
Internet Protocol有7层。


TB/GB, B means byte, 1 byte = 8 bits.

TCP’s 5 pts.

  1. What is a “Connection”? It consists of four values:
    1. source IP
    2. source port
    3. destination IP
    4. destination port
  2. Server ——> Passive open; Client ——> active open thus starting TCP protocol
  3. SYN —-> Connection Set-up
  4. Connection Set-up
    • Client sends “X + SYN flag 1” to Server
    • Server sends “Y, SYN flag 1, Y + 1 and ACK flag 1” to client
    • Client sends “ACK flag 1 and Y + 1” to server.
  5. After full closure, a TCP connection is required to wait 2MSL.
  6. Tell the difference: (cp!!)
    • TIME_WAIT -> active closure
    • CLOSE_WAIT -> passive closure

缓冲区大小 = 带宽(GB/s, MB/s) × 时延(RTT, ms or s).

TCP Server在数据传输之前crash,TCP/IP栈中只有SYN.


HTTP Header中,Cache-Control, Expires, Age and Vary是和缓存控制相关的。

ICMP 处在网络层。是封装在IP数据包的数据部分,只是IP必须的一个部分,一般用在Internet上进行差错报告。

TCP 采用的滑动窗口,大小为0是合法的。

HTTP builds upon TCP.
TFTP builds upon UDP.
Both TCP and UDP builds upon IP.



ARP 协议工作在数据链路层。
