


1.jkd 1.8.0



 * Reference queues, to which registered reference objects are appended by the
 * garbage collector after the appropriate reachability changes are detected.
 * @author   Mark Reinhold
 * @since    1.2

public class ReferenceQueue {


  • Reference queues,在适当的时候检测到对象的可达性发生改变后,垃圾回收器就将已注册的引用对象添加到此队列中。

     * Constructs a new reference-object queue.
    public ReferenceQueue() { }

  • 构造方法,需指定泛型

    // 私有内部静态类 Null ,继承 ReferenceQueue ,并覆盖实现父类中的方法 enqueue
    private static class Null extends ReferenceQueue {
        boolean enqueue(Reference r) {
            return false;
    // Reference 对象出队列标识,即 Reference 状态,由 Enqueued 变为 Inactive
    static ReferenceQueue NULL = new Null<>();
    // Reference 对象入队列标识,即 Reference 状态,由 Pending 变为 Enqueued 
    static ReferenceQueue ENQUEUED = new Null<>();

  • 出队、入队标识,队列指的是  Reference 构造方法中 ReferenceQueue 参数

    static private class Lock { };
    private Lock lock = new Lock();

  • 锁:类对象锁

    private volatile Reference head = null;

  • 列表头部
  • 作用:出队、入队操作时,作为临时变量保存数据

    private long queueLength = 0;

  • 队列中元素的个数
  • 类中的属性,实例对象私有,Reference 构造方法需要传入 ReferenceQueue 的实例对象,此属性指的是传入对象的队列中的对象的数量

    boolean enqueue(Reference r) { /* Called only by Reference class */
        synchronized (lock) {
            // Check that since getting the lock this reference hasn't already been
            // enqueued (and even then removed)
            ReferenceQueue queue = r.queue;
            // 检查需要入队的 Reference 对象,对象的 queue 属性是否已经有标识
            // 即已经做过入队、出队的处理
            if ((queue == NULL) || (queue == ENQUEUED)) {
                return false;
            // 断言
            assert queue == this;
            // 入队处理,入队标识
            r.queue = ENQUEUED;
            // 新入队对象放在头部
   = (head == null) ? r : head;
            head = r;
            // 如果是强引用对象
            if (r instanceof FinalReference) {
            lock.notifyAll(); // 释放锁对象
            return true;

  • 添加入队标识
  • 新加入的元素在队列头部

    private Reference reallyPoll() {       /* Must hold lock */
        Reference r = head;
        if (r != null) {
            // == r 仅有一个元素
            head = ( == r) ?
                null :
      ; // Unchecked due to the next field having a raw type in Reference
            r.queue = NULL;
            // 出队元素的next 指向自己
   = r;
            if (r instanceof FinalReference) {
            return r;
        return null;

     * Polls this queue to see if a reference object is available.  If one is
     * available without further delay then it is removed from the queue and
     * returned.  Otherwise this method immediately returns null.
     * @return  A reference object, if one was immediately available,
     *          otherwise null
    public Reference poll() {
        if (head == null)
            return null;
        synchronized (lock) {
            return reallyPoll();

  • 添加出队标识
  • 从头部开始出队,先入后出

     * Removes the next reference object in this queue, blocking until either
     * one becomes available or the given timeout period expires.

This method does not offer real-time guarantees: It schedules the * timeout as if by invoking the {@link Object#wait(long)} method. * * @param timeout If positive, block for up to timeout * milliseconds while waiting for a reference to be * added to this queue. If zero, block indefinitely. * * @return A reference object, if one was available within the specified * timeout period, otherwise null * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If the value of the timeout argument is negative * * @throws InterruptedException * If the timeout wait is interrupted */ public Reference remove(long timeout) throws IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative timeout value"); } synchronized (lock) { Reference r = reallyPoll(); if (r != null) return r; long start = (timeout == 0) ? 0 : System.nanoTime(); for (;;) { lock.wait(timeout); r = reallyPoll(); if (r != null) return r; if (timeout != 0) { long end = System.nanoTime(); timeout -= (end - start) / 1000_000; if (timeout <= 0) return null; start = end; } } } } /** * Removes the next reference object in this queue, blocking until one * becomes available. * * @return A reference object, blocking until one becomes available * @throws InterruptedException If the wait is interrupted */ public Reference remove() throws InterruptedException { return remove(0); } }

  • 删除队列中的下一个引用对象,阻塞队列直到一个引用对象变为可达

Java Reference 源码分析
