I read document from AngualrJS :
And when I am reading to "Example of a component tree" section, I got confused about how a component tree's loading works, because there is nowhere to find the loading order.
How angular find the root directive and nested directive (may be in a template)? and Which component should start work first? I mean, If a nested component() is called earlier than its directive's appearance, will it be called later when its directive appears? How angular knows the appropriate component to call when a directive/template load? Or just iterate all components method? Or load all components first, then according index.html to form a component hierarchy, then call it properly?
Is there anybody kindly explain? thanks a lot!
Thanks estus!, your anwser is really helpful! According to
AngularJS : How does the HTML compiler arrange the order for compiling?
and Pete Bacon Darwin's example :
And this comes from :
How directives are compiled
// app.js angular.module('compilation', []) .directive('logCompile', function($rootScope) { $rootScope.log = ""; return { controller: function($scope, $attrs) { $rootScope.log = $rootScope.log + ($attrs.logCompile + ' (controller)\n'); }, compile: function compile(element, attributes) { $rootScope.log = $rootScope.log + (attributes.logCompile + ' (compile)\n'); return { pre: function preLink(scope, element, attributes) { $rootScope.log = $rootScope.log + (attributes.logCompile + ' (pre-link)\n'); }, post: function postLink(scope, element, attributes) { element.prepend(attributes.logCompile); $rootScope.log = $rootScope.log + (attributes.logCompile + ' (post-link)\n'); } }; } }; }) .directive('terminate', function() { return { terminal: true }; });
Compilation Demo {{log}}
div { padding: 5px; margin: 5px; background-color: #EEE; border: 1px solid #BBB; } div > div { background-color: #DDD; } div > div > div { background-color: #CCC; } ol { list-style: decimal; margin-left: 30px; }