BEGIN declare tmp bigint default 0; declare uploaddate,currenttime DATETIME; declare freetraffic,sales,trafficpc,trafficapp,activity,calculate varchar(32); declare recordid,calid,errorsInfo int(11); -- 计算过程中的变量 declare gmv,taxsales,priceindex,margin,guestsinglequantity,nontaxcost,Basket,goodsprice,priceadjustment double; declare ordernumber,totalsales int(11); declare goodscode varchar(10); -- 定义第一个游标 取未计算的记录遍历 declare cur CURSOR FOR SELECT id,upload_date,jd_free_traffic,jd_sales,paid_traffic_pc,paid_traffic_app,promotion_activity,data_calculate FROM ec_upload_across WHERE data_calculate ='no' AND upload_date < NOW() ORDER BY upload_date; -- 定义第二个游标 取商品编号遍历 declare innrcur CURSOR FOR SELECT goods_code FROM ec_jd_sales WHERE date=uploaddate; -- 定义游标 declare continue handler for not found set tmp=1; declare continue handler for sqlexception set errorsInfo =1; OPEN cur; -- 打开游标 FETCH NEXT from cur INTO recordid,uploaddate,freetraffic,sales,trafficpc,trafficapp,activity,calculate; -- 游标向下走一步 WHILE(tmp=0) DO -- INSERT INTO ec_calculate_logs(start_time,record_id,deal_flag,status) values(NOW(),recordid,'N','N');-- 测试用 IF freetraffic ='yes' and freetraffic ='yes' and sales ='yes' and trafficpc ='yes' and trafficapp ='yes' and activity='yes' THEN START TRANSACTION; set currenttime =NOW(); INSERT INTO ec_calculate_logs(start_time,record_id,deal_flag,status) values(currenttime,recordid,'N','N'); -- 写入ec_calculate_logs表中一条记录 select cal_id INTO calid from ec_calculate_logs where record_id=recordid AND start_time = currenttime; -- 生成的主键ID -- 开始计算 OPEN innrcur; -- 打开游标 FETCH NEXT from innrcur INTO goodscode; -- 游标向下走一步 WHILE(tmp=0) DO -- 计算GMV、Margin select tax_sales into taxsales from ec_jd_sales where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; if taxsales IS NOT NULL THEN select COUNT(*) into priceindex from ec_promotion_activity where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; if priceindex=0 THEN SET priceindex=1.2; ELSE select price_index into priceindex from ec_promotion_activity where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; if priceindex IS NULL THEN SET priceindex=1.2; end IF; end IF; -- 自定义测试异常 -- if goodscode = 1828002 THEN INSERT INTO ec_calculate_logs(start_time,record_id,deal_flag,status) values(currenttime,mx,'N','N'); end IF; SET gmv=taxsales*priceindex; update ec_jd_sales set GMV=gmv where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; set margin=gmv-taxsales; update ec_jd_sales set Margin=margin where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; end IF; -- 计算客单量 select COUNT(*) into ordernumber from ec_free_traffic where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; select total_sales into totalsales from ec_jd_sales where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; if ordernumber<>0 THEN select order_number into ordernumber from ec_free_traffic where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; if ordernumber IS NOT NULL OR ordernumber<>0 THEN set guestsinglequantity=totalsales/ordernumber; update ec_jd_sales set guest_single_quantity=guestsinglequantity where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; -- 计算未税成本依赖于客单量 select non_tax_cost into nontaxcost from ec_jd_sales where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; set Basket=guestsinglequantity*nontaxcost; update ec_jd_sales set basket=Basket where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; end IF; end IF; -- 计算京东(当天售价)调价 select COUNT(*) into priceadjustment from ec_promotion_activity where price_adjustment IS NULL AND date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; IF priceadjustment=1 THEN select goods_price into goodsprice from ec_jd_sales where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; update ec_promotion_activity set price_adjustment=goodsprice where date = uploaddate and goods_code=goodscode; end IF; FETCH NEXT from innrcur INTO goodscode; END WHILE; SET tmp=0; CLOSE innrcur; -- 关闭游标 -- 更新相关表的状态 update ec_calculate_logs set end_time=NOW(),status='Y' where cal_id =calid; UPDATE ec_upload_across SET data_calculate='yes' WHERE id=recordid; update ec_calculate_logs set deal_flag='Y' where cal_id =calid; -- 发生异常回滚,正常提交 if errorsInfo=1 THEN ROLLBACK; INSERT INTO ec_calculate_logs(start_time,record_id,deal_flag,status) values(currenttime,recordid,'N','N'); SET tmp=1; ELSE commit; end IF; ELSE SET tmp=1; END IF; FETCH NEXT from cur INTO recordid,uploaddate,freetraffic,sales,trafficpc,trafficapp,activity,calculate; END WHILE; CLOSE cur; -- 关闭游标 END