
Apollo项目在处理消息循环时应用了C++设计模式之适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)。适配器其实很好理解,网上经常提到的一个例子:中国电压标准是220V,美国电压标准是110V,中国电器要在美国使用,必须借助一个变压器,这个变压器就是适配器。另外一个例子:中国插座标准是扁孔,欧洲插座标准是圆孔,中国的电源插头到欧洲使用,必须借助一个插孔转接器,这个转接器也是适配器。
具体到Apollo项目中,各模块内部的消息传递使用Google Protocol Buffer格式,各模块之间的底层消息传递目前使用ROS机制,今后可能会替换为百度自研机制。不管Apollo项目各模块之间的底层消息传递机制如何改变,我们必须确保各模块内部的消息格式不变,即使用Google Protocol Buffer格式,否则会因为底层消息传递机制的修改,导致各模块内部涉及消息处理的代码被迫修改,这既严重破坏各模块代码的独立性和正确性,也严重影响项目开发效率。



namespace apollo {
namespace common {
namespace adapter {
// ...
template <typename D>
class Adapter : public AdapterBase {
  /// The user can use Adapter::DataType to get the type of the
  /// underlying data.
  typedef D DataType;
  typedef boost::shared_ptrconst> DataPtr;

  typedef typename std::list::const_iterator Iterator;
  typedef typename std::function<void(const D&)> Callback;

   * @brief Construct the \class Adapter object.
   * @param adapter_name the name of the adapter. It is used to log
   * error messages when something bad happens, to help people get an
   * idea which adapter goes wrong.
   * @param topic_name the topic that the adapter listens to.
   * @param message_num the number of historical messages that the
   * adapter stores. Older messages will be removed upon calls to
   * Adapter::RosCallback().
  Adapter(const std::string& adapter_name, const std::string& topic_name,
          size_t message_num, const std::string& dump_dir = "/tmp");

   * @brief returns the topic name that this adapter listens to.
  const std::string& topic_name() const override;

   * @brief reads the proto message from the file, and push it into
   * the adapter's data queue.
   * @param message_file the path to the file that contains a (usually
   * proto) message of DataType.
  template <class T = D>
  bool FeedFile(const std::string& message_file);

   * @brief push (a copy of) the input data into the data queue of
   * the adapter.
   * @param data the input data.
  void FeedData(const D& data);

   * @brief Data callback when receiving a message. Under the hood it calls
   * the callback ROS would invoke, useful when trying to emulate the callback
   * behavior when there's not a ROS.
   * @param data the input data.
  void OnReceive(const D& message);

   * @brief copy the data_queue_ into the observing queue to create a
   * view of data up to the call time for the user.
  void Observe() override;

   * @brief returns TRUE if the observing queue is empty.
  bool Empty() const override;

   * @brief returns TRUE if the adapter has received any message.
  bool HasReceived() const override;

   * @brief returns the most recent message in the observing queue.
   * /note
   * Please call Empty() to make sure that there is data in the
   * queue before calling GetOldestObserved().
  const D& GetLatestObserved();
   * @brief returns the most recent message pointer in the observing queue.
   * /note
   * Please call Empty() to make sure that there is data in the
   * queue before calling GetLatestObservedPtr().
  DataPtr GetLatestObservedPtr();
   * @brief returns the oldest message in the observing queue.
   * /note
   * Please call Empty() to make sure that there is data in the
   * queue before calling GetOldestObserved().
  const D& GetOldestObserved() const;

   * @brief returns an iterator representing the head of the observing
   * queue. The caller can use it to iterate over the observed data
   * from the head. The API also supports range based for loop.
  Iterator begin() const;

   * @brief returns an iterator representing the tail of the observing
   * queue. The caller can use it to iterate over the observed data
   * from the head. The API also supports range based for loop.
  Iterator end() const;

   * @brief registers the provided callback function to the adapter,
   * so that the callback function will be called once right after the
   * message hits the adapter.
   * @param callback the callback with signature void(const D &).
  void AddCallback(Callback callback);

   * @brief Pops out the latest added callback.
   * @return false if there's no callback to pop out, true otherwise.
  bool PopCallback();

   * @brief fills the fields module_name, current timestamp and
   * sequence_num in the header.
  void FillHeader(const std::string& module_name, D* data);

  uint32_t GetSeqNum() const;

  void SetLatestPublished(const D& data);

  const D* GetLatestPublished();

   * @brief Gets message delay.
  double GetDelaySec();

   * @brief Clear the data received so far.
  void ClearData() override;

   * @brief Dumps the latest received data to file.
  bool DumpLatestMessage() override;

  // ...

}  // namespace adapter
}  // namespace common
}  // namespace apollo

里面的代码大多涉及消息格式转换,根本不必理会,我们最需关心的是这个回调函数添加函数:void AddCallback(Callback callback),其中的Callback定义如下:

  typedef typename std::function<void(const D&)> Callback;


namespace apollo {
namespace common {
namespace adapter {

using ChassisAdapter = Adapter<::apollo::canbus::Chassis>;
using ChassisDetailAdapter = Adapter<::apollo::canbus::ChassisDetail>;
using ControlCommandAdapter = Adapter;
using GpsAdapter = Adapter;
using ImuAdapter = Adapter;
using RawImuAdapter = Adapter;
using LocalizationAdapter = Adapter;
using MonitorAdapter = Adapter;
using PadAdapter = Adapter;
using PerceptionObstaclesAdapter = Adapter;
using PlanningAdapter = Adapter;
using PointCloudAdapter = Adapter<::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>;
using ImageShortAdapter = Adapter<::sensor_msgs::Image>;
using ImageLongAdapter = Adapter<::sensor_msgs::Image>;
using PredictionAdapter = Adapter;
using DriveEventAdapter = Adapter;
using TrafficLightDetectionAdapter = Adapter;
using RoutingRequestAdapter = Adapter;
using RoutingResponseAdapter = Adapter;
using RelativeOdometryAdapter =
using InsStatAdapter = Adapter;
using InsStatusAdapter = Adapter;
using GnssStatusAdapter = Adapter;
using SystemStatusAdapter = Adapter;
using StaticInfoAdapter = Adapter;
using MobileyeAdapter = Adapter;
using DelphiESRAdapter = Adapter;
using ContiRadarAdapter = Adapter;
using CompressedImageAdapter = Adapter;
using GnssRtkObsAdapter = Adapter;
using GnssRtkEphAdapter = Adapter;
using GnssBestPoseAdapter = Adapter;
using LocalizationMsfGnssAdapter =
using LocalizationMsfLidarAdapter =
using LocalizationMsfSinsPvaAdapter =
using LocalizationMsfStatusAdapter =
using RelativeMapAdapter = Adapter;
using NavigationAdapter = Adapter;

}  // namespace adapter
}  // namespace common
}  // namespace apollo



#define REGISTER_ADAPTER(name) \
 public: \
  static void Enable##name(const std::string &topic_name, \
                           const AdapterConfig &config) { \
    CHECK(config.message_history_limit() > 0) \
        << "Message history limit must be greater than 0"; \
    instance()->InternalEnable##name(topic_name, config);  \
  }   \
  static name##Adapter *Get##name() { \
    return instance()->InternalGet##name();   \
  }   \
  static AdapterConfig &Get##name##Config() { \
    return instance()->name##config_; \
  }   \
  static void Feed##name##Data(const name##Adapter::DataType &data) {  \
    if (!instance()->name##_) {       \
      AERROR << "Initialize adapter before feeding protobuf";  \
      return;     \
    } \
    Get##name()->FeedData(data);      \
  }   \
  static bool Feed##name##File(const std::string &proto_file) { \
    if (!instance()->name##_) {       \
      AERROR << "Initialize adapter before feeding protobuf";  \
      return false;       \
    } \
    return Get##name()->FeedFile(proto_file); \
  }   \
  static void Publish##name(const name##Adapter::DataType &data) {     \
    instance()->InternalPublish##name(data);  \
  }   \
  template <typename T>   \
  static void Fill##name##Header(const std::string &module_name, T *data) {    \
    static_assert(std::is_same##Adapter::DataType, T>::value,     \
                  "Data type must be the same with adapter's type!");  \
    instance()->name##_->FillHeader(module_name, data);    \
  }   \
  static void Add##name##Callback(name##Adapter::Callback callback) {  \
    CHECK(instance()->name##_) \
        << "Initialize adapter before setting callback";   \
    instance()->name##_->AddCallback(callback);    \
  }   \
  template <class T>      \
  static void Add##name##Callback(    \
      void (T::*fp)(const name##Adapter::DataType &data), T *obj) {    \
    Add##name##Callback(std::bind(fp, obj, std::placeholders::_1));    \
  }   \
  template <class T>      \
  static void Add##name##Callback(    \
      void (T::*fp)(const name##Adapter::DataType &data)) {    \
    Add##name##Callback(fp);  \
  }   \
  /* Returns false if there's no callback to pop out, true otherwise. */       \
  static bool Pop##name##Callback() { \
    return instance()->name##_->PopCallback();     \
  }   \
 private: \
  std::unique_ptr##Adapter> name##_;     \
  ros::Publisher name##publisher_;    \
  ros::Subscriber name##subscriber_;  \
  AdapterConfig name##config_; \
  void InternalEnable##name(const std::string &topic_name, \
                            const AdapterConfig &config) { \
    name##_.reset( \
        new name##Adapter(#name, topic_name, config.message_history_limit())); \
    if (config.mode() != AdapterConfig::PUBLISH_ONLY && IsRos()) {     \
      name##subscriber_ = \
          node_handle_->subscribe(topic_name, config.message_history_limit(),  \
                                  &name##Adapter::RosCallback, name##_.get()); \
    } \
    if (config.mode() != AdapterConfig::RECEIVE_ONLY && IsRos()) {     \
      name##publisher_ = node_handle_->advertise(     \
          topic_name, config.message_history_limit(), config.latch()); \
    } \
    observers_.push_back([this]() { name##_->Observe(); });    \
    name##config_ = config;   \
  }   \
  name##Adapter *InternalGet##name() { return name##_.get(); } \
  void InternalPublish##name(const name##Adapter::DataType &data) {    \
    /* Only publish ROS msg if node handle is initialized. */  \
    if (IsRos()) { \
      if (!name##publisher_.getTopic().empty()) {  \
        name##publisher_.publish(data);       \
      } else {    \
        AERROR << #name << " is not valid.";  \
      }   \
    } else {      \
      /* For non-ROS mode, just triggers the callback. */  \
      if (name##_) {      \
        name##_->OnReceive(data);     \
      } else {    \
        AERROR << #name << " is null.";       \
      }   \
    } \
    name##_->SetLatestPublished(data); \

宏定义似乎有些难看,我们以RoutingRequest消息为例 ,来看一个实际例子。RoutingRequest消息的ProtoBuf格式如下:

message RoutingRequest {
  optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
  // at least two points. The first is start point, the end is final point.
  // The routing must go through each point in waypoint.
  repeated LaneWaypoint waypoint = 2;
  repeated LaneSegment blacklisted_lane = 3;
  repeated string blacklisted_road = 4;
  optional bool broadcast = 5 [default = true];

REGISTER_ADAPTER(RoutingRequest)展开后的代码如下所示,大家是不是看到了RoutingRequest消息响应回调函数的添加函数:static void AddRoutingRequestCallback(RoutingRequestAdapter::Callback callback),以及RoutingRequest消息发布函数:static void PublishRoutingRequest(const RoutingRequestAdapter::DataType &data)

  static void EnableRoutingRequest(const std::string &topic_Namest,                      
                           const AdapterConfig &config) {                      
    CHECK(config.message_history_limit() > 0)                                  
        << "Message history limit must be greater than 0";                     
    instance()->InternalEnableRoutingRequest(topic_Namest, config);                      
  static RoutingRequestAdapter *GetRoutingRequest() {                                          
    return instance()->InternalGetRoutingRequest();                                    
  static AdapterConfig &GetRoutingRequestConfig() {                                  
    return instance()->RoutingRequestconfig_;                                          
  static bool FeedRoutingRequestFile(const std::string &proto_file) {                
    if (!instance()->RoutingRequest_) {                                                
      AERROR << "Initialize adapter before feeding protobuf";                  
      return false;                                                            
    return GetRoutingRequest()->FeedFile(proto_file);                                  
  static void PublishRoutingRequest(const RoutingRequestAdapter::DataType &data) {             
  static void FillRoutingRequestHeader(const std::string &module_RoutingRequest, T *data) {    
                  "Data type must be the same with adapter's type!");          
    instance()->RoutingRequest_->FillHeader(module_RoutingRequest, data);                        
  static void AddRoutingRequestCallback(RoutingRequestAdapter::Callback callback) {          
        << "Initialize adapter before setting callback";                       
  template <class T>                                                           
  static void AddRoutingRequestCallback(                                             
      void (T::*fp)(const RoutingRequestAdapter::DataType &data), T *obj) {            
    AddRoutingRequestCallback(std::bind(fp, obj, std::placeholders::_1));            
  template <class T>                                                           
  static void AddRoutingRequestCallback(                                             
      void (T::*fp)(const RoutingRequestAdapter::DataType &data)) {                    
  /* Returns false if there's no callback to pop out, true otherwise. */       
  static bool PopRoutingRequestCallback() {                                          
    return instance()->RoutingRequest_->PopCallback();                                 

  std::unique_ptr RoutingRequest_;                                      
  ros::Publisher RoutingRequestpublisher_;                                             
  ros::Subscriber RoutingRequestsubscriber_;                                           
  AdapterConfig RoutingRequestconfig_;                                                 

  void InternalEnableRoutingRequest(const std::string &topic_Namest,                     
                            const AdapterConfig &config) {                     
        new RoutingRequestAdapter(“RoutingRequest”, topic_Namest, config.message_history_limit())); 
    if (config.mode() != AdapterConfig::PUBLISH_ONLY && IsRos()) {             
      RoutingRequestsubscriber_ =                                                      
          node_handle_->subscribe(topic_Namest, config.message_history_limit(),  
                                  &RoutingRequestAdapter::OnReceive, RoutingRequest_.get());   
    if (config.mode() != AdapterConfig::RECEIVE_ONLY && IsRos()) {             
      RoutingRequestpublisher_ = node_handle_->advertise(     
          topic_Namest, config.message_history_limit(), config.latch());         

    observers_.push_back([this]() { RoutingRequest_->Observe(); });                    
    RoutingRequestconfig_ = config;                                                    
  RoutingRequestAdapter *InternalGetRoutingRequest() { return RoutingRequest_.get(); }                 
  void InternalPublishRoutingRequest(const RoutingRequestAdapter::DataType &data) {            
    /* Only publish ROS msg if node handle is initialized. */                  
    if (IsRos()) {                                                             
      if (!RoutingRequestpublisher_.getTopic().empty()) {                              
      } else {                                                                 
        AERROR << #RoutingRequest << " is not valid.";                                   
    } else {                                                                   
      /* For non-ROS mode, just triggers the callback. */                      
      if (RoutingRequest_) {                                                           
      } else {                                                                 
        AERROR << #RoutingRequest << " is null.";                                        







Routing类中撰写RoutingRequest消息响应函数:void Routing::OnRoutingRequest(
const RoutingRequest &routing_request)

void Routing::OnRoutingRequest(
    const RoutingRequest &routing_request) {
  AINFO << "Get new routing request:" << routing_request.DebugString();
  RoutingResponse routing_response;
  apollo::common::monitor::MonitorLogBuffer buffer(&monitor_logger_);
  const auto& fixed_request = FillLaneInfoIfMissing(routing_request);
  if (!navigator_ptr_->SearchRoute(fixed_request, &routing_response)) {
    AERROR << "Failed to search route with navigator.";

    buffer.WARN("Routing failed! " + routing_response.status().msg());
  buffer.INFO("Routing success!");



AdapterManager::AddRoutingRequestCallback(&Routing::OnRoutingRequest, this);


目前已经完成RoutingRequest消息的响应函数注册,但还没有消息发布函数。Apollo 2.0版本中,除测试模块外,另有两处发布该消息,一处是在dreamview模块,一处在planning模块。dreamview模块是在SimulationWorldUpdater类的构造函数内中调用AdapterManager::PublishRoutingRequest(routing_request)发布RoutingRequest消息:

SimulationWorldUpdater::SimulationWorldUpdater(WebSocketHandler *websocket, SimControl *sim_control, const MapService *map_service, bool routing_from_file)
    : sim_world_service_(map_service, routing_from_file),
      sim_control_(sim_control) {
 // ..
      [this](const Json &json, WebSocketHandler::Connection *conn) {
        RoutingRequest routing_request;

        bool succeed = ConstructRoutingRequest(json, &routing_request);
        if (succeed) {
                FLAGS_dreamview_module_name, &routing_request);
 // …


bool Frame::Rerouting() {
 // ...
  return true;
