ant -projecthelp命令


查看工程完整任务列表命令:ant -projecthelp

appfuse complete list of tasks:

F:\workspace\javaee\myapp>ant -projecthelp
Buildfile: F:\workspace\javaee\myapp\build.xml
Trying to override old definition of datatype resources

Main targets:

 bin                  creates zip file with war, jdbc drivers, and XML file
 checkstyle           Check code style for compliance with coding standards
 clean                Removes build artifacts
 compile              alias for compile-web
 compile-dao          Compile dao module
 compile-service      Compile service module
 compile-web          Compile web module
 copy-resources       Copy .properties and .xml files from source directory
 copy-web-files       Copy static files
 db-create            create database for ${database.type}
 db-drop              drops database tables
 db-export            Exports the current data in the database
 db-load              Loads the database with sample data
 db-prepare           creates database tables
 deploy               unwar into the servlet container's deployment directory
 deploy-test-reports  Deploys Generated JUnit test reports to server
 deploy-war           Deploy '${}.war' to local Tomcat
 deploy-web           deploy only web classes to servlet container's deploy dire
 dist                 create zip and tar.gz of entire directory for distribution

 docs                 runs javadoc, todo, checkstyle and pmd tasks
 emma                 turns on EMMA instrumentation/reporting
 hibernatedoclet      Generate Hibernate mapping files
 init                 defines custom tasks
 install              Install application in Tomcat
 java2html            creates HTML pages of code for online viewing
 javadoc              Generate JavaDoc API docs
 jsp-2                Convert JSP 1.2 tags (i.e. JSTL) to JSP 2.0
 list                 List Tomcat applications
 new                  creates a new project with the specified name
 package-dao          Package DAO JAR
 package-web          Package WAR
 ping-tomcat          pings tomcat to make sure it's running
 pmd                  Locates unused imports, unused variables, etc.
 prepare              create target directories
 refresh              Undeploys, cleans, then re-deploys
 reload               Reload application in Tomcat
 remove               Remove application in Tomcat
 setup                Sets up database, tomcat and deploys expanded war
 setup-db             creates database and populates by calling other tasks
 setup-tomcat         copies jdbc driver and context.xml to tomcat
 stage-web            Calls other targets to gather static resources
 start                Start Tomcat application
 start.tomcat         starts tomcat in the current console window
 stop                 Stop Tomcat application
 test-all             runs all tests for dao, service, web and jsp
 test-all-running     runs all tests for DAOs, Services, Controllers and JSPs
 test-canoo           Runs Canoo WebTests in Tomcat to test JSPs
 test-dao             Test dao module
 test-jsp             Runs Canoo WebTests using Cargo
 test-reports         Generate test reports
 test-service         Test service module
 test-web             Test web module
 todo                 creates report of todos in code
 undeploy             undeploy war file to servlet container's deployment dir
 war                  alias for package-web
 webdoclet            Generate JSP TLD and other web artifacts
 wiki                 downloads files from wiki for doco
Default target: package-web


