   Those of you attempting to use the new Flex 3 AdvancedDataGrid component in FlashDevelop might have noticed that you are getting the following error:

Error: Could not resolve  to a component implementation.

This is because the AdvancedDataGrid (along with a bunch of other components) are not part of the basic Flex framework, but are provided in an external swc.  Although Flex Builder 3 includes these automatically, FlashDevelop does not so you need to manually include the required components.

To do this take the following steps:

Right click on the project root in the Project Manager and select Add->Library Asset…
Navigate to the datavisualization.swc file (this will be in Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\libs) and click Open
Once again click on the project root and select Add->Library Asset…
This time navigate to datavisualization_rb.swc (this will be in Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\locale\en_US) and click Open
Now you will be able to use AdvancedDataGrid and all other charting components without ever touching Flash Builder 3!

P.S. If you include datavisualization.swc but forget to include datavisualization_rb.swc you will get the following error:

Error: Unable to resolve resource bundle “datamanagement” for locale “en_US”.

另外一种就是放到Flex Builder自带的sdk中,其实很简单, 就是把datavisualization.swc拷贝到Fx\sdk\version\frameworks\libs下。将datavisualization_rb.swc拷贝到Fx\sdk\version\frameworks\locale\en_US。将datavisualization rsls 拷贝到Fx\sdk\version\frameworks\rsls下。如果不行话的就重启一下Fx.
