Ubuntu Server下安装Gerrit

  • 基础配置
    • 安装工具准备
    • 安装配置Nginx,OpenJDK
    • 安装配置MySQL
    • 安装配置gerrit
    • 设置gerrit开机自启动
    • 添加用户邮箱
      • 1. 管理员通过命令行添加
      • 2. 用户在gerrit设置界面设置
  • 高阶配置
    • gerrit常用ssh命令
      • 1. gerrit账户设置(create-account / set-account)
      • 2. 工程设置(create-project / ls-projects / set-project / set-project-parent / delete-project)
      • 3. 查询修改提交数据库(query)
    • 接管github/bitbucket的提交



  • Ubuntu Server 18.04.2
  • openJDK 8
  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • gerrit


adduser gerrit
su geerit


sudo apt install -y nginx openjdk-8-jdk



sudo apt install -y mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev


# 刚安装完,MySQLroot的密码默认是空,直接回车即可进入MySQL终端
sudo mysql -u root -p

| USER() |
| root@localhost |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# 创建gerrit数据库
# 创建gerrit用户
CREATE USER 'gerrit@localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'gerrit';
# 赋予gerrit用户对gerrit数据库的操作权限
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gerrit.* TO 'gerrit@localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'gerrit';
# 设置时间戳以解决gerrit设置异常
SET GLOBAL explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=1;


# 安装Apache工具用于添加gerrit用户
sudo apt install -y apache2-utils
# 创建gerrit服务目录
mkdir ~/gerrit_server
cd ~/gerrit_server
wget https://gerrit-releases.storage.googleapis.com/gerrit-3.0.0.war
# 安装gerrit
# --batch 采用配置的默认值
# -d gerrit的安装目录,可以设置为gerrit的网址名字,如gerrit.mydomain.com
java -jar gerrit*.war init -d gerrit.mydomain.com

Using secure store: com.google.gerrit.server.securestore.DefaultSecureStore
[2019-05-23 14:49:12,928] [main] INFO com.google.gerrit.server.config.GerritServerConfigProvider : No /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/etc/gerrit.config; assuming defaults

*** Gerrit Code Review 3.0.0

*** Git Repositories
// 设置gerrit仓库目录
Location of Git repositories [git]: GerritRepositories

*** Index

Type [lucene/?]:

*** User Authentication
// 设置为http认证模式
Authentication method [openid/?]: http

Get username from custom HTTP header [y/N]?
SSO logout URL :
Enable signed push support [y/N]?

*** Review Labels

Install Verified label [y/N]? y

*** Email Delivery

SMTP server hostname [localhost]:
SMTP server port [(default)]:
SMTP encryption [none/?]:
SMTP username :

*** Container Process

Run as [user]:
Java runtime [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre]:
Copy gerrit-3.0.0.war to gerrit.mydomain.com/bin/gerrit.war [Y/n]?
Copying gerrit-3.0.0.war to gerrit.mydomain.com/bin/gerrit.war

*** SSH Daemon

Listen on address [*]:
Listen on port [29418]:
Generating SSH host key … rsa… ed25519… ecdsa 256… ecdsa 384… ecdsa 521… done

*** HTTP Daemon

Behind reverse proxy [y/N]?
Use SSL (https://) [y/N]? y
Listen on address [*]:
Listen on port [8443]:
Canonical URL [https://ubuntu:8443/]: https://gerrit.mydomain.com
Create new self-signed SSL certificate [Y/n]?
Certificate server name [gerrit.mydomain.com]:
Certificate expires in (days) [365]:

*** Cache

Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/oauth_tokens.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/web_sessions.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/mergeability.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/diff.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/pure_revert.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/conflicts.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/diff_summary.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/diff_intraline.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/git_tags.lock.db [y/N]?
Delete cache file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/cache/change_kind.lock.db [y/N]?

*** Plugins

Installing plugins.
Install plugin codemirror-editor version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed codemirror-editor v3.0.0
Install plugin commit-message-length-validator version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed commit-message-length-validator v3.0.0
Install plugin delete-project version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed delete-project v3.0.0
Install plugin download-commands version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed download-commands v3.0.0
Install plugin gitiles version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed gitiles v3.0.0
Install plugin hooks version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed hooks v3.0.0
Install plugin plugin-manager version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed plugin-manager v3.0.0
Install plugin replication version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed replication v3.0.0
Install plugin reviewnotes version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed reviewnotes v3.0.0
Install plugin singleusergroup version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed singleusergroup v3.0.0
Install plugin webhooks version v3.0.0 [y/N]? y
Installed webhooks v3.0.0
Initializing plugins.

Initialized /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com
Reindexing projects: 100% (2/2) with: reindex --site-path gerrit.mydomain.com --threads 1 --index projects
Reindexed 2 documents in projects index in 2.1s (0.9/s)


touch ./gerrit.mydomain.com/etc/passwd
htpasswd -b ./gerrit.mydomain.com/etc/passwd admin admin

PS: 对于 Gerrit 来说,第一个成功登录的用户具有特殊意义 —— 它会直接被赋予管理员权限。

Ubuntu Server下安装Gerrit_第1张图片



vim ./gerrit.mydomain.com/etc/gerrit.config
        basePath = GerritRepositories
        canonicalWebUrl = https://gerrit.mydomain.com
        serverId = d223f665-af4a-438a-869a-388554bddc6e
        javaOptions = "-Dflogger.backend_factory=com.google.common.flogger.backend.log4j.Log4jBackendFactory#getInstance"
        javaOptions = "-Dflogger.logging_context=com.google.gerrit.server.logging.LoggingContext#getInstance"
        user = user
        javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
        type = LUCENE
        type = HTTP
        enableSignedPush = false
        smtpServer = localhost
        listenAddress = *:29418
        listenUrl = https://*:8443/
        directory = cache


./gerrit.mydomain.com/bin/gerrit.sh restart
sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf


server {
                listen 80;
                server_name gerrit.mydomain.com;

                location ^~ / {
                        auth_basic "Restricted";
                        auth_basic_user_file /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/etc/passwd;
                        proxy_pass http://localhost:8443;
                        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
                        proxy_set_header Host $host;


sudo nginx -s reload


  1. 取消./gerrit.mydomain.com/bin/gerrit.sh下面三行的注释
chkconfig: 3 99 99
description: Gerrit Code Review
processname: gerrit
  1. 加入gerrit.sh到开机脚本
sudo ln -snf /home/user/gerrit_server/gerrit.mydomain.com/bin/gerrit.sh /etc/init.d/gerrit
sudo ln -snf /etc/init.d/gerrit /etc/rc3.d/S09gerrit



1. 管理员通过命令行添加

ssh -p 29418 [email protected] gerrit set-account <username> --add-email <email>

2. 用户在gerrit设置界面设置


	allowEditFullName = true
 	allowRegisterNewEmail = true
	enable = true
	smtpServer = smtp.mydomain.com
	smtpServerPort = 465
	smtpEncryption = SSL
	sslVerify = true
	smtpUser = [email protected]
	smtpPass = PasswordofEmail
	from = [email protected]


bin/gerrit.sh restart





ssh -p 29418 [email protected] gerrit
fatal: Available commands of gerrit are:

   apropos              Search in Gerrit documentation
   ban-commit           Ban a commit from a project's repository
   close-connection     Close the specified SSH connection
   create-account       Create a new batch/role account
   create-branch        Create a new branch
   create-group         Create a new account group
   create-project       Create a new project and associated Git repository
   flush-caches         Flush some/all server caches from memory
   gc                   Run Git garbage collection
   ls-groups            List groups visible to the caller
   ls-members           List the members of a given group
   ls-projects          List projects visible to the caller
   ls-user-refs         List refs visible to a specific user
   query                Query the change database
   receive-pack         Standard Git server side command for client side git push
   reload-config        Reloads the Gerrit configuration
   rename-group         Rename an account group
   review               Apply reviews to one or more patch sets
   set-account          Change an account's settings
   set-head             Change HEAD reference for a project
   set-members          Modify members of specific group or number of groups
   set-project          Change a project's settings
   set-project-parent   Change the project permissions are inherited from
   set-reviewers        Add or remove reviewers on a change
   show-caches          Display current cache statistics
   show-connections     Display active client SSH connections
   show-queue           Display the background work queues
   stream-events        Monitor events occurring in real time
   version              Display gerrit version

See 'gerrit COMMAND --help' for more information.

1. gerrit账户设置(create-account / set-account)

  1. create-account
gerrit create-account USERNAME [--] [--email EMAIL] [--full-name NAME] [--group (-g) GROUP] [--help (-h)] [--http-password PASSWORD] [--ssh-key -|KEY] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL]

 USERNAME                 : name of the user account
 --                       : end of options (default: false)
 --email EMAIL            : email address of the account
 --full-name NAME         : display name of the account
 --group (-g) GROUP       : groups to add account to
 --help (-h)              : display this help text (default: true)
 --http-password PASSWORD : password for HTTP authentication
 --ssh-key -|KEY          : public key for SSH authentication
 --trace                  : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL           : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)


ssh -p 29418 [email protected] gerrit create-account <username> --http-password <password> --full-name <full name> --email <email>
  1. set-account
gerrit set-account USER [--] [--active] [--add-email EMAIL] [--add-ssh-key -|KEY] [--clear-http-password] [--delete-email EMAIL] [--delete-ssh-key -|KEY] [--full-name NAME] [--generate-http-password] [--help (-h)] [--http-password PASSWORD] [--inactive] [--preferred-email EMAIL] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL]

 USER                     : full name, email-address, ssh username or account id
 --                       : end of options (default: false)
 --active                 : set account's state to active (default: false)
 --add-email EMAIL        : email addresses to add to the account
 --add-ssh-key -|KEY      : public keys to add to the account
 --clear-http-password    : clear HTTP password for the account (default: false)
 --delete-email EMAIL     : email addresses to delete from the account
 --delete-ssh-key -|KEY   : public keys to delete from the account
 --full-name NAME         : display name of the account
 --generate-http-password : generate a new HTTP password for the account (default: false)
 --help (-h)              : display this help text (default: true)
 --http-password PASSWORD : password for HTTP authentication for the account
 --inactive               : set account's state to inactive (default: false)
 --preferred-email EMAIL  : a registered email address from the account
 --trace                  : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL           : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)

2. 工程设置(create-project / ls-projects / set-project / set-project-parent / delete-project)

  1. create-project
gerrit create-project [NAME] [--] [--branch (-b) BRANCH] [--change-id [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--content-merge [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--contributor-agreements [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--create-new-change-for-all-not-in-target (--ncfa)] [--description (-d) DESCRIPTION] [--empty-commit] [--help (-h)] [--max-object-size-limit VAL] [--new-change-for-all-not-in-target [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--owner (-o) GROUP] [--parent (-p) NAME] [--permissions-only] [--plugin-config VAL] [--reject-empty-commit [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--require-change-id (--id)] [--signed-off-by [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--submit-type (-t) [INHERIT | FAST_FORWARD_ONLY | MERGE_IF_NECESSARY | REBASE_IF_NECESSARY | REBASE_ALWAYS | MERGE_ALWAYS | CHERRY_PICK]] [--suggest-parents (-S)] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL] [--use-content-merge] [--use-contributor-agreements (--ca)] [--use-signed-off-by (--so)]

 NAME                                               : name of project to be created
 --                                                 : end of options (default: false)
 --branch (-b) BRANCH                               : initial branch name (default: master)
 --change-id [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]               : if change-id is required (default: INHERIT)
 --content-merge [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]           : allow automatic conflict resolving within files (default: INHERIT)
 --contributor-agreements [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]  : if contributor agreement is required (default: INHERIT)
 --create-new-change-for-all-not-in-target (--ncfa) : if a new change will be created for every commit not in target branch
 --description (-d) DESCRIPTION                     : description of project (default: )
 --empty-commit                                     : to create initial empty commit (default: false)
 --help (-h)                                        : display this help text (default: true)
 --max-object-size-limit VAL                        : max Git object size for this project
 --new-change-for-all-not-in-target [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT] : if a new change will be created for every commit not in target branch (default: INHERIT)
 --owner (-o) GROUP                                 : owner(s) of project
 --parent (-p) NAME                                 : parent project
 --permissions-only                                 : create project for use only as parent (default: false)
 --plugin-config VAL                                : plugin configuration parameter with format '.='
 --reject-empty-commit [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]     : if empty commits should be rejected on submit (default: INHERIT)
 --require-change-id (--id)                         : if change-id is required
 --signed-off-by [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]           : if signed-off-by is required (default: INHERIT)
 --suggest-parents (-S)                             : suggest parent candidates, if this option is used all other options and arguments are ignored (default: false)
 --trace                                            : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL                                     : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)
 --use-content-merge                                : allow automatic conflict resolving within files
 --use-contributor-agreements (--ca)                : if contributor agreement is required
 --use-signed-off-by (--so)                         : if signed-off-by is required
  1. ls-projects
gerrit ls-projects [--] [--help (-h)] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL] [--state (-s) [ACTIVE | READ_ONLY | HIDDEN]] [--has-acl-for GROUP] [--start (-S) CNT] [--limit (-n) CNT] [--match (-m) MATCH] [-r REGEX] [--prefix (-p) PREFIX] [--description (-d)] [--tree (-t)] [--show-branch (-b) VAL] [--type [CODE | PERMISSIONS | ALL]] [--all] [--format [TEXT | JSON | JSON_COMPACT]]

 --                                          : end of options (default: false)
 --help (-h)                                 : display this help text (default: true)
 --trace                                     : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL                              : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)
 --state (-s) [ACTIVE | READ_ONLY | HIDDEN]  : filter by project state
 --has-acl-for GROUP                         : displays only projects on which access rights for this group are directly assigned
 --start (-S) CNT                            : number of projects to skip
 --limit (-n) CNT                            : maximum number of projects to list
 --match (-m) MATCH                          : match project substring
 -r REGEX                                    : match project regex
 --prefix (-p) PREFIX                        : match project prefix
 --description (-d)                          : include description of project in list
 --tree (-t)                                 : displays project inheritance in a tree-like format this option does not work together with the show-branch option
 --show-branch (-b) VAL                      : displays the sha of each project in the specified branch
 --type [CODE | PERMISSIONS | ALL]           : type of project
 --all                                       : display all projects that are accessible by the calling user
 --format [TEXT | JSON | JSON_COMPACT]       : (deprecated) output format (default: TEXT)
  1. set-project
gerrit set-project NAME [--] [--change-id [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--content-merge [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--contributor-agreements [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--description (-d) DESCRIPTION] [--help (-h)] [--max-object-size-limit VAL] [--no-change-id (--nid)] [--no-content-merge] [--no-contributor-agreements (--nca)] [--no-signed-off-by (--nso)] [--project-state (--ps) [ACTIVE | READ_ONLY | HIDDEN]] [--require-change-id (--id)] [--signed-off-by [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]] [--submit-type (-t) [INHERIT | FAST_FORWARD_ONLY | MERGE_IF_NECESSARY | REBASE_IF_NECESSARY | REBASE_ALWAYS | MERGE_ALWAYS | CHERRY_PICK]] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL] [--use-content-merge] [--use-contributor-agreements (--ca)] [--use-signed-off-by (--so)]

 NAME                                              : name of the project
 --                                                : end of options (default: false)
 --change-id [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]              : if change-id is required
 --content-merge [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]          : allow automatic conflict resolving within files
 --contributor-agreements [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT] : if contributor agreement is required
 --description (-d) DESCRIPTION                    : description of project
 --help (-h)                                       : display this help text (default: true)
 --max-object-size-limit VAL                       : max Git object size for this project
 --no-change-id (--nid)                            : if change-id is not required
 --no-content-merge                                : don't allow automatic conflict resolving within files
 --no-contributor-agreements (--nca)               : if contributor agreement is not required
 --no-signed-off-by (--nso)                        : if signed-off-by is not required
 --project-state (--ps) [ACTIVE | READ_ONLY | HIDDEN] : project's visibility state
 --require-change-id (--id)                        : if change-id is required
 --signed-off-by [TRUE | FALSE | INHERIT]          : if signed-off-by is required
 --trace                                           : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL                                    : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)
 --use-content-merge                               : allow automatic conflict resolving within files
 --use-contributor-agreements (--ca)               : if contributor agreement is required
 --use-signed-off-by (--so)                        : if signed-off-by is required
  1. set-project-parent
gerrit set-project-parent [NAME ...] [--] [--children-of NAME] [--exclude NAME] [--help (-h)] [--parent (-p) NAME] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL]

 NAME               : projects to modify
 --                 : end of options (default: false)
 --children-of NAME : parent project for which the child projects should be reparented
 --exclude NAME     : child project of old parent project which should not be reparented
 --help (-h)        : display this help text (default: true)
 --parent (-p) NAME : new parent project
 --trace            : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL     : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)
  1. delete-project
delete-project delete [--yes-really-delete] [--force] [--preserve-git-repository] 

--yes-really-delete       : Actually perform the deletion. If omitted, the command will just output information about the deletion and then exit.
--force                   : Delete project even if it has open changes.
--preserve-git-repository : Don’t delete git repository directory.

3. 查询修改提交数据库(query)

gerrit query QUERY ... [--] [--all-approvals] [--all-reviewers] [--comments] [--commit-message] [--current-patch-set] [--dependencies] [--files] [--format [TEXT | JSON]] [--help (-h)] [--no-limit] [--patch-sets] [--start (-S) N] [--submit-records] [--trace] [--trace-id VAL]

 QUERY                  : Query to execute
 --                     : end of options (default: false)
 --all-approvals        : Include information about all patch sets and approvals
 --all-reviewers        : Include all reviewers
 --comments             : Include patch set and inline comments
 --commit-message       : Include the full commit message for a change
 --current-patch-set    : Include information about current patch set
 --dependencies         : Include depends-on and needed-by information
 --files                : Include file list on patch sets
 --format [TEXT | JSON] : Output display format
 --help (-h)            : display this help text (default: true)
 --no-limit             : Return all results, overriding the default limit
 --patch-sets           : Include information about all patch sets
 --start (-S) N         : Number of changes to skip
 --submit-records       : Include submit and label status
 --trace                : enable request tracing (default: false)
 --trace-id VAL         : trace ID (can only be set if --trace was set too)


// 待续…
