聊聊storm TridentBoltExecutor的finishBatch方法

本文主要研究一下storm TridentBoltExecutor的finishBatch方法



    public void nextTuple() {

    private void sync() {
        // note that sometimes the tuples active may be less than max_spout_pending, e.g.
        // max_spout_pending = 3
        // tx 1, 2, 3 active, tx 2 is acked. there won't be a commit for tx 2 (because tx 1 isn't committed yet),
        // and there won't be a batch for tx 4 because there's max_spout_pending tx active
        TransactionStatus maybeCommit = _activeTx.get(_currTransaction);
        if(maybeCommit!=null && maybeCommit.status == AttemptStatus.PROCESSED) {
            maybeCommit.status = AttemptStatus.COMMITTING;
            _collector.emit(COMMIT_STREAM_ID, new Values(maybeCommit.attempt), maybeCommit.attempt);
            LOG.debug("Emitted on [stream = {}], [tx_status = {}], [{}]", COMMIT_STREAM_ID, maybeCommit, this);
        if(_active) {
            if(_activeTx.size() < _maxTransactionActive) {
                Long curr = _currTransaction;
                for(int i=0; i<_maxTransactionActive; i++) {
                    if(!_activeTx.containsKey(curr) && isReady(curr)) {
                        // by using a monotonically increasing attempt id, downstream tasks
                        // can be memory efficient by clearing out state for old attempts
                        // as soon as they see a higher attempt id for a transaction
                        Integer attemptId = _attemptIds.get(curr);
                        if(attemptId==null) {
                            attemptId = 0;
                        } else {
                        _attemptIds.put(curr, attemptId);
                        for(TransactionalState state: _states) {
                            state.setData(CURRENT_ATTEMPTS, _attemptIds);
                        TransactionAttempt attempt = new TransactionAttempt(curr, attemptId);
                        final TransactionStatus newTransactionStatus = new TransactionStatus(attempt);
                        _activeTx.put(curr, newTransactionStatus);
                        _collector.emit(BATCH_STREAM_ID, new Values(attempt), attempt);
                        LOG.debug("Emitted on [stream = {}], [tx_attempt = {}], [tx_status = {}], [{}]", BATCH_STREAM_ID, attempt, newTransactionStatus, this);
                    curr = nextTransactionId(curr);
  • MasterBatchCoordinator是整个trident的真正的spout,它的nextTuple方法会向TridentSpoutCoordinator向MasterBatchCoordinator.BATCH_STREAM_ID($batch)发射tuple



    public void execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
        TransactionAttempt attempt = (TransactionAttempt) tuple.getValue(0);

        if(tuple.getSourceStreamId().equals(MasterBatchCoordinator.SUCCESS_STREAM_ID)) {
        } else {
            long txid = attempt.getTransactionId();
            Object prevMeta = _state.getPreviousState(txid);
            Object meta = _coord.initializeTransaction(txid, prevMeta, _state.getState(txid));
            _state.overrideState(txid, meta);
            collector.emit(MasterBatchCoordinator.BATCH_STREAM_ID, new Values(attempt, meta));
  • TridentSpoutCoordinator接收MasterBatchCoordinator在MasterBatchCoordinator.BATCH_STREAM_ID($batch)发过来的tuple,然后向包装用户spout的TridentBoltExecutor发送batch指令



    public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
        if(TupleUtils.isTick(tuple)) {
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if(now - _lastRotate > _messageTimeoutMs) {
                _lastRotate = now;
        String batchGroup = _batchGroupIds.get(tuple.getSourceGlobalStreamId());
        if(batchGroup==null) {
            // this is so we can do things like have simple DRPC that doesn't need to use batch processing
            _bolt.execute(null, tuple);
        IBatchID id = (IBatchID) tuple.getValue(0);
        //get transaction id
        //if it already exists and attempt id is greater than the attempt there
        TrackedBatch tracked = (TrackedBatch) _batches.get(id.getId());
//        if(_batches.size() > 10 && _context.getThisTaskIndex() == 0) {
//            System.out.println("Received in " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex()
//                    + " (" + _batches.size() + ")" +
//                    "\ntuple: " + tuple +
//                    "\nwith tracked " + tracked +
//                    "\nwith id " + id + 
//                    "\nwith group " + batchGroup
//                    + "\n");
//        }
        //System.out.println("Num tracked: " + _batches.size() + " " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex());
        // this code here ensures that only one attempt is ever tracked for a batch, so when
        // failures happen you don't get an explosion in memory usage in the tasks
        if(tracked!=null) {
            if(id.getAttemptId() > tracked.attemptId) {
                tracked = null;
            } else if(id.getAttemptId() < tracked.attemptId) {
                // no reason to try to execute a previous attempt than we've already seen
        if(tracked==null) {
            tracked = new TrackedBatch(new BatchInfo(batchGroup, id, _bolt.initBatchState(batchGroup, id)), _coordConditions.get(batchGroup), id.getAttemptId());
            _batches.put(id.getId(), tracked);
        //System.out.println("TRACKED: " + tracked + " " + tuple);
        TupleType t = getTupleType(tuple, tracked);
        if(t==TupleType.COMMIT) {
            tracked.receivedCommit = true;
            checkFinish(tracked, tuple, t);
        } else if(t==TupleType.COORD) {
            int count = tuple.getInteger(1);
            checkFinish(tracked, tuple, t);
        } else {
            boolean success = true;
            try {
                _bolt.execute(tracked.info, tuple);
                if(tracked.condition.expectedTaskReports==0) {
                    success = finishBatch(tracked, tuple);
            } catch(FailedException e) {
                failBatch(tracked, e);
            if(success) {
            } else {

    private boolean finishBatch(TrackedBatch tracked, Tuple finishTuple) {
        boolean success = true;
        try {
            String stream = COORD_STREAM(tracked.info.batchGroup);
            for(Integer task: tracked.condition.targetTasks) {
                _collector.emitDirect(task, stream, finishTuple, new Values(tracked.info.batchId, Utils.get(tracked.taskEmittedTuples, task, 0)));
            if(tracked.delayedAck!=null) {
                tracked.delayedAck = null;
        } catch(FailedException e) {
            failBatch(tracked, e);
            success = false;
        return success;
  • TridentBoltExecutor.execute方法,首先会创建并初始化TrackedBatch(如果TrackedBatch不存在的话),之后接收到batch指令的时候,对tracked.receivedTuple累加,然后调用_bolt.execute(tracked.info, tuple)
  • 对于spout来说,这里的_bolt是TridentSpoutExecutor,它的execute方法会往下游的TridentBoltExecutor发射一个batch的tuples;由于spout的expectedTaskReports==0,所以这里在调用完TridentSpoutExecutor发射batch的tuples时,它就立马调用finishBatch
  • finishBatch操作,这里会通过COORD_STREAM往下游的TridentBoltExecutor发射[id,count]数据,告知下游TridentBoltExecutor说它一共发射了多少tuples



    public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
        if(TupleUtils.isTick(tuple)) {
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if(now - _lastRotate > _messageTimeoutMs) {
                _lastRotate = now;
        String batchGroup = _batchGroupIds.get(tuple.getSourceGlobalStreamId());
        if(batchGroup==null) {
            // this is so we can do things like have simple DRPC that doesn't need to use batch processing
            _bolt.execute(null, tuple);
        IBatchID id = (IBatchID) tuple.getValue(0);
        //get transaction id
        //if it already exists and attempt id is greater than the attempt there
        TrackedBatch tracked = (TrackedBatch) _batches.get(id.getId());
//        if(_batches.size() > 10 && _context.getThisTaskIndex() == 0) {
//            System.out.println("Received in " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex()
//                    + " (" + _batches.size() + ")" +
//                    "\ntuple: " + tuple +
//                    "\nwith tracked " + tracked +
//                    "\nwith id " + id + 
//                    "\nwith group " + batchGroup
//                    + "\n");
//        }
        //System.out.println("Num tracked: " + _batches.size() + " " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex());
        // this code here ensures that only one attempt is ever tracked for a batch, so when
        // failures happen you don't get an explosion in memory usage in the tasks
        if(tracked!=null) {
            if(id.getAttemptId() > tracked.attemptId) {
                tracked = null;
            } else if(id.getAttemptId() < tracked.attemptId) {
                // no reason to try to execute a previous attempt than we've already seen
        if(tracked==null) {
            tracked = new TrackedBatch(new BatchInfo(batchGroup, id, _bolt.initBatchState(batchGroup, id)), _coordConditions.get(batchGroup), id.getAttemptId());
            _batches.put(id.getId(), tracked);
        //System.out.println("TRACKED: " + tracked + " " + tuple);
        TupleType t = getTupleType(tuple, tracked);
        if(t==TupleType.COMMIT) {
            tracked.receivedCommit = true;
            checkFinish(tracked, tuple, t);
        } else if(t==TupleType.COORD) {
            int count = tuple.getInteger(1);
            checkFinish(tracked, tuple, t);
        } else {
            boolean success = true;
            try {
                _bolt.execute(tracked.info, tuple);
                if(tracked.condition.expectedTaskReports==0) {
                    success = finishBatch(tracked, tuple);
            } catch(FailedException e) {
                failBatch(tracked, e);
            if(success) {
            } else {

    private void checkFinish(TrackedBatch tracked, Tuple tuple, TupleType type) {
        if(tracked.failed) {
        CoordCondition cond = tracked.condition;
        boolean delayed = tracked.delayedAck==null &&
                              (cond.commitStream!=null && type==TupleType.COMMIT
                               || cond.commitStream==null);
        if(delayed) {
            tracked.delayedAck = tuple;
        boolean failed = false;
        if(tracked.receivedCommit && tracked.reportedTasks == cond.expectedTaskReports) {
            if(tracked.receivedTuples == tracked.expectedTupleCount) {
                finishBatch(tracked, tuple);                
            } else {
                //TODO: add logging that not all tuples were received
                failed = true;
        if(!delayed && !failed) {

    private boolean finishBatch(TrackedBatch tracked, Tuple finishTuple) {
        boolean success = true;
        try {
            String stream = COORD_STREAM(tracked.info.batchGroup);
            for(Integer task: tracked.condition.targetTasks) {
                _collector.emitDirect(task, stream, finishTuple, new Values(tracked.info.batchId, Utils.get(tracked.taskEmittedTuples, task, 0)));
            if(tracked.delayedAck!=null) {
                tracked.delayedAck = null;
        } catch(FailedException e) {
            failBatch(tracked, e);
            success = false;
        return success;
  • TridentBoltExecutor(SubtopologyBolt)是spout下游的bolt,它的_bolt是SubtopologyBolt,而且它的tracked.condition.expectedTaskReports不为0,因而它是在接收到TupleType.COORD的tuple的时候,才进行checkFinish操作(这里先忽略TupleType.COMMIT类型)
  • 由于BoltExecutor是使用Utils.asyncLoop来挨个消费receiveQueue的数据的,而且emitBatch的时候也是挨个接收batch的tuples,最后再接收到TridentBoltExecutor(TridentSpoutExecutor)在finishBatch的时候通过COORD_STREAM发过来的[id,count]的tuple(注意这里的COORD_STREAM是分发给每个task的,如果TridentBoltExecutor有多个parallel,则他们是按各自的task来接收的)
  • 所以TridentBoltExecutor(SubtopologyBolt)先挨个处理每个tuple,处理完之后才轮到TupleType.COORD这个tuple,然后触发checkFinish操作;在没有commitStream的情况下,tracked.receivedCommit默认为true,因而这里只要检测收到的tuples与应收的tuples数一致,就执行_bolt.finishBatch操作完成一个batch,然后再往它的下游TridentBoltExecutor发射它应收的[id,count]的tuple


  • 对于trident来说,真正的spout是MasterBatchCoordinator,它的nextTuple会触发batch的发送,它将batch指令发送给TridentSpoutCoordinator,而TridentSpoutCoordinator将触发TridentBoltExecutor(TridentSpoutExecutor)的execute方法,进而触发ITridentSpout的emitter的emitBatch,从而发送一个batch的数据
  • TridentBoltExecutor(TridentSpoutExecutor)的expectedTaskReports==0,它在调用完TridentSpoutExecutor发射batch的tuples时,就立马调用finishBatch操作,通过COORD_STREAM往下游的TridentBoltExecutor发射[id,count]数据,告知下游TridentBoltExecutor说它一共发射了多少tuples
  • spout的下游bolt为TridentBoltExecutor(SubtopologyBolt),它的tracked.condition.expectedTaskReports不为0,因而它是在接收到TupleType.COORD的tuple的时候,才进行checkFinish操作(这里先忽略TupleType.COMMIT类型),由于spout是先执行emitBatch操作再最后finishBatch发送[id,count]数据,正常情况下按顺序进入到TridentBoltExecutor(SubtopologyBolt)的receiveQueue队列,然后TridentBoltExecutor(SubtopologyBolt)挨个消费tuple,调用SubtopologyBolt.execute,最后再处理[id,count]数据,触发checkFinish操作,只要检测收到的tuples与应收的tuples数一致,就执行SubtopologyBolt.finishBatch操作完成这个batch,然后再往它的下游TridentBoltExecutor发射它应收的[id,count]的tuple


  • Trident Tutorial
  • 聊聊storm worker的executor与task
  • 聊聊storm的AggregateProcessor的execute及finishBatch方法
