新概念二册 Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜 ( 复习一般过去式+并列句)


  • 1 课文
  • 2 单词
    • 2.1 tent [tent] n. 帐篷
    • 2.2. field [fi:ld] n. 田地,田野,领域
    • 2.3. smell [smel] (smelled / smelt) v. 闻起来
    • 2.4. wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl] adj. 极好的
    • 2.5. campfire ['kæmpfaɪə] n. 营火,篝火
    • 2.6. creep [kri:p] v. 爬行( crept crept)
    • 2.7. sleeping bag 睡袋
    • 2.8. comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl] adj. 舒适的,安逸的
    • 2.9. soundly [ˈsaʊndli] adv. 香甜地,状况良好的
    • 2.10. leap [li:p] (leapt, leapt) v. 跳跃,跳起
    • 2.11. heavily [ˈhevɪli] adv. 大量地
    • 2.12. form [fɔ:m] v. 形成 n. 形式,表格
    • 2.13. wind [wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd] (wound, wound) v. 蜿蜒
    • 2.14. right [raɪt] adv. 正好
  • 3 语法
  • 4 课文讲解

1 课文

What happened to the boys in the night?

Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.

  【1 Late in the afternoon 下午晚一些,early in the morning 早上早一些时候2 put up tent 搭起帐篷;3 in the center of 只能接地点, 4 in the middle of 时间/地点/过程】

As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.

  【as soon as 一…就…】

They were all hungry and the food smelled good.


After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.

他们美美地吃了一顿饭后,就围在营 火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌
  【1 and 并列连词 2 by the campfire,by 在…旁边】

But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.

  【1 some time 一段时间,sometime 某个时间点,某个时候;2 begin began begun (i->a->u)
sing sang song
ring rang rong
dringk drank drunk
swim swam swum 3 put out the fire 扑灭火】

Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.


In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water!

午夜前后,有两个孩子 醒了,大声叫了起来。原来帐篷里到处都是水!
  【1 wake up 醒过来 wake woke waken; 2 begin to do = begin doing 3 be full of 充满了…】

They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.


It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.

【found 是一般现在,had formed 过去完成】

The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!


2 单词

2.1 tent [tent] n. 帐篷

2.2. field [fi:ld] n. 田地,田野,领域

2.3. smell [smel] (smelled / smelt) v. 闻起来

The food smelled good. (系动词,系表结构,闻起来…)
She smelled the meat to see if it was fresh.(及物动词。闻什么东西)

2.4. wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl] adj. 极好的


2.5. campfire ['kæmpfaɪə] n. 营火,篝火

go camping 去游泳。

2.6. creep [kri:p] v. 爬行( crept crept)

eep 结尾的词
creep crept crept
sleep slept slept
keep kept kept
sweep swept swept

2.7. sleeping bag 睡袋

doing 表示功能,用途

a swimming pool 一个游泳池
a fishing boat 一个调用的船
a packing case 一个包装箱
a waiting room 一个用来等候的房间

2.8. comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl] adj. 舒适的,安逸的

able 形容词后缀

2.9. soundly [ˈsaʊndli] adv. 香甜地,状况良好的

sleep soundly / deeply / well
be fast asleep be用来说明状态,表示谁的很好。

2.10. leap [li:p] (leapt, leapt) v. 跳跃,跳起

2.11. heavily [ˈhevɪli] adv. 大量地

heavy adj.沉重的

rain heavily 雨下的很大
smoke heavily 抽烟很严重。

2.12. form [fɔ:m] v. 形成 n. 形式,表格

2.13. wind [wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd] (wound, wound) v. 蜿蜒

wind [wɪnd] 风
wind [ waɪnd] v. 蜿蜒

wind one’s way 蜿蜒出一条路

The stream wound its way across the field.

wind round sth. 弯曲围绕
A snake wound round the wires.

2.14. right [raɪt] adv. 正好

3 语法

4 课文讲解

1 late in the afternoon,快到傍晚的时候。

2 put up(=set up ),搭起。

3 put out,熄灭(灯、火)。

4 wake up,醒来。
