[翻译]-Programming MS WinCE (3rd 版)封底



用这本广受业界推崇的Windows CE.NET参考书,为最新的智能移动设备设计整洁、高性能的应用程序。在第3版里,基本内容已经根据Windows CE.NET 4.2和微软.NET CF做了更新。作者Douglas Boling对如何把Windows、嵌入式程序设计经验应用到Windows CE.NET环境里做了娴熟的示范。在这个环境里,可以为支持Windows的Pocket PC、Smartphone以及其它下一代设备编写更快,更小的应用。在Douglas Boling专家级的指导下,可以促进提升你的技术,更快的适应市场变化。


  • 用特定的技术处理内存、存储和电源限制
  • 能够和网络、PC、其他设备(包括使用红外线和蓝牙技术的设备)通信
  • 新内容--为Smartphone的特殊要求编程,包括安全特性。
  • 新内容--在Pocket PC Phone和Smartphone上使用短消息服务(SMS)写面向连接的应用
  • 新内容--编写自己的设备驱动程序、服务程序和超级服务程序
  • 配置用户和事件通知
  • 使用游戏API编程


作为一个作家、培训师和顾问,Douglas Boling从Windows CE初始就开始涉足这个领域了,被公认为这个平台的权威。他频繁的出现在各种主要的专业开发人员大会上,微软嵌入式开发大会、微软专业开发者大会以及TechEd都有他的身影。通过他的Boling Consulting公司,Doug为许多在Windows CE上工作的一流公司做教学和咨询。
主要的专业开发人员大会上,微软嵌入式开发大会、微软专业开发者大会以及TechEd都有他的身影。通过他的Boling Consulting公司,Doug为许多在Windows CE上工作的一流公司做教学和咨询。


Back Cover

Design sleek, high-performance applications for the newest smart mobile devices with the industry’s most respected reference to Windows CE .NET. Now in its third edition, this essential guide has been updated for Windows CE .NET 4.2 and the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework. Author Douglas Boling expertly demonstrates how to apply your Windows or embedded programming experience to the Windows CE .NET environment to build fast, small-footprint applications for the Windows Powered Pocket PC, Smartphone, and other next-generation devices. Accelerate your expertise—and get to market faster—with Doug’s professional-level instruction.

Learn how to:

  • Use specialized techniques for handling memory, storage, and power constraints
  • Enable communications to networks, PCs, or other devices—including using infrared and Bluetooth technologies
  • NEW—Use the .NET Compact Framework to build CPU-independent applications
  • Develop applications for the Pocket PC and create custom extensions
  • NEW—Program for the unique requirements of the Smartphone, including security features
  • NEW—Use Short Message Service to write connected applications on the Pocket PC Phone Edition and Smartphone
  • NEW—Write your own device drivers, services, and super services
  • Configure user and event notifications
  • Program the Game API (GAPI)

About the Author

Author, trainer, and consultant Douglas Boling has been involved with Windows CE from its inception and is widely regarded as an authority on the platform. He is a frequent speaker at leading professional developer conferences such as the Microsoft Windows Embedded Developers Conference, Microsoft Professional Developers Conference, and TechEd. Through his company Boling Consulting, Inc., Doug has taught and consulted for many of the leading companies that work with Windows CE.
