sql语句的简单用法 db2删除修改字段名,db2一次增加多个字段


alter table TM_APP_FINAL_AUDIT_QUOTA  drop column  graduallyApprovalLevel
alter table TM_APP_FINAL_AUDIT_QUOTA  add column  gradually_Approval_Level varchar(12);

db2 增加多个字段

alter table TM_APP_CREDIT_INFO add column IS_FIT_PBOC_MARRIAGE varchar(1) add column IS_FIT_COM_MOBILE varchar(1) add column IS_FIT_HOME_ADDRESS_MOBILE varchar(1) add column IS_FIT_EDUCATIONAL varchar(1)


--mysql分页查询  5是查询在数据存储第5条数据20是从第五条开始的20条数据,因此显示的是6至26之间的数据

select * from tm_acl_dict where 1=1 limit 5,20    


 alter table tm_zm_score modify column CREDIT_UP_DATE varchar(32);


insert into tm_zm_watch_list_detail 
    select * from s2 ;


select * from (select count(*) as c from tm_zm_watch_list_detail) as t0,
        (select count(*) from s2) as s0;


drop table s2;  


select * from (
select distinct id_no from tm_zm_watch_list_detail) t0
right join cust on t0.id_no = cust.id_no
order by t0.id_no;


select count(distinct id_no) from cust;


select * from tm_cis_req_prd_his t 
where t.req_date = '20170522'
select * from tm_zm_score t 
where t.zm_score='666'
select zm_score as score from tm_zm_score
where zm_score>666
select sum(zm_score) as score from tm_zm_score
select avg(zm_score) as score from tm_zm_score
select max(zm_score+0) as score from tm_zm_score
select min(zm_score+0)as score from tm_zm_score
select count(zm_score) from tm_zm_score
select * from tm_zm_score order by zm_score+0 desc
//between and用法
select * from tm_zm_score where zm_score between 6 and 66 order by zm_score+0 
//in 用法
select * from tm_zm_score where zm_score in (66)
select * from tm_zm_score where zm_score>0 and create_date between '2017-04-30 00:00:00' and '2017-05-24 00:00:00' order by zm_score desc
alter table tm_zm_score add bb varchar(11)
alter table tm_zm_score drop aa
select * from tm_zm_score where zm_score like '%6%' 
insert into  tm_zm_score(cust_id,org) value('01','01');
delete from tm_zm_score where cust_id='02'
update  tm_zm_score set cust_id='02' where cust_id='01'
select * from tm_zm_watch_list left join tm_zm_watch_list_detail on tm_zm_watch_list.cust_id=tm_zm_watch_list_detail.cust_id
select * from tm_zm_watch_list right join tm_zm_watch_list_detail on tm_zm_watch_list.cust_id=tm_zm_watch_list_detail.cust_id
select * from tm_zm_watch_list inner join tm_zm_watch_list_detail on tm_zm_watch_list.cust_id=tm_zm_watch_list_detail.cust_id
create   index q on tm_acl_dict(id)
drop index q on tm_acl_dict
select * from tm_acl_dict where id=1000

select zm_score as score from tm_zm_score where zm_score=66
//group by 分组查询
select type_name,count(type_name)  from tm_acl_dict group by type_name
select count(type_name) from tm_acl_dict t where t.type_name='省'
select count(type_name) from tm_acl_dict where type_name='省'
//case 用法
select type_name as '地区',
        case type when 'state'
                        then code else 0 end as'code'

                                from tm_acl_dict


alter table tm_td_post_loan_monitoring_data_person_info drop PRIMARY KEY

alter table tm_td_post_loan_monitoring_data_person_info add primary key(id_number)
