Eclipse3.4 + Axis2 Configuration


1) Download the axis2 v1.4 plugin for eclipse,but it shows the version 1.3.0,

ok,no problem, unzip the Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0 to $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/

2) Copying the "backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar" from "$AXIS2_HOME/lib/" to "$ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0/lib/"

3) Adding the following into the "runtime" element "$ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0/plugin.xml" :


4) In "$ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0/plugin.xml" changing the version attribute of the "plugin" element from "1.3.0" to "1.4.0". This results still in the same exception. But leave it.

5) Now changing the version also in the plugin's folder name from "Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0" to "Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.4.0".

6) Same, unzip the to $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/,

    And the step4,5 .

7) Restart Eclipse

