竞争编码(competitive coding scheme[1])是目前掌纹识别方法中效果非常好的一种,具有特征占用空间小,匹配速度快,识别精度高等优势[2]。本文首先简要介绍该方法,随后给出其核心部分之一——构建Gabor滤波器的C++语言实现代码,最后给出该方法在香港理工大学公开库(v2)上身份验证(verification)实验的结果。
2004年,AdamsWai-Kin Kong等[1]提出了用于低分辨率掌纹识别的竞争编码方法。该方法具有特征占用空间小,匹配速度快,识别精度高等优势,成为低分辨率掌纹识别方法的state-of-the-art。根据文献[3]的分类方法,竞争编码属于掌纹识别中基于编码的方法这一类别。该类方法包括三个核心部分:滤波器,编码规则,以及匹配方式。对于滤波器,竞争编码选择了六个不同方向的Gabor滤波器的实部;对于编码规则,竞争编码采用“winner-take-all”规则,即只关心滤波结果中极值对应的方向,随后将其编码为3个比特;而对于匹配方式,竞争编码利用二进制的异或操作实现高效的匹配。
构建滤波器时需要考虑的几点主要包括滤波器的大小,滤波器的实现公式,以及公式中的参数取值。这里我们选择35×35的滤波器大小[5, 6],Gabor滤波器的公式[7]
(1) |
// 滤波器大小
const int g_iFilterSize = 35;
const int g_iHalfFilterSize =g_iFilterSize/2;
// 滤波方向
const int g_iOrientation = 6;
// 滤波器的具体数值
double g_pfFilter[g_iOrientation][g_iFilterSize*g_iFilterSize]= {0};
// 构建某个方向的滤波器,前三个参数分别对应于公式1中的,和。
void BuildGaborFilterAngle(double fOmega,double fKappa, double fTheta, double* pFilter)
constdouble _2ln2 = sqrt(2*log(2));
doublefSigma = fKappa / fOmega;
doublefFactor1 = -fOmega / (sqrt(2*PI) * fKappa);
doublefFactor2 = -(fOmega*fOmega)/(8*fKappa*fKappa);
doublefSin = sin(fTheta);
doublefCos = cos(fTheta);
doublex, y, x1, y1;
doublefSum = 0;
inti, j;
for(i=0; i
x= i-g_iHalfFilterSize;
for(j=0; j
y= j-g_iHalfFilterSize;
x1= x*fCos + y*fSin;
y1= y*fCos - x*fSin;
fFactor= fFactor1 * exp(fFactor2*(4*x1*x1+y1*y1));
pFilter[i*g_iFilterSize+j]= fFactor * ( cos(fOmega*x1) - exp(-fKappa*fKappa/2) );
fSum+= pFilter[i*g_iFilterSize+j];
doublefMean = fSum / (g_iFilterSize * g_iFilterSize);
for(j=0; j
pFilter[i*g_iFilterSize+j]-= fMean;
// 构建全部六个方向的滤波器,参数分别对应于公式1中的和
void BuildGaborFilter(double fOmega, doublefKappa)
fTheta= PI*i/g_iOrientation;
BuildGaborFilterAngle(fOmega,fKappa, fTheta, g_pfFilter[i]);
\ |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.4 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
0.7 |
0.8 |
0.9 |
1 |
0.1 |
4.5162 |
31.8045 |
34.6238 |
32.0035 |
32.5016 |
32.0753 |
32.1757 |
32.9526 |
33.0047 |
33.1685 |
0.2 |
0.0629 |
4.6147 |
25.5948 |
31.8098 |
31.3643 |
34.5768 |
32.6908 |
31.9973 |
32.0482 |
32.5224 |
0.3 |
0.0424 |
0.1831 |
4.7377 |
20.3330 |
29.6424 |
31.8269 |
31.3708 |
31.0372 |
34.4988 |
31.7868 |
0.4 |
0.1437 |
0.0658 |
0.3796 |
4.9009 |
16.5864 |
26.4293 |
30.7706 |
31.8337 |
31.7740 |
31.3116 |
0.5 |
0.4173 |
0.0515 |
0.1270 |
0.6549 |
5.2761 |
14.8493 |
23.4143 |
28.4554 |
31.5613 |
31.8353 |
0.6 |
0.7957 |
0.0435 |
0.0697 |
0.2081 |
1.0394 |
5.4991 |
13.7736 |
21.3956 |
26.6101 |
30.1823 |
0.7 |
1.0810 |
0.0553 |
0.0531 |
0.1183 |
0.3178 |
1.5012 |
5.8644 |
12.8980 |
19.7228 |
24.9977 |
0.8 |
1.3093 |
0.1066 |
0.0485 |
0.0752 |
0.1570 |
0.4875 |
2.0073 |
6.2558 |
12.6445 |
18.6218 |
0.9 |
1.4708 |
0.1970 |
0.0405 |
0.0611 |
0.1080 |
0.2441 |
0.7357 |
2.5919 |
6.9901 |
12.6715 |
1 |
1.5979 |
0.3240 |
0.0451 |
0.0495 |
0.0764 |
0.1428 |
0.3550 |
1.0937 |
3.3406 |
7.3262 |
1.1 |
1.6759 |
0.4509 |
0.0497 |
0.0473 |
0.0670 |
0.1139 |
0.2224 |
0.5151 |
1.6079 |
4.1354 |
1.2 |
1.7264 |
0.6113 |
0.0747 |
0.0402 |
0.0579 |
0.0822 |
0.1565 |
0.3257 |
0.8316 |
2.2293 |
1.3 |
1.7605 |
0.7316 |
0.1042 |
0.0429 |
0.0499 |
0.0730 |
0.1227 |
0.2265 |
0.4818 |
1.2441 |
1.4 |
1.8166 |
0.8472 |
0.1441 |
0.0397 |
0.0458 |
0.0694 |
0.0992 |
0.1652 |
0.3344 |
0.7453 |
1.5 |
1.8474 |
0.9405 |
0.1841 |
0.0438 |
0.0440 |
0.0606 |
0.0843 |
0.1432 |
0.2511 |
0.5275 |
1.6 |
1.8901 |
1.0254 |
0.2341 |
0.0464 |
0.0406 |
0.0568 |
0.0735 |
0.1252 |
0.2073 |
0.3721 |
1.7 |
1.8915 |
1.1068 |
0.2784 |
0.0505 |
0.0403 |
0.0515 |
0.0721 |
0.1155 |
0.1792 |
0.3220 |
1.8 |
1.9193 |
1.1684 |
0.3233 |
0.0567 |
0.0392 |
0.0491 |
0.0664 |
0.0906 |
0.1566 |
0.2834 |
1.9 |
1.9368 |
1.2153 |
0.3593 |
0.0624 |
0.0422 |
0.0487 |
0.0618 |
0.0913 |
0.1409 |
0.2337 |
2 |
1.9394 |
1.2699 |
0.3798 |
0.0676 |
0.0351 |
0.0474 |
0.0570 |
0.0941 |
0.1304 |
0.2186 |
2.1 |
1.9387 |
1.3083 |
0.4078 |
0.0698 |
0.0383 |
0.0426 |
0.0558 |
0.0873 |
0.1269 |
0.2084 |
2.2 |
1.9556 |
1.3326 |
0.4409 |
0.0796 |
0.0422 |
0.0419 |
0.0537 |
0.0833 |
0.1194 |
0.2091 |
2.3 |
1.9708 |
1.3666 |
0.4536 |
0.0799 |
0.0389 |
0.0456 |
0.0547 |
0.0849 |
0.1225 |
0.1971 |
2.4 |
1.9745 |
1.4162 |
0.4708 |
0.0810 |
0.0439 |
0.0419 |
0.0613 |
0.0858 |
0.1230 |
0.2088 |
2.5 |
1.9865 |
1.4251 |
0.4783 |
0.0784 |
0.0402 |
0.0427 |
0.0579 |
0.0836 |
0.1192 |
0.2110 |
2.6 |
1.9967 |
1.4305 |
0.4834 |
0.0826 |
0.0414 |
0.0391 |
0.0551 |
0.0816 |
0.1240 |
0.2156 |
2.7 |
1.9920 |
1.4437 |
0.4868 |
0.0840 |
0.0406 |
0.0440 |
0.0591 |
0.0933 |
0.1364 |
0.2442 |
2.8 |
1.9889 |
1.4728 |
0.4857 |
0.0805 |
0.0505 |
0.0420 |
0.0591 |
0.0974 |
0.1492 |
0.2658 |
2.9 |
1.9868 |
1.4837 |
0.4791 |
0.0819 |
0.0478 |
0.0461 |
0.0690 |
0.1089 |
0.1625 |
0.3037 |
3 |
1.9922 |
1.4876 |
0.4873 |
0.0838 |
0.0528 |
0.0505 |
0.0788 |
0.1166 |
0.1771 |
0.3461 |
[1] Adams Wai-Kin Kong, David Zhang. “CompetitiveCoding Scheme for Palmprint Verification”, Proceedings of the 17thInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 520-523, 2004.
[2] David Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, Feng Yue. “A Comparative Study of Palmprint RecognitionAlgorithms”,ACM Computing Surveys, vol.44, no. 1, Article 2, 2012.
[3] Adams Wai-Kin Kong, David Zhang. “ASurvey of Palmprint Recognition”,PatternRecognition, vol. 42, no. 7, pp. 1408-1418, 2009.
[4] PolyU Palmprint database,http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~biometrics/
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[6] Slobodan Ribarić,Marija Marčetić. “PersonalRecognition Based on the Gabor Features of Colour Palmprint Images”,Proceedings of the 35th InternationalConvention on MIPRO, pp. 967-972, 2012.
[7] Adams Wai-Kin Kong.Palmprint Identification Based onGeneralization of Iriscode, Ph. D. dissertation, Waterloo University, Canada,2007.
[8] Zhenhua Guo, David Zhang, LeiZhang, Wangmeng Zuo. “Palmprint Verification Using Binary Orientation Co-occurrenceVector”,Pattern Recognition Letters,vol. 30, no. 13, pp. 1219-1227, 2009.
[9] Wangmeng Zuo, Feng Yue, DavidZhang. “On Accurate Orientation Extraction and Appropriate Distance Measure forLow-resolution Palmprint Recognition”,PatternRecognition, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 964-972, 2011.
[10] Wei Li, Bob Zhang, Lei Zhang,Jingqi Yan. “Principal Line-Based Alignment Refinement for PalmprintRecognition”,IEEE Transactions onSystems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol. 42,no. 6, pp. 1491-1499, 2012.