通过实现 UniMRCP 的 plugin,我们可以封装讯飞、百度、阿里等厂家的 ASR 接口,实现我们自己的 MRCP 服务器。
媒体资源控制协议(Media Resource Control Protocol, MRCP)是一种通讯协议,用于媒体资源服务器向客户端提供各种语音服务,目前已定义的媒体资源服务有语音识别(Speech Recognition)、语音合成(Speech Synthesis)、录音(Recording)、说话人鉴别和确认(Speaker Verification and Identifi-cation)。MRCP并不定义会话连接,不关心服务器与客户端是如何连接的,MRCP消息使用RTSP、SIP等作为控制协议,目前最新的MRCPv2版本使用SIP控制协议。(本文使用的是MRCPv2)。
本文所有操作均在 CentOS 7 下进行。
UniMRCP is an open source cross-platform implementation of the MRCP client and server in the C/C++ language distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. The implementation encapsulates SIP, RTSP, SDP, MRCPv2, RTP/RTCP stacks and provides integrators with an MRCP version consistent API.
首先去官网下载“UniMRCP 1.5.0”和“UniMRCP Deps 1.5.0”。
切换到 root 账户,首先进入 Deps 目录进行依赖安装:
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./build-dep-libs.sh |
UniMRCP 安装可参考官网:
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./bootstrap The usual "configure", "make", "make install" sequence of commands should follow in order to build and install the project from source. ./configure make make install As a result, the project will be installed in the directory "/usr/local/unimrcp" with the following layout: bin binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient, ...) conf configuration files (unimrcpserver.xml, unimrcpclient.xml, ...) data data files include header files lib shared (convenience) libraries log log files plugin run-time loadable modules |
安装完成后,可进入/usr/local/unimrcp/bin目录下,运行 server:
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./unimrcpserver -o 3 |
启动成功后会提示“MRCP Server Started”。我们可以使用提供的 Client 进行验证:
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./unimrcpclient . . . >help usage: - run [app_name] [profile_name] (run demo application) app_name is one of 'synth', 'recog', 'bypass', 'discover' profile_name is one of 'uni2', 'uni1', ... examples: run synth run recog run synth uni1 run recog uni1 |
如上图所示,启动完 Client 后,可输入run synth
等命令,可以观察 Server 和 Client 端的日志,synth 是语音合成,recog 是语音解析。
首先看日志,这里我们筛选了 Demo Recog 的日志,其他 plugin 道理上是一样的:
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[INFO] Load Plugin [Demo-Recog-1] [/usr/local/unimrcp/plugin/demorecog.so] [INFO] Register MRCP Engine [Demo-Recog-1] [INFO] Open Engine [Recorder-1] [INFO] Start Task [Demo Recog Engine] |
通过上面的信息我们可以去搜索源代码,查看一个 plugin 的加载流程。
下面是从配置文件解析到 plugin 到 .so 被加载的流程:
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unimrcp_server.c /** Load plugin */ static apt_bool_t unimrcp_server_plugin_load(unimrcp_server_loader_t *loader, const apr_xml_elem *root) { ... engine = mrcp_server_engine_load(loader->server,plugin_id,plugin_path,config); ... } |
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mrcp_server.c /** Load MRCP engine */ MRCP_DECLARE(mrcp_engine_t*) mrcp_server_engine_load( mrcp_server_t *server, const char *id, const char *path, mrcp_engine_config_t *config) { ... engine = mrcp_engine_loader_plugin_load(server->engine_loader,id,path,config); ... } |
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mrcp_engine_loader.h /** Load engine plugin */ MRCP_DECLARE(mrcp_engine_t*) mrcp_engine_loader_plugin_load(mrcp_engine_loader_t *loader, const char *id, const char *path, mrcp_engine_config_t *config) { ... apr_dso_load(&plugin,path,loader->pool) ... } |
load 成功之后,注册了该 engine:
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unimrcp_server.c /** Load plugin */ static apt_bool_t unimrcp_server_plugin_load(unimrcp_server_loader_t *loader, const apr_xml_elem *root) { ... return mrcp_server_engine_register(loader->server,engine); ... } |
最终会加到 hash 表中:
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mrcp_engine_factory.c /** Register new engine */ MRCP_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) mrcp_engine_factory_engine_register(mrcp_engine_factory_t *factory, mrcp_engine_t *engine) { ... apr_hash_set(factory->engines,engine->id,APR_HASH_KEY_STRING,engine); ... } |
上面是 unimrcp_server_load
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unimrcp_server.c /** Start UniMRCP server */ MRCP_DECLARE(mrcp_server_t*) unimrcp_server_start(apt_dir_layout_t *dir_layout) { ... unimrcp_server_load(server,dir_layout,pool) ... mrcp_server_start(server) ... } |
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apt_bool_t mrcp_engine_virtual_open(mrcp_engine_t *engine) { ... mrcp_engine_iface.c /** Open engine */ engine->method_vtable->open(engine) ... } |
method_vtable 就涉及到 plugin 具体是如何被调用的了。
通过查看具体的调用流程,在对比官网 plugin 实现手册,就很容易理解手册里需要我们实现的接口具体是什么作用。
具体调用细节这里就不详细展开了,最终对 plugin 的所有操作,都是通过下面三个虚表中的函数指针来进行回调触发。
首先是 engine 层面的回调,其实对应的就是 plugin 的创建、打开、关闭、删除:
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/** Table of MRCP engine virtual methods */ struct mrcp_engine_method_vtable_t { /** Virtual destroy */ apt_bool_t (*destroy)(mrcp_engine_t *engine); /** Virtual open */ apt_bool_t (*open)(mrcp_engine_t *engine); /** Virtual close */ apt_bool_t (*close)(mrcp_engine_t *engine); /** Virtual channel create */ mrcp_engine_channel_t* (*create_channel)(mrcp_engine_t *engine, apr_pool_t *pool); }; |
客户端与服务器 plugin 通信时,在一个 session 内会创建 channel,并在会话终止时销毁该 channel。以下就是 channel 相关的回调:
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/** Table of channel virtual methods */ struct mrcp_engine_channel_method_vtable_t { /** Virtual destroy */ apt_bool_t (*destroy)(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel); /** Virtual open */ apt_bool_t (*open)(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel); /** Virtual close */ apt_bool_t (*close)(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel); /** Virtual process_request */ apt_bool_t (*process_request)(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request); }; |
当使用 ASR 时需要有音频数据的流入,TTS 时需要有音频数据的流出,下面的回调就是为了处理音频数据:
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/** Table of audio stream virtual methods */ struct mpf_audio_stream_vtable_t { /** Virtual destroy method */ apt_bool_t (*destroy)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream); /** Virtual open receiver method */ apt_bool_t (*open_rx)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_codec_t *codec); /** Virtual close receiver method */ apt_bool_t (*close_rx)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream); /** Virtual read frame method */ apt_bool_t (*read_frame)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_frame_t *frame); /** Virtual open transmitter method */ apt_bool_t (*open_tx)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_codec_t *codec); /** Virtual close transmitter method */ apt_bool_t (*close_tx)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream); /** Virtual write frame method */ apt_bool_t (*write_frame)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, const mpf_frame_t *frame); /** Virtual trace method */ void (*trace)(mpf_audio_stream_t *stream, mpf_stream_direction_e direction, apt_text_stream_t *output); }; |
修改 configure.ac
因为 unimrcp 使用 automake 进行源码编译管理,所以除了添加源代码,我们还需要进行相应配置添加。
首先编辑 configure.ac 文件,添加如下,其实是一个宏定义会在后面的 Makefile 中使用到,以及添加后面我们新增的 Makefile:
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dnl XFyun recognizer plugin. UNI_PLUGIN_ENABLED(xfyunrecog) AM_CONDITIONAL([XFYUNRECOG_PLUGIN],[test "${enable_xfyunrecog_plugin}" = "yes"]) ... plugins/xfyun-recog/Makefile ... echo XFyun recognizer plugin....... : $enable_xfyunrecog_plugin |
在 plugin 目录下,新建 xfyun-recog 目录,并在该目录下新建 src 目录,可以将 demo_recog_engine.c 拷贝到该目录下改名为 xfyun_recog_engine.c,并将源代码中的所有“demo”替换为“xfyun”,当然也可以自己从 0 开始敲一遍。
新建 Makefile.am 文件,内容如下:
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AM_CPPFLAGS = $(UNIMRCP_PLUGIN_INCLUDES) plugin_LTLIBRARIES = xfyunrecog.la xfyunrecog_la_SOURCES = src/xfyun_recog_engine.c xfyunrecog_la_LDFLAGS = $(UNIMRCP_PLUGIN_OPTS) include $(top_srcdir)/build/rules/uniplugin.am |
修改 plugin 目录下的 Makefile.am 文件,新增如下内容:
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if XFYUNRECOG_PLUGIN SUBDIRS += xfyun-recog endif |
XFYUNRECOG_PLUGIN 就是 configure.ac 里面我们添加的内容。
完成后我们可以从第一步开始重新把 UniMRCP 编译一遍,应该可以看到 xfyun_recog_engine.so 的生成。
首先去讯飞开放平台下载语言听写及在线语音合成(后面 TTS 实现时用到)的SDK。
在 plugin 目录下新建 third-party 目录,将讯飞的 SDK 拷贝进去:
修改 xfyun_recog_engine 的 Makefile.am,添加对讯飞库的链接及安装时的拷贝:
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plugin_LTLIBRARIES = xfyunrecog.la xfyunrecog_la_SOURCES = src/xfyun_recog_engine.c xfyunrecog_la_LDFLAGS = $(UNIMRCP_PLUGIN_OPTS) \ -L$(top_srcdir)/plugins/third-party/xfyun/libs/x64 \ -lmsc -ldl -lpthread -lrt xfyunrecog_ladir = $(libdir) xfyunrecog_la_DATA = $(top_srcdir)/plugins/third-party/xfyun/libs/x64/libmsc.so include $(top_srcdir)/build/rules/uniplugin.am UNIMRCP_PLUGIN_INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir)/plugins/third-party/xfyun/include |
讯飞的实现可以参考官方文档和 SDK 里面提供的 asr_sample。
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#include |
channel 新增变量
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struct xfyun_recog_channel_t { ... const char *session_id; //讯飞session_id const char *last_result; //存放识别结果 apt_bool_t recog_started; //是否已开始识别 }; |
讯飞 login
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static apt_bool_t xfyun_login() { int ret = MSP_SUCCESS; const char* login_params = "appid = 5ac1c462, work_dir = ."; // 登录参数,appid与msc库绑定,请勿随意改动 /* 用户登录 */ ret = MSPLogin(NULL, NULL, login_params); //第一个参数是用户名,第二个参数是密码,均传NULL即可,第三个参数是登录参数 if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_ERROR,"[xfyun] MSPLogin failed , Error code %d.", ret); return FALSE; //登录失败,退出登录 } apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] MSPLogin success"); return TRUE; } |
我们在创建 engine 的时候调用该函数即可。
讯飞 session 创建、终止
首先我们需要找到 session 创建、终止的时机。xfyun_recog_msg_process
是处理 channel 中的 request 的回调,RECOGNIZER_RECOGNIZE 正是请求识别,所以我们在请求时创建 session,识别结束或者 RECOGNIZER_STOP 时终止该 session。
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/** Process RECOGNIZE request */ static apt_bool_t xfyun_recog_channel_recognize(mrcp_engine_channel_t *channel, mrcp_message_t *request, mrcp_message_t *response) { ... /* reset */ int errcode = MSP_SUCCESS; const char* session_begin_params = "sub = iat, domain = iat, language = zh_cn, accent = mandarin, sample_rate = 8000, result_type = plain, result_encoding = utf8"; recog_channel->session_id = QISRSessionBegin(NULL, session_begin_params, &errcode); //听写不需要语法,第一个参数为NULL if (MSP_SUCCESS != errcode) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_WARNING,"[xfyun] QISRSessionBegin failed! error code:%d\n", errcode); return FALSE; } apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] QISRSessionBegin suceess!"); recog_channel->last_result = NULL; recog_channel->recog_started = FALSE; recog_channel->recog_request = request; } void xfyun_recog_end_session(xfyun_recog_channel_t *recog_channel){ if(recog_channel->session_id) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] QISRSessionEnd suceess!"); QISRSessionEnd(recog_channel->session_id, "mrcp channel closed"); recog_channel->session_id = NULL; } } |
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static apt_bool_t xfyun_recog_stream_recog(xfyun_recog_channel_t *recog_channel, const void *voice_data, unsigned int voice_len ) { // int MSPAPI QISRAudioWrite(const char* sessionID, const void* waveData, unsigned int waveLen, int audioStatus, int *epStatus, int *recogStatus); int aud_stat = MSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_CONTINUE; //音频状态 int ep_stat = MSP_EP_LOOKING_FOR_SPEECH; //端点检测 int rec_stat = MSP_REC_STATUS_SUCCESS; //识别状态 int ret = 0; if(FALSE == recog_channel->recog_started) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] start recog"); recog_channel->recog_started = TRUE; aud_stat = MSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_FIRST; } else if(0 == voice_len) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] finish recog"); aud_stat = MSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LAST; } if(NULL == recog_channel->session_id) { return FALSE; } ret = QISRAudioWrite(recog_channel->session_id, voice_data, voice_len, aud_stat, &ep_stat, &rec_stat); if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_WARNING,"[xfyun] QISRAudioWrite failed! error code:%d", ret); return FALSE; } if(MSP_REC_STATUS_SUCCESS != rec_stat && MSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LAST != aud_stat) { // apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] no need recog,rec_stat=%d,aud_stat=%d",rec_stat,aud_stat); return TRUE; } while (1) { const char *rslt = QISRGetResult(recog_channel->session_id, &rec_stat, 0, &ret); if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret) { apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_WARNING,"[xfyun] QISRGetResult failed, error code: %d", ret); return FALSE; } if (NULL != rslt) { if(NULL == recog_channel->last_result) { recog_channel->last_result = apr_pstrdup(recog_channel->channel->pool,rslt); } else { // recog_channel->last_result = apr_psprintf(recog_channel->channel->pool,"%s%s",recog_channel->last_result,rslt); recog_channel->last_result = apr_pstrcat(recog_channel->channel->pool, recog_channel->last_result,rslt); } } apt_log(RECOG_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_INFO,"[xfyun] Get recog result:%s",rslt); if(MSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LAST == aud_stat && MSP_REC_STATUS_COMPLETE != rec_stat) { usleep(150*1000); continue; } break; } return TRUE; } |
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/* Load xfyun recognition result */ static apt_bool_t xfyun_recog_result_load(xfyun_recog_channel_t *recog_channel, mrcp_message_t *message) { apt_str_t *body = &message->body; if(!recog_channel->last_result) { return FALSE; } body->buf = apr_psprintf(message->pool, "\n" " |
下面的方法进行了语音的端点检测,在实际调试时,有遇到通话的 level 最低始终是 8,低于默认的阈值 2,可以适当的调高默认值,从而避免出现始终不会识别到语音结束的情况。
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MPF_DECLARE(mpf_detector_event_e) mpf_activity_detector_process(mpf_activity_detector_t *detector, const mpf_frame_t *frame) |
重新编译安装后,我们还需要修改配置文件,使用我们自己的 engine。编辑conf/unimrcpserver.xml
文件,启用我们自己的 engine:
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运行后就可以看到 xfyunrecog 被加载了。
GitHub:MRCP-Plugin-Demo,该 Demo 只是实现基本流程,还有很多可以完善的地方,如处理 recognize 请求的参数、Grammar 的接收处理。