Alluxio 1.7.0 透明命名机制及统一命名空间的案例与解读 以及Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错安装部署

Alluxio 1.7.0 使用统一透明命名空间,通过使用其透明命名机制以及挂载API,Alluxio支持在不同存储系统之间对数据进行高效的管理。在Alluxio重新安装的基础上,再次安装Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错。然后进行Alluxio 1.7.0 透明命名机制及统一命名空间的案例与解读

  1. 在Alluxio重新安装的基础上,再次安装Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错



root@master:~# start
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
root@master:~# status
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Mode: follower

root@worker1:~# start
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
root@worker1:~# status
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Mode: leader
root@worker2:~# start
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
root@worker2:~# status
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Mode: follower

2) Alluxio  Master配置

root@master:~# cd /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# ls  core-site.xml.template  masters  workers
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# mv
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# vi
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
# (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
# available at
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
# either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
# See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.

# Copy this file as and edit it to configure Alluxio for your
# site. This file is sourced to launch Alluxio servers or use Alluxio shell
# commands.
# This file is an optional approach to configure Alluxio options by setting the
# following listed environment variables. Note that, setting this file will not
# affect jobs (e.g., Spark job or MapReduce job) that are using Alluxio client
# as a library. Alternatively, it is recommended to create file,
# which supports all the configuration options provided by Alluxio
# (,
# and is respected by both external jobs and Alluxio servers (or shell).

# The directory where log files are stored. (Default: ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs).

# Config properties set for Alluxio master, worker and shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio master daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio worker daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.worker.port=49999" to set worker port, "-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M" to limit the heap size of worker.

# Config properties set for Alluxio shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH"

# Additional classpath entries for Alluxio processes. (Default: "")
# E.g. "/path/to/library1/:/path/to/library2/"

"" 72L, 2356C written                                                                                                                   
在Alluxio  第二个Master节点,即Worker节点(配置Alluxio  Master。

root@worker1:~# cd /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf
root@worker1:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf#  mv
root@worker1:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# vi
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
# (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
# available at
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
# either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
# See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.

# Copy this file as and edit it to configure Alluxio for your
# site. This file is sourced to launch Alluxio servers or use Alluxio shell
# commands.
# This file is an optional approach to configure Alluxio options by setting the
# following listed environment variables. Note that, setting this file will not
# affect jobs (e.g., Spark job or MapReduce job) that are using Alluxio client
# as a library. Alternatively, it is recommended to create file,
# which supports all the configuration options provided by Alluxio
# (,
# and is respected by both external jobs and Alluxio servers (or shell).

# The directory where log files are stored. (Default: ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs).

# Config properties set for Alluxio master, worker and shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio master daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio worker daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.worker.port=49999" to set worker port, "-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M" to limit the heap size of worker.

# Config properties set for Alluxio shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH"

# Additional classpath entries for Alluxio processes. (Default: "")
# E.g. "/path/to/library1/:/path/to/library2/"


"" 63L, 2348C written                                                                                                                   

所有Alluxio Master(Master节点(、Worker节点(以这种方式配置后(配置Master地址),都可以启动用于Alluxio的容错。其中一个成为Leader,其余重播日志直到当前Master失效。

3)       Alluxio  Worker配置。

只要以上参数配置正确,Alluxio  Worker就可以咨询ZooKeeper,找到当前应当连接的Master。所以,Alluxio  Worker无需设置ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS。 Worker2(、Worker3(的conf/alluxio-env.sh配置。

root@worker2:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# ls  core-site.xml.template  masters  workers
root@worker2:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# mv
root@worker2:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# vi

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
# (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
# available at
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
# either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
# See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.

# Copy this file as and edit it to configure Alluxio for your
# site. This file is sourced to launch Alluxio servers or use Alluxio shell
# commands.
# This file is an optional approach to configure Alluxio options by setting the
# following listed environment variables. Note that, setting this file will not
# affect jobs (e.g., Spark job or MapReduce job) that are using Alluxio client
# as a library. Alternatively, it is recommended to create file,
# which supports all the configuration options provided by Alluxio
# (,
# and is respected by both external jobs and Alluxio servers (or shell).

# The directory where log files are stored. (Default: ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs).

# Config properties set for Alluxio master, worker and shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio master daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio worker daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.worker.port=49999" to set worker port, "-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M" to limit the heap size of worker.

# Config properties set for Alluxio shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH"

# Additional classpath entries for Alluxio processes. (Default: "")
# E.g. "/path/to/library1/:/path/to/library2/"


"" 55L, 2231C written                                                                                                                   

root@worker3:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# mv
mv: cannot stat 鈥榓鈥 No such file or directory
root@worker3:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf#  vi
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
# (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
# available at
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
# either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
# See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.

# Copy this file as and edit it to configure Alluxio for your
# site. This file is sourced to launch Alluxio servers or use Alluxio shell
# commands.
# This file is an optional approach to configure Alluxio options by setting the
# following listed environment variables. Note that, setting this file will not
# affect jobs (e.g., Spark job or MapReduce job) that are using Alluxio client
# as a library. Alternatively, it is recommended to create file,
# which supports all the configuration options provided by Alluxio
# (,
# and is respected by both external jobs and Alluxio servers (or shell).

# The directory where log files are stored. (Default: ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs).

# Config properties set for Alluxio master, worker and shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio master daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.master.port=39999"

# Config properties set for Alluxio worker daemon. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.worker.port=49999" to set worker port, "-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M" to limit the heap size of worker.

# Config properties set for Alluxio shell. (Default: "")
# E.g. "-Dalluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH"

# Additional classpath entries for Alluxio processes. (Default: "")
# E.g. "/path/to/library1/:/path/to/library2/"


"" 54L, 2230C written                                                                                                                   


5)       重新格式化Alluxio。如果是首次修改底层存储系统为HDFS的话,需要进行格式化。

root@master:~# alluxio format
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all worker nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/alluxio formatWorker
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
Formatting Alluxio Master @ master
2018-02-15 07:33:08,389 INFO  Configuration - Configuration file /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf/ loaded.
2018-02-15 07:33:09,587 INFO  Format - Formatting master journal: hdfs://master:9000/alluxio/data/journal/
2018-02-15 07:33:10,299 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading core UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib
2018-02-15 07:33:11,092 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-oss-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:11,215 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-gcs-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:11,350 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-wasb-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:11,712 WARN  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Failed to load jar /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-wasb-1.7.0.jar: alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystemFactory: Provider alluxio.underfs.hdfs.HdfsUnderFileSystemFactory not found
2018-02-15 07:33:11,712 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-s3a-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:11,924 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:12,229 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-swift-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:12,340 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-local-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:33:12,364 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading extension UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/extensions
2018-02-15 07:33:12,365 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading core UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib
2018-02-15 07:33:12,370 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading extension UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/extensions
2018-02-15 07:33:15,592 WARN  NativeCodeLoader - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
2018-02-15 07:33:21,724 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading core UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib
2018-02-15 07:33:21,727 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading extension UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/extensions
2018-02-15 07:33:21,770 INFO  UfsJournal - Formatting hdfs://master:9000/alluxio/data/journal/BlockMaster/v1
2018-02-15 07:33:23,433 WARN  HdfsUnderFileSystem - Retry count 1 : Cannot delete /alluxio/data/journal/BlockMaster/v1/_format_1518500879508. Name node is in safe mode.
The reported blocks 1700 needs additional 716 blocks to reach the threshold 0.9990 of total blocks 2418.
The number of live datanodes 3 has reached the minimum number 0. Safe mode will be turned off automatically once the thresholds have been reached.
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem.checkNameNodeSafeMode(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem.deleteInternal(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem.deleteInt(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem.delete(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNodeRpcServer.delete(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocolPB.ClientNamenodeProtocolServerSideTranslatorPB.delete(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos$ClientNamenodeProtocol$2.callBlockingMethod(
        at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine$Server$
        at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC$
        at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$Handler$
        at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$Handler$
        at Method)
        at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$


root@master:~# hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave 
DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.
Instead use the hdfs command for it.

Safe mode is OFF
root@master:~# alluxio format
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all worker nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/alluxio formatWorker
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
Formatting Alluxio Master @ master
2018-02-15 07:34:33,428 INFO  Configuration - Configuration file /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf/ loaded.
2018-02-15 07:34:33,566 INFO  Format - Formatting master journal: hdfs://master:9000/alluxio/data/journal/
2018-02-15 07:34:33,589 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading core UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib
2018-02-15 07:34:33,597 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-oss-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,600 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-gcs-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,604 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-wasb-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,613 WARN  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Failed to load jar /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-wasb-1.7.0.jar: alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystemFactory: Provider alluxio.underfs.hdfs.HdfsUnderFileSystemFactory not found
2018-02-15 07:34:33,613 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-s3a-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,617 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,626 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-swift-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,630 INFO  ExtensionsClassLoader - Created ExtensionsClassLoader with jars=file:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib/alluxio-underfs-local-1.7.0.jar
2018-02-15 07:34:33,633 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading extension UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/extensions
2018-02-15 07:34:33,635 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading core UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib
2018-02-15 07:34:33,637 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading extension UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/extensions
2018-02-15 07:34:33,983 WARN  NativeCodeLoader - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
2018-02-15 07:34:34,439 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading core UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/lib
2018-02-15 07:34:34,441 INFO  UnderFileSystemFactoryRegistry - Loading extension UFS jars from /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/extensions
2018-02-15 07:34:34,483 INFO  UfsJournal - Formatting hdfs://master:9000/alluxio/data/journal/BlockMaster/v1
2018-02-15 07:34:34,890 INFO  UfsJournal - Formatting hdfs://master:9000/alluxio/data/journal/FileSystemMaster/v1
2018-02-15 07:34:34,908 INFO  Format - Formatting complete

6) 启动Alluxio集群,启动第一个Master节点。

root@master:~# all Mount 
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all master nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ proxy
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all worker nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ proxy
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all worker nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ worker
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all master nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ master
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all master nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ master
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all worker nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ worker Mount
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all master nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ proxy
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Executing the following command on all worker nodes and logging to /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/logs/task.log: /usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/bin/ proxy
Waiting for tasks to finish...
All tasks finished


root@master:~# jps
4326 AlluxioMaster
2808 SecondaryNameNode
4552 AlluxioProxy
4632 Jps
3288 QuorumPeerMain
2603 NameNode
2973 ResourceManager

root@worker1:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# jps
2546 QuorumPeerMain
3412 AlluxioProxy
2181 DataNode
3463 Jps
2346 NodeManager

root@worker2:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# jps
2549 QuorumPeerMain
2182 DataNode
3622 AlluxioProxy
3512 AlluxioWorker
3689 Jps
2348 NodeManager
root@worker3:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/conf# jps
2352 NodeManager
3316 AlluxioProxy
3354 Jps
2141 DataNode
3197 AlluxioWorker

查看Web Interface界面( ,第一个Master的地址)

Alluxio 1.7.0 透明命名机制及统一命名空间的案例与解读 以及Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错安装部署_第1张图片Alluxio 1.7.0 透明命名机制及统一命名空间的案例与解读 以及Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错安装部署_第2张图片

Alluxio Master多Master节点部署成功!

2. Alluxio透明命名机制及统一命名空间


(一) Alluxio透明命名机制


Alluxio 1.7.0 透明命名机制及统一命名空间的案例与解读 以及Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错安装部署_第3张图片

图 6 - 23Alluxio透明命名机制

当在Alluxio文件系统中创建对象时,可以选择这些对象是否要在底层存储系统中进行持久化。对于需要持久化的对象, Alluxio会保存底层文件系统存储这些对象的文件夹的路径。例如,一个用户在根目录下创建了一个Users目录,其中包含Alice和Bob两个子目录,底层文件系统(如HDFS或S3)也会保存相同的目录结构和命名。类似地,当用户在 Alluxio文件系统中对一个持久化的对象进行重命名或者删除操作时,底层文件系统中对应的对象也会被执行相同的操作。

另外,Alluxio能够搜索到底层文件系统中并非通过Alluxio创建的对象。例如,底层文件系统中包含一个Data文件夹, 其中包含Reports和Sales两个文件,它们都不是通过Alluxio创建的,当它们第一次被访问时(例如用户请求打开文件),Alluxio会自动加载这些对象的元数据。然而在该过程中Alluxio不会加载具体文件数据,若要将其加载到Alluxio, 可以用FileInStream读数据,或者通过AlluxioShell中的load命令进行加载。

(二) Alluxio统一命名空间



Alluxio 1.7.0 透明命名机制及统一命名空间的案例与解读 以及Alluxio 1.7.0 HA容错安装部署_第4张图片

图 6 - 24

默认情况下,Alluxio文件系统挂载到Alluxio配置中alluxio.underfs.address指定的目录,该目录代表Alluxio 的”primary storage”。另外,用户可以通过挂载API添加和删除数据源。

bool mount(String alluxioPath, String ufsPath);

bool unmount(String alluxioPath);

例如,主存储(”primary storage”)可以是HDFS,其中可以包含用户的文件夹;Data文件夹可能存储在S3文件系统 下,这可以通过mount(alluxio://host:port/Data,s3://bucket/directory)命令实现。


1.5.2      Alluxio透明命名机制及统一命名空间案例实战


1)       先在本地文件系统中创建一个临时目录alluxio-demo。

root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6# mkdirtmp
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6# cd tmp
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp#mkdir alluxio-demo
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp#touch alluxio-demo/hello
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp# catalluxio-demo/hello
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp# cdalluxio-demo

2) 将Linux本地alluxio-demo目录挂载到Alluxio中。 


root@master:~#  alluxio fs mount /demo file:///usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Mounted file:///usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo at /demo
root@master:~#  alluxio fs lsr /demo
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
WARNING: lsr is deprecated. Please use ls -R instead.
-rw-r--r-- root           root                         0       PERSISTED 02-15-2018 08:10:42:329 100% /demo/hello

3) 验证对于不是通过Alluxio创建的对象,当第一次访问它们时,其元数据被加载进入了Alluxio中。

root@master:~#  alluxio fs ls /demo/hello
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
-rw-r--r-- root           root                         0       PERSISTED 02-15-2018 08:10:42:329 100% /demo/hello


root@master:~# alluxio fs mv  /demo/hello  /demo/world
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
Renamed /demo/hello to /demo/world
root@master:~# alluxio fs ls /demo/
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
-rw-r--r-- root           root                         0       PERSISTED 02-15-2018 08:10:42:329 100% /demo/world
-rw-r--r-- root           root                         0 TO_BE_PERSISTED 02-15-2018 08:12:52:150 100% /demo/hello2
5) 在Alluxio中将W orld文件删除,然后检查HDFS底层文件系统中W orld文件已经被删除。
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo# alluxio fs rm /demo/world
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
/demo/world has been removed
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo# ls
6) 在本地/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo再新建一个


 root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo# touch hello3
root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo# alluxio fs ls /demo/hello3
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1 and will be remove in version 2.0.
Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.
-rw-r--r-- root           root                         0       PERSISTED 02-15-2018 08:50:07:148 100% /demo/hello3


root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo#  alluxio fs unmount /demo

ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1and will be remove in version 2.0.

Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.

Unmounted /demo

root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo#alluxio fs ls  /demo

ALLUXIO_MASTER_ADDRESS is deprecated since version 1.1and will be remove in version 2.0.

Please use "ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME" instead.

Path /demo does not exist



root@master:/usr/local/alluxio-1.7.0-hadoop-2.6/tmp/alluxio-demo# ls
