//计算圆上点的位置 Smooth代表圆的光滑程度,也就是饼图被分为多少等份
int Smooth = 100;
float perRadian = Matfh.PI * 2 / Smooth;//得到每份所占弧度
float radius = x;//半径
float startRadian = 0;
Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2( radius,0 );
for( int i = 0 ; i * perRadian < 0.19f * Mathf.PI * 2 ; i ++ )
float endRadian = startRadian + perRadian;
Vector2 endPoint = new Vector2(Matfh.Cos(startRadian),Mathf.Sin(endRadian));
startRadian = endRadian;
startPoint = endPoint;
float middleRadian = startRadian + radian / 2.0f;
Vector2 point = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(middleRadian),Mathf.Sin(middleRadian)) * radius;
Vector2 secondPoint = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(middleRadian),Mathf.Sin(middleRadian)) * (radius + brokenLineLenght);
Vector2 thridPoint = secondPoint + new Vector2(extralenght,0);
public class PieData
public float Percent;
public Color colorF;
public PieData() { }
public PieData(float percent,Color color0)
Percent = percent/100.0f;
colorF = color0;
public PieData(float percent)
Percent = percent / 100.0f;
colorF = Color.white * percent;
public class Pies
public IList PieDatas = new List();
public Pies() { }
public Pies(IList pieDatas)
PieDatas = pieDatas;
public void AddPieData(Pies pies)
foreach (PieData pieData in pies.PieDatas)
public class PipeGraphic : MaskableGraphic {
private Pies pie = new Pies();
//private List pieText = null;
[Range(0, 15)]public float BoomDegree = 1.5f;
[Range(20, 100)]public float Smooth = 100;
[Header("Percent Text Setting")]
public bool IsShowPercnet = true;
public float holoWidth = 25;
public float radius = 3;
public void Inject(IList percents,IList colors)
IList piesdatas = new List();
for(int i=0;i pieData)
Inject(new Pies(pieData));
public void Inject(Pies pies)
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
if (pie == null) return;
private List DrawPie()
if (pie == null || pie.PieDatas.Count <= 0)
return new List();
//if (IsShowPercnet)
//pieText = new List();
List vertexs = new List();
float perRadian = Mathf.PI * 2 / Smooth; //Smooth个圆弧,每一个所占比例
float totalRadian = 0;
float boomRadian = BoomDegree * Mathf.PI / 180; //间隙所占圆的百分比
float pieRadianBase =Mathf.PI*2- boomRadian*pie.PieDatas.Count; //要绘制圆的总比例=2π-间隙所占百分比
for(int i=0;i
public PipeGraphic pipeGraph;
void Start()
pipeGraph.Inject(new Pies(new List()
new PieData(25 ,Color.blue),
new PieData(25 ,Color.red),
new PieData(25 ,Color.green),
new PieData(25 ,Color.yellow)
//Pie Base Data ,use this data to build Pie Graph
public class PieData
public float Percent;
public Color Color;
public PieData(){}
public PieData(float percent,Color color0)
Percent = percent / 100.0f;
Color = color0;
public PieData(float percent)
Percent = percent / 100.0f;
// auto set color by percent
Color = Color.white * Percent;
//Use this data struct to draw a Pie Graph
public class Pies
public IList PieDatas = new List();
public Pies(){}
public Pies( IList pieDatas )
PieDatas = pieDatas;
public void AddPieData( Pies piedatas )
foreach (PieData pieData in piedatas.PieDatas )
//GUI Text information for pie Graph
public class PieText
public string Content = null;
public Vector2 Position;
public bool IsLeft = true;
public PieText(){}
public PieText( string content,Vector2 position ,bool isLeft )
Content = content;
Position = position;
IsLeft = isLeft;
// core class
public class PieGraph : MaskableGraphic
[Header("Pie Base Setting")]
[Range(5 , 150)]public float PieRadius = 60.0f;
[Range(0 , 120)]public float HollowWidth = 0.0f;
[Range(0, 15)] public float BoomDegree = 1.5f;
[Range(20, 200)] public float Smooth = 100;
[Header("Percent Text Setting")]
public bool IsShowPercnet = true;
[Range(0.5f, 4)] public float BrokenLineWidth = 2;
private Pies PieData = new Pies();
private List _pieText = null;
private Vector3 _realPosition;
public void Inject( IList percents,IList colors )
IList piedatas= new List();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < percents.Count ; i++ )
piedatas.Add(new PieData(percents[i] , colors[i]));
public void Inject( IList percents )
IList piedatas = new List();
foreach (float percent in percents)
piedatas.Add(new PieData(percent));
public void Inject( IList pieData )
Inject(new Pies(pieData));
public void Inject( Pies pies )
#region draw pie
private void OnGUI()
if ( null == _pieText ) return;
if (!IsShowPercnet) return;
Vector3 result = transform.localPosition;
_realPosition = getScreenPosition(transform , ref result);
foreach ( PieText text in _pieText )
Vector2 position = local2Screen(_realPosition , text.Position);
GUIStyle guiStyle = new GUIStyle();
guiStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;
guiStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
guiStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
if ( !text.IsLeft )
guiStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
position += new Vector2(3,-10);
position += new Vector2(-23,-10);
GUI.Label(new Rect(position , new Vector2(20 , 20)) , text.Content , guiStyle);
//draw pie core method
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
if ( null == PieData ) return;
private List DrawPie()
if (PieData == null || PieData.PieDatas.Count <= 0)
return new List();
if (IsShowPercnet)
_pieText = new List();
List vertexs = new List();
float perRadian = Mathf.PI * 2 / Smooth;
float totalRadian = 0;
float boomRadian = BoomDegree * Mathf.PI / 180 ;
float pieRadianBase = Mathf.PI * 2 - boomRadian * PieData.PieDatas.Count;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < PieData.PieDatas.Count ; i++ )
PieData data = PieData.PieDatas[i];
float endRadian = boomRadian + data.Percent * pieRadianBase + totalRadian;
for ( float r = boomRadian + totalRadian ; r < endRadian ; r += perRadian )
Vector2 first = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(r) , Mathf.Sin(r)) * HollowWidth;
Vector2 second = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(r + perRadian) , Mathf.Sin(r + perRadian)) * HollowWidth;
Vector2 third = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(r) , Mathf.Sin(r)) * PieRadius;
Vector2 four = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(r + perRadian) , Mathf.Sin(r + perRadian)) * PieRadius;
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(first , data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(third , data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(second , data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(second , data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(third , data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(four , data.Color));
#region ShowPercnet
if (IsShowPercnet)
float middleRadian = boomRadian + data.Percent * pieRadianBase / 2 + totalRadian;
float brokenLineLength = PieRadius * 0.2f;
Vector2 middlePoint = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(middleRadian), Mathf.Sin(middleRadian)) * PieRadius;
Vector2 secondPoint = middlePoint + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(middleRadian), Mathf.Sin(middleRadian)) * brokenLineLength;
Vector2 first = middlePoint + new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(middleRadian), -Mathf.Cos(middleRadian)) * BrokenLineWidth / 2;
Vector2 second = middlePoint + new Vector2(-Mathf.Sin(middleRadian), Mathf.Cos(middleRadian)) * BrokenLineWidth / 2;
Vector2 third = secondPoint + new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(middleRadian), -Mathf.Cos(middleRadian)) * BrokenLineWidth / 2;
Vector2 four = secondPoint + new Vector2(-Mathf.Sin(middleRadian), Mathf.Cos(middleRadian)) * BrokenLineWidth / 2;
Vector2 five;
Vector2 six;
if (middleRadian > Mathf.PI / 2 && middleRadian < Mathf.PI * 3 / 2)
five = third + new Vector2(-brokenLineLength, 0);
six = four + new Vector2(-brokenLineLength, 0);
// right text
_pieText.Add(new PieText(data.Percent * 100 + "%", six, false));
five = third + new Vector2(brokenLineLength, 0);
six = four + new Vector2(brokenLineLength, 0);
// left text
_pieText.Add(new PieText(data.Percent * 100 + "%", six, true));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(first, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(second, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(third, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(third, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(second, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(four, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(third, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(four, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(five, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(five, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(four, data.Color));
vertexs.Add(GetUIVertex(six, data.Color));
totalRadian = endRadian;
return vertexs;
#region draw helper methods
private UIVertex GetUIVertex( Vector2 point , Color color0 )
UIVertex vertex = new UIVertex
position = point ,
color = color0 ,
uv0 = new Vector2(0 , 0)
return vertex;
private Vector2 local2Screen( Vector2 parentPos,Vector2 localPosition )
Vector2 pos = localPosition + parentPos;
float xValue, yValue = 0;
if ( pos.x > 0 )
xValue = pos.x + Screen.width / 2.0f;
xValue = Screen.width / 2.0f - Mathf.Abs(pos.x);
if ( pos.y > 0 )
yValue = Screen.height / 2.0f - pos.y;
yValue = Screen.height / 2.0f + Mathf.Abs(pos.y);
return new Vector2(xValue,yValue);
private Vector2 getScreenPosition( Transform trans, ref Vector3 result )
if ( null != trans.parent && null != trans.parent.parent )
result += trans.parent.localPosition;
getScreenPosition(trans.parent , ref result);
if ( null != trans.parent && null == trans.parent.parent )
return result;
return result;