

@echo off
rem //Set Environment Variable
set NAME="本地链接"
rem //Pleasae enter your IP address as what you want to setup
set ADDR=
set MASK=
set DNS1=
set DNS2=

echo Please choose an option as you want to setup
echo 1 Setup Static IP address For this PC
echo 2 Setup Dynamic IP address For this PC
echo 3 Exit
echo Please choose and press Enter Key:
set /p operate=
if %operate%==1 goto 1
if %operate%==2 goto 2
if %operate%==3 goto 3

echo Setting up static IP,Please wait...
rem //Please change following info as your environment!
echo IP Address = %ADDR%
echo Netmask = %MASK%
echo Gateway = %GATEWAY%
netsh interface ipv4 set address name=%NAME% source=static addr=%ADDR% mask=%MASK% gateway=%GATEWAY% gwmetric=0 >nul
echo Primary DNS = %DNS1%
netsh interface ipv4 set dns name=%NAME% source=static addr=%DNS1% register=PRIMARY >nul
echo Standby DNS = %DNS2%
netsh interface ipv4 add dns name=%NAME% addr=%DNS2% index=2 >nul
echo Static IP Setup successfully.
goto 3

echo Setting up Dynamic IP,Please wait.....
echo Obtaining IP Address from DHCP Server...
netsh interface ip set address "LAN" dhcp
echo Obtaining DNS Address from DHCP Server...
netsh interface ip set dns "LAN" dhcp
echo Dynamic IP Setup successfully.
goto 3
