Cloud Native Java-OReilly 2017 读书笔记

Cloud Native Java-OReilly


  • SaaS的12 Factor:

Bootcamp: Introducing Spring Boot and Cloud Foundry

  • Spring Initializr:
    • 配置好依赖后,下载得到一个
    • $ ./mvnw clean install
      • 靠!当时我就震惊了。话说我之前用brew安装的maven似乎没派上用场啊??
    • $ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
      • 默认8080端口,但是怎么需要登录?fuck
    • 接下来完成对应的DemoApplication类及其tests类(靠!陡峭的学习曲线)
      • 虽然Spring提供了代码模板,但是实际上也给Java开发人员强制了一堆编码规范...
      • REST直接处理url path与对象/服务的映射(感觉我还是更怀念Node.js/express里简单的方式...)
  • The Spring Tool Suite is an Eclipse-based IDE that packages up ...
    • IDE用IntelliJ?还是Eclipse/NetBeans?当然也可以用Sublime,但那样没有代码自动完成功能...
    • Spring guides??
  • configuration类
    • class ApplicationConfiguration(我觉得这里倒是可以和AngularJs的DI进行对比?)
      • @Configuration
      • @Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown") //import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    • “By default, a Spring bean is singleton scoped.”
    • 提升:@ComponentScan:扫描所有标记了@Component的bean类(servive)
    • 把DataSource转换为JdbcTemplate?
      JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {
          return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
  • AOP
  • 自动配置
    • revisit之前的DemoApplication类实现代码:...
      • @RestController(相当于struts2里面的Action类)
      • JdbcTemplateAutoConfiguration?
  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry:AWS上架设的PaaS?
    • cf create-service p-mysql 100mb bootcamp-customers-mysql
    • ...
    • manifest.yml
      The Cloud Foundry Java client is built on the Pivotal Reactor 3.0 project. Reactor, in turn, underpins the reactive web runtime in Spring Framework 5.
    • “almost entirely non-blocking”?Java的nio是非阻塞的吗?异步的??
    • Mono/Flux?
      import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
      import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
      import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

总的来说,信息量有点大啊?不知道Spring Boot的使用现在流行否?要是升级到5.0 Reactive Streams呢?

Twelve-Factor Application Style Configuration

  • PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer: 把XML中的配置替换为.properties
  • 环境抽象与@Value
    • @PropertySource("") 类标注
    • 需要注入PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer as static bean(因为它作为BeanFactoryPostProcessor,需要在bean实例化之前执行)
    • @Value("${configuration.projectName}") 可以标注到构造函数、属性、setter
  • Profiles:依据不同环境分组的beans
  • Spring Boot will automatically load properties from a hierarchy of well-known places by default.(但问题是记住所有的先后顺序也很费脑~~)
  • @EnableConfigurationProperties 与 @ConfigurationProperties("configuration") //把.properties映射到一个Java类
  • The Spring Cloud Config Server(依据REST API来加载配置?registry服务器?)、
    • 用 @EnableConfigServer 标注 Application类
    • Spring Cloud Config Clients:
      • 从“src/main/resources/bootstrap.(properties,yml)”加载服务名称)
    • 验证config server:http://localhost:8888/SERVICE/master
    • 安全:包含org.springframework.boot: spring-boot-starter-security,并定义
    • 可refresh的配置
      • @RefreshScope:当bean收到“ApplicationContext event of the type RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent”
      • Actuator endpoints??


  • 单元测试
      • 类标注:@SpringBootTest
      • 类标注:@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) 特定于JUnit
      • 方法标注:@Test,Assert.assertXxx(...)
  • 集成测试
    • Test Slices:选择性激活,不必整个ApplicationContext
      • @JsonTest 测试json序列化反序列化
      • @WebMvcTest 测试单个的controller
        • @Autowired private MockMvc mvc; //模仿一个web客户端?
      • @DataJpaTest 测试repository
      • @RestClientTest 测试某个service类
    • Mocking
      • @MockBean
      • @Autowired用于constructor注入吗
      • Optional.ofNullable ?(Java8里的容器类?和Streams API结合使用)
      • servlet容器:@SpringBootTest’s webEnvironment attribute
  • End-to-End Testing
    • 从最终用户的角度测试,确保release组件的替换不会引发问题
    • 分布式系统下的状态维护:“The key concern is to design testing conditions that make sure that state is always eventually consistent”
    • Consumer-Driven Contract Testing(CDC-T)*
    • Spring Cloud Contract
      • stub:用Groovy DSL编写?通常在“src/main/test/java/resources” //生成假数据?不如用Node.js/express做一个mock server好了
      • consumer测试类标注:@AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = { "cnj:user-microservice:+:stubs:8081" }, workOffline = true)

The Forklifted Application

  • Buildpacks
  • 容器化应用
    • 不够安全,docker允许指定完全的root fs?(buildpack运行在trusted环境?)
  • backing services:provisioning(服务的creation?)
  • 迁移遗留的JavaEE系统:Spring’s HTTP Invoker:tunneling RMI over HTTP
  • Spring Session:依赖于SPI处理同步:backend包括“Redis, Apache Geode, and Hazelcast”
    • add org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-redis and org.springframework.session:spring-session(groupId:artifactId)to Boot app
    • UUID uid = Optional.ofNullable(UUID.class.cast(session.getAttribute("uid"))).orElse(UUID.randomUUID()); ...
  • 发邮件:SendGrid?
  • 身份管理*
    • “Technologies like Okta are important because they are fully hosted and managed for you”


  • Leonard Richardson put forth his REST maturity model to help grade an API’s compliance with REST’s principles:
    • Level 0: The swamp of POX
    • Level 1: Resources
    • Level 2: HTTP verbs
    • Level 3: Hypermedia controls (HATEOAS, for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
  • Simple REST APIs with Spring MVC:

      public class CustomerRestController {
          @GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
           ResponseEntity get(@PathVariable Long id) {
                return this.customerRepository.findById(id).map(ResponseEntity::ok)
                     .orElseThrow(() -> new CustomerNotFoundException(id));
  • 内容协商
    • 处理上传:返回一个Callable>
      File uploads may block and monopolize the Servlet container’s threadpool. Spring MVC backgrounds Callable handler method returns values to a configured Executor thread pool and frees up the container’s thread until the response is ready.
    • 其他异步返回:WebAsyncTask、DeferredResult
    • Google Protocol Buffers
      • 定制的HttpMessageConverter
  • 错误处理
    • 中心化处理:use a @ControllerAdvice component.
      • @ExceptionHandler
  • Hypermedia
  • API Versioning


  • DiscoveryClient抽象(由service registry实现)
    • 服务注册:Netflix Eureka(作者怎么老是在强调CF的自动化clustering operations?)
    • 客户端LB:Netflix Ribbon
      • @Autowired public LoadBalancedRestTemplateCLR(@LoadBalanced RestTemplate restTemplate) { ... } //用起来倒是蛮简单的
    • CF Route服务(skip for now)

Edge Services

  • API Gateway
    • “Netflix Feign is a library that makes deriving service clients as simple as an interface definition and some conventions.”
  • Filtering and Proxying with Netflix Zuul(为什么不直接用Nginx呢)
    • “the /routes Actuator endpoint”
    • HTML5 client:CORS(基于clientId判断是否允许,唉?这让人想起了Zero-Trust模型...)
    • filters:pre、routing、post、error
  • 安全:OAuth(skip for now)
    • Build an OAuth-Secured SPA


  • JPA provides the abstraction and implementations for vendor-specific ORM technologies, such as Hibernate and DataNucleus.
    • 你不必一定要用JPA:MyBatis、JOOQ
    • Auditing with JPA:BaseEntity:记录创建时间和每次的更新时间(?)
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • Spring Data Neo4j
  • Spring Data Redis



  • Message brokers like Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, or MQSeries act as the repository and hub for messages.
  • 事件驱动的架构 with Spring Integration
    • MessageChannel & Message
  • The centerpiece of Spring Cloud Stream is a binding.


  • Spring Batch:工业标准?真扯淡



  • CAP
  • 隔离失败和优雅降级
    • circuit breaks
      • Netflix Hystrix
      • Spring Retry
  • Saga模式(乐观事务模型?)
    • 事务:至多1次;补偿事务:至少1次。?
  • CQRS(不就是读写分离嘛)
  • Spring Cloud Data Flow
    • SEDA
    • Streams:source、processor、sink
    • Tasks

The Observable System

  • Actuator endpoints:/info /metrics /beans /health ...
  • Metrics
    • TSDB: “Ganglia, Graphite, OpenTSDB, InfluxDB, and Prometheus”
      • 图形显示:“Graphite Composer, and Grafana”
  • Health Checks
  • Audit Events
  • Application Logging
  • Distributed Tracing
    • OpenZipkin
  • Dashboards
  • Remediation

Service Brokers

  • Releasing with BOSH


  • Pivotal Concourse


  • Spring Boot用于Java EE
    • Dependency Injection with JSR 330 (and JSR 250)
      • ... “so Spring founder Rod Johnson and Guice founder Bob Lee proposed JSR 330”
    • Building REST APIs with JAX-RS (Jersey)
