x264是一种免费的、具有更优秀算法的H.264/MPEG-4 AVC视频压缩编码格式。它同xvid一样都是开源项目,但x264是采用H.264标准的,而xvid是采用MPEG-4早期标准的。由于H.264是2003年正式发布的最新的视频编码标准,因此,在通常情况下,x264压缩出的视频文件在相同质量下要比xvid压缩出的文件要小,或者也可以说,在相同体积下比xvid压缩出的文件质量要好。它符合GPL许可证。
x264在视频应用中经常使用,很多github上的项目都使用该编码,我这里只是讲一下如何在linux上编译它,并为Android NDK调用服务,你可以按照以下步骤来进行:
1. 安装Android NDK(我安装的是android-ndk-r10c-linux-x86_64.bin);
2. 下载x264:
git clone git:
export NDK_SYSROOT= /opt /ndk /platforms /android- 9 /arch-arm
export PATH= $PATH: /opt /ndk /toolchains /arm-linux-androideabi- 4.6 /prebuilt /linux-x86_64 /bin /
. /configure --cross-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi- \
--sysroot= "$NDK_SYSROOT" --host=arm-linux \
--enable-pic --enable-static --disable-cli
. / make STRIP=
export NDK_SYSROOT= /opt /ndk /platforms /android- 9 /arch-arm
export PATH= $PATH: /opt /ndk /toolchains /arm-linux-androideabi- 4.6 /prebuilt /linux-x86_64 /bin /
. /configure --cross-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi- \
--sysroot= "$NDK_SYSROOT" --host=arm-linux \
--enable-pic --enable-static --disable-cli
. / make STRIP=
#sysroot option provides the logical root directory for
headers and libraries. This is useful when you don’t
want the headers/libraries in the standard paths
affect your build. As we want to use Android cross
compiler so we need to set the path of Android cross
compiler as sysroot.
#sysroot option provides the logical root directory for
headers and libraries. This is useful when you don’t
want the headers/libraries in the standard paths
affect your build. As we want to use Android cross
compiler so we need to set the path of Android cross
compiler as sysroot.
#cross prefix used for locating compilation
tools in PATH env variable e.g in place of
gcc it will use arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
#cross prefix used for locating compilation
tools in PATH env variable e.g in place of
gcc it will use arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
#host system for which we are compiling.
Here we are compiling for 2 different Android
architectures namely armv7 and armv7-a neon
#host system for which we are compiling.
Here we are compiling for 2 different Android
architectures namely armv7 and armv7-a neon
#position-independent code commonly used for shared libraries
#position-independent code commonly used for shared libraries
#build static library
#build static library
#disable cli
#disable cli
# delete local/anonymous symbols,
so they don't show up in oprofile
# delete local/anonymous symbols,
so they don't show up in oprofile
3. 将编译好的libx264.a,x264.h和x264_config.h三个文件防盗jni对应的位置,然后在Android.mk里进行配置;