说明: pipelinedb 现在已经是pg的一个插件 ,【Since PipelineDB runs as an extension to PostreSQL, begin by installing PostgreSQL】。 我们需要先安装pg,然后安装pipeline的扩展即可
rpm -ivh pipelinedb-postgresql-11-1.0.0-13.centos7.x86_64.rpm
# 初始化pg
su - postgres
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_ctl initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/11/data
listen_addresses = '*'
max_worker_processes = 128
shared_preload_libraries = 'pipelinedb'
# 启动pg
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/pgsql/11/data
# 登录pg
create database pipeline ;
\c pipeline;
create extension pipelinedb;
# 这里还可以有些创建账号、添加pg_hba地址授权等操作,不在本文讨论的范畴内。
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/psql pipeline # 登录后,执行如下的2个SQL:
-- 创建一个外部表,实际数据来自pipelinedb CREATE FOREIGN TABLE wiki_stream ( hour timestamp, project text, title text, view_count bigint, size bigint) SERVER pipelinedb;
-- 创建CV视图 CREATE VIEW wiki_stats WITH (action=materialize) AS SELECT hour, project, count(*) AS total_pages, sum(view_count) AS total_views, min(view_count) AS min_views, max(view_count) AS max_views, avg(view_count) AS avg_views, percentile_cont(0.99) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY view_count) AS p99_views, sum(size) AS total_bytes_served FROM wiki_stream GROUP BY hour, project;
# 查看数据表:
pipeline=# \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------------------+---------------+---------- public | wiki_stats | view | postgres public | wiki_stats_def | view | postgres public | wiki_stats_mrel | table | postgres public | wiki_stats_osrel | foreign table | postgres public | wiki_stats_seq | sequence | postgres public | wiki_stream | foreign table | postgres (6 rows)
# 现在我们将数据集解压缩为流并将其写入stdin,它可以用作COPY的输入
curl -sL http://pipelinedb.com/data/wiki-pagecounts | gunzip | /usr/pgsql-11/bin/psql pipeline -c "COPY wiki_stream (hour, project, title, view_count, size) FROM STDIN"
# 查看测试的数据集:
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/psql pipeline -c "SELECT * FROM wiki_stats ORDER BY total_views DESC";
# 要查看系统中当前的连续视图及其定义,可以运行以下查询:
pipeline=# SELECT * FROM pipelinedb.views; id | schema | name | active | query ----+--------+------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | public | wiki_stats | t | SELECT wiki_stream.hour, + | | | | wiki_stream.project, + | | | | count(*) AS total_pages, + | | | | sum(wiki_stream.view_count) AS total_views, + | | | | min(wiki_stream.view_count) AS min_views, + | | | | max(wiki_stream.view_count) AS max_views, + | | | | avg(wiki_stream.view_count) AS avg_views, + | | | | percentile_cont((0.99)::double precision) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ((wiki_stream.view_count)::double precision)) AS p99_views,+ | | | | sum(wiki_stream.size) AS total_bytes_served + | | | | FROM wiki_stream + | | | | GROUP BY wiki_stream.hour, wiki_stream.project (1 row)
pipelinedb 在实时流式计算方面,有很多用法。具体可以参照德哥的github。