【beginner-build framework】robot-peppor-develop



为了能够使用qibuild scripts,应该创建一个worktree,并且在该目录下进行qibuild init的初始化,然后用qisrc add来注册项目;
概念:worktree and projects

二. qibuild: C++ compilation made easy

  • qibuild的目的是让你更容易编译源文件,帮助你管理依赖关系和支持交叉编译
  • qibuild默认情况下会使用你系统的默认库,但是你还是可以使qitoochain去管理一些列预编译包。之后交叉编译也就是紧紧使用特定的toolchain工具那么简单了;
  • qibuild是真正的跨平台,在linux,win,mac都有测试;
  • 我们将使用为人所知的CMake build system,这个编译系统允许你使用已经存在的工具,例如gcc,vs等,该qibuild框架力图站在自己的方式:它仍然接近标准,将起到很好的与其他构建系统.
  • qibuild 由两部分组成:
    qibuild cmake framework:能简化cmakelist.txt
    qibuild /qitoolchain 命令行工具:这有助于建立项目同时考虑产生依赖关系


      qibuild and CMake (要进一步研究)
      qibuild and ROS build system(进一步研究)
      qibuild and qmake
      qibuild and autotools

qisrc: Managing git projects¶The motivation for qisrc is to make it possible to work with several git repositories at the same time.
-Yes, we are aware that git submodules exists, but we wanted something more flexible and easier to use.
-qisrc has more or less the same features than repo, (including gerrit support for code review), but, contrary to repo, it preserves a clean branch for you to work in and you can still use git normally.
-TutorialSee Managing git projects with qisrc.

qidoc: Building documentationqidoc is a small tool that helps you write documentation in sphinx or in doxygen, spread across several projects, while making sure you can generate re-locatable HTML documentation.
TutorialSee Building documentation with qidoc.
qilinguist: Translating projectsqilinguist provides tools to help internationalization of any kind of project, using gettext or Qt Linguist as backend.
TutorialSee Translating projects with qilinguist.
qipy: qibuild and Pythonqipy makes it possible to use Python extensions written in C/C++ with qibuild with pure Python libraries.
TutorialSee Using Python with qibuild projects.
qipkg: Generate binary packagesqipkg lets you make packages the same way Choregraphe does, but from the command line, and also lets you embed code written in C++ or Python inside the package.
See qipkg tutorial
