【SQL注入之jSQL 】


jSQL 注入工具是一个轻量级的应用程序,可以远程的发现数据库服务器信息。


这个软件是开源免费跨平台的工具,遵循GNU GPL v3。支持Windows linux Mac OSX Solaris。

【SQL注入之jSQL 】_第1张图片

jSQL是一款轻量级的安全测试工具,用于发现远程数据库的漏洞信息。jSQL免费、开源、跨平台(Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris)。 Version 0.4特性 GET, POST, header, cookie methods Normal, error based, blind, time based algorithms Automatic best algorithm selection Multi-thread control (start/pause/resume/stop) Progression bars Shows URL calls Simple evasion Proxy setting Distant file reading Webshell deposit Terminal for webshell commands Configuration backup Update checker Admin page checker Brute forcer .




【SQL注入之jSQL 】_第2张图片


1)Automatic injection of 23 kinds of databases: Access, CockroachDB, CUBRID, DB2, Derby, Firebird, H2, Hana, HSQLDB, Informix, Ingres, MaxDB, Mckoi, MySQL{MariaDb}, Neo4j, NuoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata and Vertica

2)Multiple injection strategies: Normal, Error, Blind and Time

3)SQL Engine to study and optimize SQL expressions

4)Injection of multiple targets

5)Search for administration pages

6)Creation and vizualisation of Web shell and SQL shell

7)Read and write files on host using injection

8)Bruteforce of password's hash

9)Code and decode a string

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  • 【SQL注入之jSQL 】_第4张图片
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