
public class RobotPage extends Page {
	  private final static String CSS_ROBOT_PAGE = "robot-page";
	  private final static String LOCALHOST = "";
	  private final static String HTMLTEMPLATE_VIDEO = "";  //the video source for html
	  private final static String HTMLTEMPLATE_CONTROL = "";  //the ip-camera-control:direction source for html
      private final static String XML_FILE_INSTRUCTION = "robot-instruction.xml";
      private final static String XML_FILE_KIOSKINFO   = "kiosk-information.xml";
	  private final static String CSS_RENTAL_LEFT_BUTTON   = "robot-left-navibutton";
	  private final static String CSS_RENTAL_RIGHT_BUTTON  = "robot-right-navibutton";
	  private final static String CSS_INSTRUCTION_GRID     = "robot-instruction-grid";
	  private final static String CSS_LOG_SCROLL_PANEL     = "robot-log-scroll-panel";
	  private final static String CSS_ROBOT_NAVI_PANEL     = "robot-navi-buttons-panel";
	  private final static String CSS_GROUP_BUTTONS_GRIDS  = "robot-group-buttons-grid";
	  private final static String CSS_IPCAMERA_DIRECTION   = "ipcamera-direction-grid";
	  private final static String CSS_IPCAMERA_BRIGHTNESS  = "ipcamera-brightness-grid";
	  private final static String CSS_WINDOW_CLOSE         = "window-close-button";
	  private final static String CSS_MSG   = "json-error-msg";
	  private final static String ROOT_NAME = "all";
	  private static final int PAGESIZE        = 6;  //will hold the number of instruction(each inst is a button).
	  private static final int MAXCOL_SIZE     = InstPanel.MAX_INSTTUCTION_NUM;  //in one row, there's 3 instruction button.
	  private static final int MAXROW_SIZE     = PAGESIZE / MAXCOL_SIZE ;  // each page will hold those rows.
	  private static int _currentPage = 0;   //the state of current page number.
	  private static int _totalPage   = 0;   //the total of page number.
//	  protected HashMap	_dataNames	= new HashMap();
//	  protected ArrayList _valueListenersNames = new ArrayList();
//	  protected ArrayList _valueListeners      = new ArrayList();
//	  protected ArrayList _errorListenersNames = new ArrayList();
//	  protected ArrayList _errorListeners      = new ArrayList();
	  private static ArrayList _instList      = new ArrayList(); //store Instruction
	  private static ArrayList _instPanelList = new ArrayList(); //store InstPanel;
	  private static ParseKioskInfo _parseKioskInfo = null;      //it's global      
	  protected String _group = ROOT_NAME;                                   //story current group name
	  private CommandPushButton		_cmdPrevPage;         // navi button <<
	  private CommandPushButton		_cmdNextPage;         // navi button >>
	  private Grid _instGrid;                             // to arrage instruction panel...
	  private VerticalPanel _pageContentPanel;            // the container of this page
	  private Label _errorMsg;
	  private HTML _logHtml;
	  private CustomScrollPanel _logContainer;
	  private KioskSelectionPopup _kioskPopup;
	  private DataLabel _entryField;
	  private HTML _ipCameraVideo;
	  private HTML _ipCameraControl;

	public static PageInfo init(final Screen parent, final ScreenData data) {
		return new PageInfo("robot-test", parent) {
			public Page createInstance() {
				return new RobotPage("robot-test", parent, data);

	public RobotPage(String token, final Screen parent, ScreenData data) {
		super(token, parent, data);

//		KioskConstants constants = Main.getConstants();
		// A vertical layout. this widget ready to prepare for xmlPanel...
		_pageContentPanel = new VerticalPanel();

	public void preShowPageExecute() {
//		KioskConstants constants = Main.getConstants();
//        // Page title
//		_pageTitle = PageTitle.getInstance();
//		_pageTitle.setVisible(true);
//		_pageTitle.setTitle("robot-instruction-test");
//		final NavigationMenu naviMenu = NavigationMenu.getInstance();
//		naviMenu.resetButtons();
		// reset movie language selection
//		super.preShowPageExecute();
	  _isBlocking = false;
	  _visible = true;
	  _hasBeenShown = true;
	  GetXML robotXml = new GetXML(XML_FILE_INSTRUCTION,_data,this,_pageContentPanel);
	  new CancelIdleTimer().scheduleRepeating( 1000);
	  //if there's no any password setting, don't show me.
	  if (Security.getPassword().length() > 0){
		  Security security = new Security(_data,this);
//	  enableChangeListeners();
	public void postHidePageExecute() {
	   _isBlocking = false;
	   _visible = false;
//	   disableChangeListeners();	
	protected class GetXML {
		private ScreenData _screenData;
		private Page       _currPage;
		private String     _xmlFile;
		private VerticalPanel _pageContentPanel;
		protected GetXML(String xmlFile,ScreenData data,Page currentPage,VerticalPanel pageContentPanel){
			_xmlFile = xmlFile;
			_screenData = data;
			_currPage = currentPage;
			_pageContentPanel = pageContentPanel;
		protected void call(){
			HTTPRequest.asyncGet(_xmlFile, new ResponseTextHandler() {
			      public void onCompletion(String responseText) {
			        // In the real world, this text would come as a RPC response. This
			        // technique is great for testing and samples though!
			      public void dealWithRobotInstList(String xmlText,final VerticalPanel pageContentPanel) {
			    	  // --------------------------------begin xmlParse-------------------------------- //
			   		  Document robotInstDom = XMLParser.parse(xmlText);
			   	      Element topMostElement = robotInstDom.getDocumentElement();
			   	      // Must do this if you ever use a raw node list that you expect to be
			   	      // all elements.


			   	      NodeList insts = topMostElement.getElementsByTagName("inst");
			   	      for (int i = 0; i < insts.getLength(); i++) {
			   	        Element inst = (Element) insts.item(i);
			   	        Instruction robotInst = new Instruction();

			   	        String desc = inst.getAttribute("desc") == null ? "" : inst.getAttribute("desc");
			   	        String urlMap = inst.getAttribute("urlMap") == null ? "" : inst.getAttribute("urlMap");
			   	        String group = inst.getAttribute("group") == null ? "others" : inst.getAttribute("group");

			   	        NodeList params = inst.getChildNodes();
			   	        if(params == null){
			   	        Param[] robotInstParams = new Param[params.getLength()];
			   	        for(int j = 0; j < params.getLength(); j++) {

			   	              Element param = (Element) params.item(j);
			   	              robotInstParams[j] = new Param();
			   	              String name = param.getAttribute("name") == null ? "" : param.getAttribute("name");
			   	              String paramDesc = param.getAttribute("desc") == null ? "" : param.getAttribute("desc");
			   	              String reg = param.getAttribute("regularExpression") == null ? "" : param.getAttribute("regularExpression");
			   	              String defaultValue = param.getAttribute("defaultValue") == null ? "" : param.getAttribute("defaultValue"); 
			   	              String min = param.getAttribute("min") == null ? "" : param.getAttribute("min");
			   	              String max = param.getAttribute("max") == null ? "" : param.getAttribute("max"); 
//			   	              _data.addDataItem(robotInst.getUrlMap().trim()+name.trim(), ScreenData.STRING_TYPE, 55);
////			   	              if(!defaultValue.trim().equals("")){
//			   	            	 _data.setValue(robotInst.getUrlMap().trim()+name.trim(), defaultValue, null);
////			   	              }
			   	   // --------------------------------end xmlParse--------------------------------
			   	   // --------------------------------begin construct widget-------------------------------- //
		   	      _totalPage  = _instList.size() / PAGESIZE;
		   	      if( _totalPage * PAGESIZE < _instList.size() ){
		   	    	  _totalPage += 1;
		   	      final HorizontalPanel cmdPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
			   		_cmdPrevPage = new CommandPushButton(/*"<<" */""); 
					_cmdPrevPage.setVisible(false);					// default to set it invisible until I know the count
					_cmdNextPage = new CommandPushButton(/*">>" */"");
					_currentPage = _instList.size() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
					_cmdNextPage.setVisible( _currentPage < _totalPage );		
					cmdPanel.add( _cmdPrevPage );
					cmdPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment( _cmdPrevPage, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_TOP);
					cmdPanel.add( _cmdNextPage );
					cmdPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment( _cmdNextPage, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_TOP);
//		   	       cmdPanel.add(setTreeView());
//		   	    	 Edit popup
//						_entryField = new DataLabel( _currPage, _data, RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID,
//								DataLabel.LABEL_ELLIPSES | DataLabel.LABEL_POPUP );
//						AllKiosks.getInstanceAndAddCompletionCommand(new Command(){
//							public void execute(){
////								 Kiosk popup
//								_kioskPopup = new KioskSelectionPopupExt( _currPage, 
//																		_data,
//																		RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID,
//																		CssDefn.CSS_DATAENTRYPOPUP_CELLNUMBER,
//																		new HTML("

select the kiosk you want to test."),_entryField); // //HB,2008/04/01, Step 4: add change listern,the third param is a widget have implements ChangeListener. // _data.addValueChangeListener( RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID, _entryField ); // // _entryField.setMap(AllKiosks.getInstance().getKioskMap()); // // // Edit button // CommandPushButton kioskButton = new CommandPushButton( "select
kiosk" ); // kioskButton.setCommand( new SelectKioskCommand( _kioskPopup )); // // cmdPanel.add(kioskButton); // } // }); pageContentPanel.add(cmdPanel); HorizontalPanel instPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); instPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); //log: record the json value // RichTextArea log = new RichTextArea(); // log.setStyleName(NOTES_STYLE); { _errorMsg = new Label(); _errorMsg.setWordWrap(true); _errorMsg.setStyleName(CSS_MSG); } _logHtml = new HTML(); _logContainer = new CustomScrollPanel( _logHtml ); _logContainer.setStyleName( CSS_LOG_SCROLL_PANEL ); // instPanel.add(setTreeView()); { { _instGrid = new Grid(MAXROW_SIZE,MAXCOL_SIZE); _instGrid.setStyleName(CSS_INSTRUCTION_GRID); instPanel.add( _instGrid ); instPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment( _instGrid, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_TOP); { _instPanelList.clear(); int currentRow = 0; int currentCol = 0; for(Iterator iter = _instList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ){ Instruction currentInst = (Instruction)iter.next(); InstPanel tmpPanel = new InstPanel(currentInst,_logContainer,_logHtml,_errorMsg,_screenData,_currPage); _instPanelList.add(tmpPanel); if( currentRow <= MAXROW_SIZE - 1 ){ _instGrid.setWidget(currentRow, currentCol,tmpPanel); _instGrid.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment( currentRow, currentCol, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); _instGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment( currentRow, currentCol, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_TOP); } else { continue; } if( currentCol < MAXCOL_SIZE - 1 ){ currentCol++; } else { currentRow++; currentCol = 0; } } } } VerticalPanel ipCameraVerticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); //for adding ipcamera { _ipCameraVideo = new HTML(""); _ipCameraControl = new HTML(""); ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(_ipCameraVideo); ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(_ipCameraControl); Grid directionGrid = new Grid(3,3); //for controling the direction directionGrid.setStyleName(CSS_IPCAMERA_DIRECTION); { Button up = new Button("↑", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ String ipcameraHost = ""; if (_parseKioskInfo != null){ if (_parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID) != null){ ipcameraHost = _parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID).toString(); } } directionPost(ipcameraHost,"TiltUp"); } }); //for up direction directionGrid.setWidget(0, 1, up); Button left = new Button("←", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ String ipcameraHost = ""; if (_parseKioskInfo != null){ if (_parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID) != null){ ipcameraHost = _parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID).toString(); } } directionPost(ipcameraHost,"PanLeft"); } }); //for left direction directionGrid.setWidget(1, 0, left); Button original = new Button("o", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ String ipcameraHost = ""; if (_parseKioskInfo != null){ if (_parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID) != null){ ipcameraHost = _parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID).toString(); } } homePositionPost(ipcameraHost); } }); //return to original directionGrid.setWidget(1, 1, original); Button right = new Button("→", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ String ipcameraHost = ""; if (_parseKioskInfo != null){ if (_parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID) != null){ ipcameraHost = _parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID).toString(); } } directionPost(ipcameraHost,"PanRight"); } }); //for right direction directionGrid.setWidget(1, 2, right); Button down = new Button("↓", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ String ipcameraHost = ""; if (_parseKioskInfo != null){ if (_parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID) != null){ ipcameraHost = _parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID).toString(); } } directionPost(ipcameraHost,"TiltDown"); } }); //for down direction directionGrid.setWidget(2, 1, down); } ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(directionGrid); //for Brightness { ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(new HTML("Brightness")); Grid brightnessGrid = new Grid(1,3); brightnessGrid.setStyleName(CSS_IPCAMERA_BRIGHTNESS); Button darker = new Button("-", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ directionPost(_data.getValue(RobotScreen.DATA_ROBOTSCREEN_KIOSK_IP),"Darker"); } }); //become darker brightnessGrid.setWidget(0, 0, darker); Button defaultBrightness = new Button("o", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ directionPost(_data.getValue(RobotScreen.DATA_ROBOTSCREEN_KIOSK_IP),"DefaultBrightness"); } }); //keep intact brightnessGrid.setWidget(0, 1, defaultBrightness); Button brighter = new Button("+", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ directionPost(_data.getValue(RobotScreen.DATA_ROBOTSCREEN_KIOSK_IP),"Brighter"); } }); //become brighter brightnessGrid.setWidget(0, 2, brighter); ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(brightnessGrid); } Button closeWindow = new Button("Leave Robot-test", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ closeWindow(); } }); //hit to close the gwt-window closeWindow.setStyleName(CSS_WINDOW_CLOSE); ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(new HTML(" ")); ipCameraVerticalPanel.add(closeWindow); } instPanel.add(ipCameraVerticalPanel); pageContentPanel.add(instPanel); pageContentPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(instPanel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); pageContentPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(instPanel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_TOP); pageContentPanel.add(_errorMsg); pageContentPanel.add(_logContainer); pageContentPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(_logContainer, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_TOP); CellPanelHelper.setParentCellStyleName( _logContainer, CssDefn.CSS_SIGNUP_AGREEMENT_TERMS_CONTENT_CELL ); } // --------------------------------end construct widget-------------------------------- // // -------------set navi menu command------------- _cmdPrevPage.setCommand(new PrevPageCommand()); _cmdNextPage.setCommand(new NextPageCommand()); // -------------set navi menu command------------- } //add two FlowPanel to this page. private void renderXML(String xmlText) { // final TabPanel tab = new TabPanel(); // final FlowPanel xmlSource = new FlowPanel(); //// final FlowPanel xmlParsed = new FlowPanel(); // final FlowPanel xmlrobot = new FlowPanel(); //// tab.add(xmlParsed, "Customer Pane"); // tab.add(xmlSource, "XML Source"); // tab.add(xmlrobot,"Robot Test"); // // tab.selectTab(1); // _pageContentPanel.add(tab); // xmlPane(xmlText, xmlSource); dealWithRobotInstList(xmlText, _pageContentPanel); } /** * Show the raw XML. * * @param xmlText * @param xmlSource */ // private void xmlPane(String xmlText, final FlowPanel xmlSource) { // xmlText = xmlText.replaceAll("<", "<"); // xmlText = xmlText.replaceAll(">", ">"); // Label xml = new HTML("
" + xmlText + "
", false); // xml.setStyleName(XML_LABEL_STYLE); // xmlSource.add(xml); // } }); } } //hit next button to do this command protected class NextPageCommand implements Command { public void execute(){ _currentPage++; _instGrid.clear(); _cmdNextPage.setVisible( _currentPage < _totalPage); _cmdPrevPage.setVisible(true); int currentRow = 0; int currentCol = 0; ArrayList relatedPanelList = filteredInstPanel(_group); for(int i = (_currentPage -1) * PAGESIZE; i >= 0 && i < _currentPage * PAGESIZE && i < relatedPanelList.size(); i++){ _instGrid.setWidget(currentRow, currentCol,(InstPanel)relatedPanelList.get(i)); if(currentCol < MAXCOL_SIZE - 1){ currentCol++; } else { currentRow++; currentCol = 0; } } } } //hit prev button to do this command protected class PrevPageCommand implements Command { public void execute(){ _currentPage--; _instGrid.clear(); _cmdNextPage.setVisible(_currentPage < _totalPage); _cmdPrevPage.setVisible(_currentPage > 1); int currentRow = 0; int currentCol = 0; ArrayList relatedPanelList = filteredInstPanel(_group); for(int i = (_currentPage -1 ) * PAGESIZE; i >= 0 && i < _currentPage * PAGESIZE && i < relatedPanelList.size(); i++){ _instGrid.setWidget(currentRow, currentCol,(InstPanel)relatedPanelList.get(i)); if(currentCol < MAXCOL_SIZE -1 ){ currentCol++; } else { currentRow++; currentCol = 0; } } } } /** * * add treeView,it has been expanded. */ // private Tree setTreeView() { // TreeItem root = new TreeItem(new Button(ROOT_NAME, new ClickListener(){ // public void onClick(Widget sender){ // setGroup(ROOT_NAME); // _currentPage = 2; // new PrevPageCommand().execute(); // } // })); // Set hashSet = new HashSet(); // // //-----get all distinct group----- // for(Iterator insts = _instList.iterator(); insts.hasNext(); ) { // Instruction inst = (Instruction) insts.next(); // String group = inst.getGroup(); // hashSet.add(group); // // } // //-----get all distinct group----- // // for(Iterator groups = hashSet.iterator(); groups.hasNext(); ) { // String group = groups.next().toString(); // root.addItem(new Button(group, new ClickListener(){ // public void onClick(Widget sender){ // setGroup(((Button)sender).getText()); // _currentPage = 2; // new PrevPageCommand().execute(); // } // })); // } // // Tree t = new Tree(); // t.addItem(root); // // //----it's the only way to expand all nodes // t.setSelectedItem(root.getChild(0)); // t.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); // //----it's the only way to expand all nodes // // // return t; // } private void setGroupButtons( HorizontalPanel container,final Page curentPage) { final int MAX_COL = 6; final Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.setCellPadding(30); grid.setCellSpacing(30); grid.setStyleName(CSS_GROUP_BUTTONS_GRIDS); Button all = new Button(ROOT_NAME, new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ setGroup(ROOT_NAME); _currentPage = 2; new PrevPageCommand().execute(); } }); ArrayList instGroups = new ArrayList(); //-----get all distinct group----- for(Iterator insts = _instList.iterator(); insts.hasNext(); ) { Instruction inst = (Instruction) insts.next(); String group = inst.getGroup(); if(!instGroups.contains(group)){ instGroups.add(group); } } //-----get all distinct group----- int rows = (instGroups.size() + 2) / MAX_COL; rows = (instGroups.size() + 2) % MAX_COL == 0 ? rows : rows + 2; grid.resize(rows, MAX_COL); int row = 0; int col = 0; grid.setWidget(row, col, all); for(Iterator groups = instGroups.iterator(); groups.hasNext(); ) { String group = groups.next().toString(); Button groupItem = new Button(group, new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ setGroup(((Button)sender).getText()); _currentPage = 2; new PrevPageCommand().execute(); } }); col++; if (col==MAX_COL) { col = 0; row++; } grid.setWidget(row, col, groupItem); } // Edit popup _entryField = new DataLabel( curentPage, _data, RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID, DataLabel.LABEL_ELLIPSES | DataLabel.LABEL_POPUP ); //ParseKioskInfo.getInstance(xmlFile, nextCommand); // AllKiosks.getInstanceAndAddCompletionCommand(new Command(){ AllKiosks.getInstanceAndAddCompletionCommand(new Command(){ public void execute(){ _parseKioskInfo = ParseKioskInfo.getInstance(XML_FILE_KIOSKINFO, new Command(){ public void execute(){ // Kiosk popup _kioskPopup = new KioskSelectionPopupExt(curentPage, _data, RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID, CssDefn.CSS_DATAENTRYPOPUP_CELLNUMBER, new HTML("

select the kiosk you want to test."),_entryField); //HB,2008/04/01, Step 4: add change listern,the third param is a widget have implements ChangeListener. _data.addValueChangeListener( RobotScreen.DATA_RENTAL_CONFIRMRENTAL_KIOSKID, _entryField ); _entryField.setMap(_parseKioskInfo.getKioskDescList()); // Edit button // CommandPushButton kioskButton = new CommandPushButton( "select kiosk" ); // kioskButton.setCommand( new SelectKioskCommand( _kioskPopup )); Button edit = new Button("select kiosk", new ClickListener(){ public void onClick(Widget sender){ new SelectKioskCommand( _kioskPopup ).execute(); } }); edit.setHTML(" select kiosk "); grid.setWidget(grid.getRowCount()-2, grid.getColumnCount()-1, edit); } }); } }); container.add(grid); } /** * reset all related member of this page,excepting _instList and _instPanelList. */ private void filterGroup(String group) { if(group.equals(ROOT_NAME)){ _currentPage = _instList.size() > 0 ? 1 : 0; _totalPage = _instList.size() / PAGESIZE; if( _totalPage * PAGESIZE < _instList.size() ){ _totalPage += 1; } } else { int counter = 0; //a counter of group for(Iterator insts = _instList.iterator(); insts.hasNext(); ) { Instruction inst = (Instruction)insts.next(); if (inst.getGroup().equals(group)){ counter++; } } _currentPage = counter > 0 ? 1 : 0; _totalPage = counter / PAGESIZE; if( _totalPage * PAGESIZE < counter ){ _totalPage += 1; } } } /** * * @param group * @return : get all related panels */ private ArrayList filteredInstPanel(String group){ if(group.equals(ROOT_NAME)) { return _instPanelList; } ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator panels = _instPanelList.iterator(); panels.hasNext(); ) { InstPanel panel = (InstPanel)panels.next(); if(panel.getInstruction().getGroup().equals(group)) { result.add(panel); } } return result; } protected void setGroup(String group) { _group = group; filterGroup(group); } private class CancelIdleTimer extends Timer { public void run(){ MainPanel.getInstance().haltIdleTimer(); } } private class KioskSelectionPopupExt extends KioskSelectionPopup { public KioskSelectionPopupExt(HasDataListeners listenerController, ScreenData data, String dataName, String cssName, HTML title, DataLabel field){ super(listenerController,data,dataName,cssName,title,field); _listenerController.addValueListener(dataName, field); } public void onHide() { //get selected kiosk ip. String kioskId = _data.getValue(_dataName); // String kioskIp = (String)Security.getKioskIpList().get(kioskId); //for kiosk String kioskIp = (String)_parseKioskInfo.getKioskIpList().get(kioskId); if( kioskIp == null) { kioskIp = LOCALHOST; } //for camera String cameraIp = (String)_parseKioskInfo.getCameraIpList().get(kioskId); if( cameraIp == null) { cameraIp = LOCALHOST; } _data.setValue(RobotScreen.DATA_ROBOTSCREEN_KIOSK_IP, kioskIp, null); //reset html source for ip-camera:video String htmlSource1 = HTMLTEMPLATE_VIDEO.replaceFirst("%h", cameraIp); htmlSource1 = htmlSource1.replaceFirst("%u", _parseKioskInfo.getUser()); htmlSource1 = htmlSource1.replaceFirst("%p", _parseKioskInfo.getPassword()); // if( kioskIp != LOCALHOST){ _ipCameraVideo.setHTML(htmlSource1); //it's no use for localhost???? // } // //reset html source for ip-camera:control // String htmlSource2 = HTMLTEMPLATE_CONTROL.replaceFirst("%h", kioskIp); // htmlSource2 = htmlSource2.replaceFirst("%u", _parseKioskInfo.getUser()); // htmlSource2 = htmlSource2.replaceFirst("%p", _parseKioskInfo.getPassword()); // if( kioskIp != LOCALHOST){ // _ipCameraControl.setHTML(htmlSource2); //it's no use for localhost???? // } } } /* * send the direction control instruction to ip-camera host or * send the change brightness instruction to ip-camera host */ private void directionPost(String host,String direction){ String htmlDirection = null; htmlDirection = HTMLTEMPLATE_CONTROL.replaceFirst("%h", host); htmlDirection = htmlDirection.replaceFirst("%u", _parseKioskInfo.getUser()); htmlDirection = htmlDirection.replaceFirst("%p", _parseKioskInfo.getPassword()); htmlDirection = htmlDirection.replaceFirst("%d", direction); _ipCameraControl.setHTML(htmlDirection); } /* * send the home position instruction to ip-camera host */ private void homePositionPost(String host){ String htmlDirection = "