Windows Mobile (EVC)开发手记2

3.关于spdps.exe  /create /device (only do this once)
一般来讲,一台手机使用上述命令创造一个证书后,这台手机就与注册的这台电机绑定了,我曾经试过先在台式机上使用上述命令,然后又在我的本本上使用了一次,结果二者都不能运行了,害的我只好将手机恢复到出厂状态。主要原因在于Activesync在第一次与手机相连时就会说明:"with this computer"
一旦创建一个证书之后,还可以使用这个命令查看选择已经注册的证书:spdps.exe / device

Windows Mobile-based Smartphone Applications Deployment Demystified

5.How do i connect smartphone 2003 emulator with PC using active syn

Using ActiveSync Over Virtual Switch

  1. Configure the emulator to use Virtual Switch. For more information, see Changing Ethernet Support in the Emulator .
  2. Start the emulator.
  3. Open the SDK command prompt, found under: Start->All Programs->Microsoft Smartphone SDK->Smartphone SDK.
  4. Run emuascfg specifying the /SP flag for the Smartphone emulator. Press Enter, and wait until emuascfg has completed.
  5. Close the command window when it's finished.
  6. Confirm that ActiveSync has Allow Network (Ethernet) and Remote Access Service (RAS) server connection with this desktop computer enabled. Find this under ActiveSync's Connection Settings dialog.
  7. Switch to the emulator.
  8. Open ActiveSync in the emulator.
  9. Choose "Sync".

The emulator will then connect to the desktop via the ethernet.

Disabling Ethernet Support in the Emulator

When developing an application that will be deployed on Smartphone devices that might not be configured to form a network, turning off Ethernet support will enable application testing in a disconnected state. Applications that are running in the emulator cannot be debugged when Ethernet support is disabled.

To disable Ethernet support in the emulator

  1. Shut down the emulator if it is running.
  2. In eMbedded Visual C++, on the Tools menu, click Configure Platform Manager.
  3. In the device list, click Smartphone Emulator, and then click Properties.
  4. Click the Configure button to the right of the Startup Server drop-down list box.
  5. Select the desired networking option.
  6. Click OK to close the Emulation Configuration Settings dialog box.
  7. Click TEST to restart the emulator.
  8. Wait for the Testing Device Connection dialog to show an OK button.
  9. Click OK to close the Testing Device Connection dialog box.
  10. Click OK to close Device Properties dialog box.
  11. Click OK to close the Windows CE Platform Manager Configuration dialog box.

There are three emulator-networking options available: disabled, network address translation, and virtual switched. These are the capabilities of each of the options:


The network card is not available to the emulator.

Network Address Translation

  1. Uses the same IP as the host machine.
  2. Only allows commands when started by the emulator.
  3. The emulator sends out requests for information, and it can receive replies to its own requests. However, it cannot receive unsolicited information.

Virtual Switched

  1. Gives the device an IP.
  2. Uses DHCP to get an IP.
  3. The device shows up on the network at the IP.
  4. Is available for incoming and outgoing messages.

Note   This option is available in the eMBedded Visual C 4.0 emulator only. Visual Studio .NET 2003 does not support virtual switched.

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