

1. 委婉:

    1) 动词:think、hope、regret、please
         We regret very much that it is necessary to complain about the nun-delivery of the 1,000 tons
   of sugar under contract Bc23.
   We hope delivery will be made according to schedule.
   Please make the shipment in May or as early as possible.
    2) 名词
          We are extremely sorry for our inability to advance shipment.
    3) 副词:unfortunately、scarcely、hardly、rather、almost、slightly
    We appreciated the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even of this quality.
    I'm really sorry that our products can hardly satisfy your requirement.
    4) 介词,介词词组:beyond scope, up to the level
       As some itesms under your order are beyond our business scope, we can only accept your order partially.
    As your counter bid is not up to the present market level, we are sorry that we have to give you a nagative reply.
    5) 时态(情态动词的一般过去时表示委婉口气):Would you please.. ? I thought..
           I wanted..
     I wondered..
     I was sure..
 6) 比较:
      We found the prices of your machines a little bit higher than acceptable.
   (so high that we can't accept..)
 7) 被动语态:
   Your remittance in full discharge of this claim at an early date will be much appreciated.
   You should be informed that the shipment time in February or March at our option and the goods will be shipped in one lot.
    8) 虚拟语气:
   If it were not for the regular orders we receive from a number of our customers, we could not have quoted for supplies even at those prices.
   We wish we could lower our prices but unfortunately we cannot do so.
   May we suggest that you make some allowance on your quoted prices so as to enable us to introduce your goods to our customers?
 9) 委婉否定: not proper
      We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for such material is on the decline at present.
    10) 弱化语气:I'm afraid.. I don't think.. I am not sure..
