freeswitch-dptools模块 wiki翻译-部分翻译 尚未校对



answer - 来自通道或者呼叫的回答。
att_xfer - 坐席转移。

bind_digit_action - 绑定的按键顺序或正则表达式的作用。
bind_meta_app - 对指定的呼叫一定的DTMF在桥和执行另一个拨号规则的应用。
block_dtmf - 发送或接收通道的dtmfs
break - 取消当前正在运行的应用程序的应用程序。
bridge - 桥接一个现有的通道
bridge_export - 类似出口,但在一个通道桥接另一个出口

capture - 捕获数据转换为通道变量。
check_acl - 在ACL列表检查IP。
clear_digit_action - 清除所有数字绑定
clear_speech_cache - 清除高清语音处理缓存。
cluechoo - 只让控制台读"ConCon"
cng_plc - 在所有丢失的数据包上执行可编程控制器,并执行。像执行的结果等,但仅来自呼出呼叫。
conference - 建立多方会议。
conference_set_auto_outcall - 拨号规则要有电话会议开始时,可以多次在会议开始前多次调用多个当事人。

db - 将信息插入到数据库中。
deflect - 发送呼叫转移。
delay_echo - 指定延迟回声音频。
detect_speech - 在通道上检测语音。
digit_action_set_realm - 变换绑定区域。
displace_session - 取代某个通道上音频。

early_hangup - 开启某个通道上的早期挂机。
eavesdrop - 调试某个通道。
echo - 将音视频发回发送端(回音)。
enable_heartbeat - 启用媒体心跳。
endless_playback - 连续播放文件给呼叫者。
enum - 完成E.164查找。
erlang - 使用Erlang呼叫处理。
eval - Evaluates a string.
event - Fire an event.
execute_extension - 执行扩展。
export - Export a channel variable across a bridge =

fax_detect - 检测传真CNG—(可能已经过时了)
fifo - 发送给调用者一个FIFO队列。
fifo_track_call - Count a call as a FIFO call in the manual_calls queue.
flush_dtmf - 冲洗所有队列的DTMF。

gentones - 产生TGML音调。
group - 插入或删除组中的成员。

hangup - 挂断当前通道。
hash - 增加一个hash到数据库
hold - 发送保持信息
httapi - Send call control to a Web server with the HTTAPI infrastructure

info - Display Call Info.
intercept - Lets you pickup a call and take it over if you know the uuid.
ivr - 运行IVR菜单。

javascript -   在拨号计划里面使用JavaScripts脚本
jitterbuffer - Send a jitter buffer message to a session

limit - Set a limit on number of calls to/from a resource
limit_execute - Set the limit on a specific application
limit_hash - Set a limit on number of calls to/from a resource
limit_hash_execute - Set the limit on a specific application
log - Logs a channel variable for the channel calling the application.
lua - Run a Lua script from the dialplan

media_reset - Reset all bypass/proxy media flags.
mkdir - Create a directory.
multiset - Set multiple channel variables with a single action.
mutex - Block on a call flow, allowing only one at a time

page - Send a file as a page.
park - Park a call.
park_state - Park State.
phrase - Say a Phrase.
pickup - Pickup a call.
play_and_detect_speech - Play while doing speech recognition.
play_and_get_digits - Play and get Digits.
play_fsv - Play an FSV file. FSV - (FS Video File Format) additional description needed
playback - Play a sound file to the originator.
pre_answer - Answer a channel in early media mode.
preprocess - description needed
presence - Send Presence
privacy - Set caller privacy on calls.

queue_dtmf - Send DTMF digits after a successful bridge.

read - Read Digits.
record - Record a file from the channels input.
record_fsv - Record a FSV file. FSV - (FS Video File Format) additional description needed
record_session - Record Session.
recovery_refresh - Send a recovery refresh.
redirect - Send a redirect message to a session.
regex - Perform a regex.
remove_bugs - Remove media bugs.
rename - Rename file.
respond - Send a respond message to a session.
ring_ready - Indicate Ring_Ready on a channel.
rxfax - Receive a fax as a tif file.

say - 说 时间/日期/ip地址/digits/etc. With pre-recorded prompts.
sched_broadcast - 启用广播。
sched_hangup - 开启挂机计划
sched_heartbeat - 启用预定心跳。
sched_transfer - Enable Scheduled Transfer.
send_display - Sends an info packet with a sipfrag.
send_dtmf - Send inband DTMF, 2833, or SIP Info digits from a session.
send_info - Send info to the endpoint.
session_loglevel - Override the system's loglevel for this channel.
set - Set a channel variable for the channel calling the application.
set_audio_level - Adjust the read or write audio levels for a channel.
set_global - Set a global variable.
set_name - Name the channel.
set_profile_var - Set a caller profile variable.
set_user - Set a user.
set_zombie_exec - Sets the zombie execution flag on the current channel.
sleep - 暂停一个通道
socket - Establish an outbound socket connection.
sound_test - Analyze Audio.
speak - Speaks a string or file of text to the channel using the defined TTS engine.
soft_hold - Put a bridged channel on hold.
start_dtmf - Start inband DTMF detection.
stop_dtmf - Stop inband DTMF detection.
start_dtmf_generate - Start inband DTMF generation.
stop_displace_session - Stop displacement audio on a channel.
stop_dtmf_generate - Stop inband DTMF generation.
stop_record_session - Stop Record Session.
stop_tone_detect - Stop detecting tones.
strftime - Returns formatted date and time.
system - Execute a system command.
three_way - 在一个uuid中进行三方通话
tone_detect - Detect the presence of a tone and execute a command if found.
transfer - Immediately transfer the calling channel to a new extension.
translate - Number translation.

unbind_meta_app - Unbind a key from an application.
unset - 设置一个变量。
unhold - Send a un-hold message.
verbose_events - Make ALL Events verbose (Make all variables appear in every single event for this channel).
valet_park - Use valet parking to specify where call is parked and retrieved
wait_for_silence - Pause processing while waiting for silence on the channel.
wait_for_answer - Pause processing while waiting for the call to be answered.


chat - 发送一个文本信息给IM客户端
presence - Send Presence.
strepoch - Returns the date/time as a UNIX epoch (seconds elapsed since midnight UTC, January 1, 1970).
strftime - Returns formatted date and time.
strftime_tz - Returns formatted date and time in the timezone specified.


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