Tcl/Tk 代码
- F5网站上iRule大赛的获奖iRule
- rule web_request {
- set ramcache_enable 0
- if { [matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::banned_ips] } {
- reject
- }
- if { [matchclass [HTTP::header Host] equals $::spec_hosts] } {
- if { [HTTP::header Host] starts_with "stat" } {
- set ramcache_enable 1
- use pool web_stat
- }
- elseif { [HTTP::header Host] starts_with "userpic" } {
- use pool web_proxy
- }
- elseif { [HTTP::header Host] starts_with "files" } {
- use pool web_proxy
- }
- elseif { [HTTP::header Host] starts_with "mrtg" } {
- use pool web_mrtg
- }
- }
- elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/userpic/" } {
- if { [HTTP::header If-Modified-Since] contains ":" } {
- HTTP::respond 304
- } else {
- use pool web_proxy
- }
- }
- elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/directory.bml" } {
- use pool web_directory
- }
- elseif { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] starts_with $::static_dirs] } {
- set ramcache_enable 1
- use pool web_static
- }
- elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/interface/atom" } {
- use pool nokia_lifeblog
- } else {
- use pool web_proxy
- }
- }
- if { $ramcache_enable == 0 } {
- CACHE::disable
- }
- }
- }
- =======================================
- when RULE_INIT {
- set ::maxconnect 200
- set ::freezetime 600
- array set ::users { }
- array set ::spammers { }
- }
- set clientip [IP::remote_addr]
- set now [clock second]
- if { [ info exists ::spammers($clientip) ] } {
- set timeelapsed [expr $now - $::spammers($clientip)]
- if { $::freezetime > $timeelapsed } {
- incr ::users(nb,$clientip)
- reject
- return
- }
- else {
- if { [ $::users(nb,$clientip) ] > $::maxconnect } {
- # this guy is still trying to spam, even when blacklisted
- # we keep him blacklisted, but we reset the counters
- set ::spammers($clientip) $now
- set ::users(nb,$clientip) 1
- set ::users(time,$clientip) $now
- log "client $clientip remains in spammerslist $::users(nb,$clientip
- connections rejected in the last $::freezetime seconds"
- reject
- return
- }
- else {
- unset ::spammers($clientip)
- log "client $clientip removed from spammerslist $::users(nb,$clientip) connections rejected in the last $::freezetime seconds"
- }
- }
- }
- if { [ info exists ::users(nb,$clientip)] } {
- log "autre passage $clientip $now $::users(nb,$clientip)"
- incr ::users(nb,$clientip)
- if { $::users(nb,$clientip) > $::maxconnect } {
- set ::spammers($clientip) $now
- set ::users(nb,$clientip) 1
- set ::users(time,$clientip) $now
- log "client $clientip added to spammerslist $::users(nb,$clientip connections accepted in the last $::freezetime seconds"
- reject
- return
- }
- } else {
- # First Time we see this clientip
- set ::users(nb,$clientip) 1
- set ::users(time,$clientip) $now
- log "PREMIER CLIENT $clientip $now"
- }
- pool mail-smtp
- }
- ============================================
- when RULE_INIT {
- # F5 iRule for performing rewriting of
- #
- # - HTTP-request URI:s
- #
- # and
- #
- # - HTTP-response 'Location' headers
- # (redirect rewrite's)
- #
- # Define URI rewrite rules here
- set ::request_rewrite [list "/a /b" "/foo /bar"];
- # Define Redirect Rewrite rules here
- set ::redirect_rewrite [list " /b"]
- }
- set uri [HTTP::uri];
- log LOCAL0.debug "URI=$uri";
- # check all 'request_rewrite' rules..
- # break when first match is found..
- foreach x $::request_rewrite {
- set a [getfield $x " " 1];
- log LOCAL0.debug "? uri start_with '$a' ...";
- if { $uri starts_with $a } {
- set b [getfield $x " " 2];
- log LOCAL0.debug "...yes, replace '$a' with '$b'";
- set len [string length $a];
- set tmp [substr $uri $len];
- set uri "${b}${tmp}";
- log LOCAL0.debug "URI=$uri";
- HTTP::uri $uri;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- # check if redirect (HTTP status 3xx)
- # and 'Location:' header exists...
- #
- # return immediately if
- # there is nothing to rewrite
- if { [HTTP::status] starts_with "3" } {
- set location [HTTP::header "Location"];
- if { $location == "" } {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- return;
- }
- # check all 'ProxyPassReverse' entries..
- # and 'break' when first match is found...
- log LOCAL0.debug "Location: $location (check for rewrites)";
- foreach x $::redirect_rewrite {
- set a [getfield $x " " 1];
- log LOCAL0.debug " ? starts_with '$a' ... ";
- if { $location starts_with $a } {
- set b [getfield $x " " 2];
- log LOCAL0.debug "...yes, replace '$a' with '$b'";
- set len [string length $a];
- set tmp [substr $location $len];
- set location "${b}${tmp}";
- log LOCAL0.debug "Location: $location";
- HTTP::header replace "Location" $location;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ==========================================
- rule my-iRule {
- if { [active_members my-pool] == 0 } {
- discard
- } else {
- use pool my-pool
- if { ([IP::client_addr] eq "") || ([IP::client_addr] eq "") } {
- persist none
- } else {
- persist source_addr 1800
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ======================================
- set DEBUG 1
- if { $FINISHED } {
- return
- }
- # REDIRECTS for So. Cal users
- set refer_host [URI::host [HTTP::header "Referer"]]
- log local0. "Referer: ${refer_host} IP: [IP::remote_addr]"
- if { [IP::remote_addr] starts_with "10.120." } {
- if { not (${refer_host} starts_with "intranet") } {
- if { [HTTP::uri] == "/" || [HTTP::uri] == "" || [HTTP::uri] == "/our/intranet/site"} {
- if { $DEBUG } {
- log local0. "SoCal redirect: [ IP::remote_addr ]"
- log local0. "URI: [ HTTP::uri ]"
- log local0. "Referer: ${refer_host}"
- }
- HTTP::redirect "http://${host}/intranet/socal"
- set FINISHED 1
- return
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ==========================================
- ##
- ## Default Variables
- ##
- set uriValue [HTTP::uri]
- set srcAddr [IP::remote_addr]
- set internalHost http://internal.example.com
- set sendCacheControl 0
- # 1 is compressed, 0 is not
- set compress_client_ok 1
- ##
- ## Compression
- ##
- if { $srcAddr starts_with "10.1.1." } {
- # Disabling Compression for Client 1
- set compress_client_ok 0
- } elseif { $srcAddr starts_with "10.2.2." } {
- # Disabling Compression for Client 2
- set compress_client_ok 0
- } elseif { $srcAddr starts_with "10.3.3." } {
- # Disabling Compression for Client 3
- # Except for NPS
- if { $uriValue starts_with "/nps/" } {
- set compress_client_ok 1
- } else {
- set compress_client_ok 0
- }
- } elseif { $srcAddr starts_with "192.168.113." } {
- # The lab for testing
- set compress_client_ok 0
- }
- ##
- ## Generic Redirects
- ##
- if { $uriValue starts_with "/forme" } {
- HTTP::uri /index.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/formf" } {
- HTTP::uri /index_f.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/fape" } {
- HTTP::uri /fapindex.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/fapf" } {
- HTTP::uri /fapindex_f.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/vace" } {
- HTTP::uri /vacindex.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/vacf" } {
- HTTP::uri /vacindex_f.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/idcd" } {
- HTTP::uri /idcd.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/johnson" } {
- HTTP::uri /johnsonindex.html
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/pplus" } {
- HTTP::redirect $internalHost/forms90/f90nosec?config=pplus
- }
- ##
- ## Start the WebSphere 4 Configuration
- ##
- if { $uriValue starts_with "/sso/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST sso-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/nps/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST nps-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/qar/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST qar-app.example.com:8000
- pool was-qar
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/prs" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST prs-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/inqportal/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST ip-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/gmp/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST gmp-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/lws/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST lw-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/oms/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST om-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/es/" } {
- if { $uriValue contains "u_.uhtml" } {
- set sendCacheControl 1
- }
- pool was-es
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/wsso/" } {
- regsub "/wsso/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::header replace HOST abcclogin-app.example.com:8000
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool was
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/ABCCLogin/" } {
- HTTP::header replace HOST abcclogin-app.example.com:8000
- pool was
- }
- ##
- ## Starting the Oracle Application Server Configuration
- ##
- if { $uriValue starts_with "/discoverer/osso_login_success" } {
- regsub "/discoverer/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-disco
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/discoverer/osso_logout_success" } {
- regsub "/discoverer/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-disco
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/osso_login_success" } {
- if { [HTTP::header refer] contains "/discoverer/" } {
- pool oas-disco
- } else {
- pool oas-app
- }
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/osso_logout_success" } {
- if { [HTTP::header refer] contains "/discoverer/" } {
- pool oas-disco
- } else {
- pool oas-app
- }
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/portal/pls/" } {
- regsub "/portal/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/infra/pls/" } {
- regsub "/infra/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-infra
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/sso_mes/forms90/" } {
- regsub "/sso_mes/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/sso_cmf/forms90/" } {
- regsub "/sso_cmf/" $uriValue "/" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/orasso/" } {
- regsub "/orasso/" $uriValue "/pls/orasso" newURI
- HTTP::uri $newURI
- pool oas-infra
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/reports" } {
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/forms90" } {
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/discoverer" } {
- pool oas-disco
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/jinitiator" } {
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/vac/" } {
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/icons/" } {
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/images/" } {
- pool oas-app
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/pls/" } {
- pool oas-infra
- }
- ##
- ## Starting the WebSphere 6 Configuration
- ##
- if { $uriValue starts_with "/UWAWeb/" } {
- pool was6
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/RAWeb/" } {
- pool was6
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/PlanAA" } {
- pool was6
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/GroupCCWeb/" } {
- pool was6
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/AgentBonusWeb/" } {
- pool was6
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/ftp/" } {
- pool was6
- } elseif { $uriValue starts_with "/PMP/" } {
- pool was6
- }
- ##
- ## End of HTTP_REQUEST Configuration
- ##
- }
- ##
- ## Default Variables for this Section
- ##
- set location [HTTP::header location]
- set destHost "//internal.example.com"
- set sunHost "//bcsun...example.com:800."
- set unifiHost "-app.example.com:8000"
- set wwwHost "//wserv1.example.com"
- set webAppHost "//webappi.example.com"
- set hdr_content_type [string tolower [HTTP::header Content-Type]]
- ##
- ## Compression
- ##
- if { $hdr_content_type starts_with "text/" or
- $hdr_content_type equals "application/x-javascript" or
- $hdr_content_type equals "application/xml" } {
- if { $compress_client_ok == 1 } {
- COMPRESS::enable
- HTTP::header insert Vary Accept-Encoding
- }
- }
- ##
- ## Sending HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control Header if required
- ##
- if { $sendCacheControl equals 1 } {
- HTTP::header replace Cache-Control "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"
- }
- ##
- ## Ensuring the location header is correct
- ##
- if { [regexp "\/\/....$unifiHost" $location] } {
- regsub "\/\/....$unifiHost" $location $destHost newLocation
- HTTP::header replace location $newLocation
- } elseif { [regexp "\/\/...$unifiHost" $location] } {
- regsub "\/\/...$unifiHost" $location $destHost newLocation
- HTTP::header replace location $newLocation
- } elseif { [regexp "\/\/..$unifiHost" $location] } {
- regsub "\/\/..$unifiHost" $location $destHost newLocation
- HTTP::header replace location $newLocation
- } elseif { $location contains $wwwHost } {
- regsub $wwwHost $location $destHost newLocation
- HTTP::header replace location $newLocation
- } elseif { $location contains $webAppHost } {
- regsub $webAppHost $location $destHost newLocation
- HTTP::header replace location $newLocation
- } elseif { $location contains $sunHost } {
- regsub $sunHost $location $destHost newLocation
- HTTP::header replace location $newLocation
- }
- ##
- ## End of HTTP_RESPONSE Configuration
- ##
- }
- ============================================
- when RULE_INIT {
- array set ::CLIENT_SERVERS {