EOS工具 之 辐射传输模型软件FluxNet


FluxNet提供源码及多种操作系统下的可执行文件,位于文件包的bin目录下,支持的操作系统包括:Sun Solaris 2.6、SGI Irix 6.4、Linux (i386)、Windows 95/98/NT。使用方式为:fluxnet infile outfile








Jeff Key


1225 W. DaytonSt.

Madison, WI53706

Phone: (608)263-2605

Fax: (608) 262-5974

email: [email protected]


Key, J. and A.J.Schweiger, 1998, Tools for atmospheric radiative transfer: Streamer andFluxNet, Computers & Geosciences, 24(5), 443-451.

Key, J., E.Amano, J. Collins, and A. Schweiger, 1999, FluxNet User's Guide, TechnicalReport 96-03, Department of Geography, Boston University, 27 pp.




Table 1: Input for the network without profiles(fluxnet).


tsurf                           Surface (skin) temperature, in degrees Kelvin

emissurf                      Surface emissivity, recommended range 0.91 – 1.0

surftype                      Surface type indicator: 1=open sea water, 3=snow/ice, 5=generic vegeta-tion (2 and 4 are not used).

albsurf                       Surface shortwave broadband albedo. This is the albedo given the atmo- spheric (including cloud cover) conditions, not the inherent, no-atmosphere albedo as inStreamer. In other words, it is the albedo that would be mea- sured by up- and down-looking radiometers. The recommended range for each surface type is 0.25 – 0.99 (snow), 0.1 – 0.25 (water), and 0.15 – 0.55 (vegetation).  For nighttime conditions, setalbsurf to 0.

cldphase                     Cloud particle phase. Enter 0 for liquid water cloud, 1 for ice cloud (solid hexagonal columns).

cldre                          Cloudparticle effective radius in microns. Recommended ranges: 2.5

–20 mm for water (liquid) clouds, and 10 – 80 mm for ice clouds.

cldwc                         Cloud water content in g m-3. Recommended ranges: 0.05 - 0.5 g m-3 for water (liquid) clouds, and 0.0007 - 0.11 g m-3 for ice clouds.

cldtau                       Cloud visible optical depth.  Recommended range for water cloud is

0–150 (0 is clear); the ice cloud range is 0 - 50.

cldtemp                      Cloud top temperature (K).  Use values less than 273 K for ice clouds

and 253 K or greater for water (liquid) clouds.

cldfrac                      Cloud fraction, range 0.0 – 1.0. For clear sky setcldfracto 0,

cldphase to 0, cldre to 10, cldwc to 0.2 cldtempto 273, andcldtau to 0.

zen                             Solarzenith angle in degrees. Recommended range 0 - 90. Use 90 for nighttime (dark) conditions.

tauhaze                      Aerosol optical depth (unitless), recommended range 0.05 – 0.5

o3                              Totalcolumn ozone in g m-2,  recommended range 6.4 – 9.7l.

(1 Dobson unit = 0.021416667 g m-2)

h2ocol                        Totalcolumn water amount (water path) in gm-2, recommended range

700– 70,000.


         FluxNet的输出参数包括:surfacedownwelling shortwave, upwelling shortwave, downwelling longwave, and upwellinglongwave; TOA downwelling shortwave, upwelling shortwave, and upwelling longwavefluxes。
