 屏幕的宽度 / density

private void computeSizeRangesAndScreenLayout(DisplayInfo displayInfo, boolean rotated,
                  int dw, int dh, float density, Configuration outConfig) {
        // TODO: Multidisplay: for now only use with default display.

        // We need to determine the smallest width that will occur under normal
        // operation.  To this, start with the base screen size and compute the
        // width under the different possible rotations.  We need to un-rotate
        // the current screen dimensions before doing this.
        int unrotDw, unrotDh;
        if (rotated) {
            unrotDw = dh;
            unrotDh = dw;
        } else {
            unrotDw = dw;
            unrotDh = dh;
        displayInfo.smallestNominalAppWidth = 1<<30;
        displayInfo.smallestNominalAppHeight = 1<<30;
        displayInfo.largestNominalAppWidth = 0;
        displayInfo.largestNominalAppHeight = 0;
        adjustDisplaySizeRanges(displayInfo, Surface.ROTATION_0, unrotDw, unrotDh);
        adjustDisplaySizeRanges(displayInfo, Surface.ROTATION_90, unrotDh, unrotDw);
        adjustDisplaySizeRanges(displayInfo, Surface.ROTATION_180, unrotDw, unrotDh);
        adjustDisplaySizeRanges(displayInfo, Surface.ROTATION_270, unrotDh, unrotDw);
        int sl = Configuration.resetScreenLayout(outConfig.screenLayout);
        sl = reduceConfigLayout(sl, Surface.ROTATION_0, density, unrotDw, unrotDh);
        sl = reduceConfigLayout(sl, Surface.ROTATION_90, density, unrotDh, unrotDw);
        sl = reduceConfigLayout(sl, Surface.ROTATION_180, density, unrotDw, unrotDh);
        sl = reduceConfigLayout(sl, Surface.ROTATION_270, density, unrotDh, unrotDw);
        outConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp = (int)(displayInfo.smallestNominalAppWidth / density);
        outConfig.screenLayout = sl;


Boolean isLockResMultiDpi = SystemProperties.getBoolean("ro.config.***",false);
if((isLockResMultiDpi && isMultiWhiteList()) || !isLockResMultiDpi){
    smallestNominalAppWidth = (smallestNominalAppWidth*dstDensity+srcDensity-1)/srcDensity;

