2016-09-22 TalkingData 锐眼看世界:DataScience Inc. 推出了 DataScience Cloud;5 种方式获得大数据能力?Amazon Echo 将以超预期的速度将 AI 带入我们的生活。

锐眼视点:DataScience Inc. 推出了 DataScience Cloud;5 种方式获得大数据能力?Amazon Echo 将以超预期的速度将 AI 带入我们的生活。


DataScience Inc. 推出了 DataScience Cloud,又一个面向数据科学家的平台

原文链接:DataScience Inc. Unveils the DataScience Cloud, a Platform That Makes Data Scientists Central to Every Business Function

DataScience, Inc. 宣布推出 DataScience Cloud,一个可以让数据科学家探索各种数据源、创建模型和算法、不依赖各自技术栈和工程能力进行方案部署的平台。

DataScience Cloud 可以帮助数据科学家在他们的工作流中通过可视化方式完成从合并数据源到部署预测模型的全部工作。其中的每个工具对应了数据科学过程中的每个关键任务:

  • DataScience Connect: a gateway for securely connecting any type of data source, with support for over one hundred integrations, like SQL databases, distributed filesystems, streaming data endpoints, SaaS platforms (e.g. Salesforce), and a variety of data enrichment sources.
  • DataScience Explore: a data source browser, query editor, and visualization tool for quickly understanding and shaping data across every source.
  • DataScience Notebook: a powerful, cloud-hosted notebook to seamlessly create and share analyses, visualizations, and reports. With access to pre-built playbooks and tutorials, data teams can get their analyses up and running quickly.
  • DataScience Deploy: turns models and algorithms into scalable apps automatically. Code sent to the platform is deployed behind an API, making it accessible to any service with a web connection.

Ian Swanson, CEO, DataScience Inc:

Leading companies see data science as an integral part of every business function, but many enterprise data science teams lack the tooling, infrastructure, and engineering support for their diverse workflows and needs, The result is a broken and inefficient process which inhibits the ability of data science teams to experiment efficiently, collaborate with each other, and deliver value at scale. Working closely with our customers, we designed the DataScience Cloud as a platform for enterprise data science teams to work seamlessly from data integration to model deployment, backed by secure big data infrastructure and industry expertise. What Salesforce has done for maximizing the value of sales teams, DataScience is doing for maximizing the value of data science teams.”

5 种方式获得大数据能力

原文链接:5 Creative Ways To Access Big Data Talent
2016-09-22 TalkingData 锐眼看世界:DataScience Inc. 推出了 DataScience Cloud;5 种方式获得大数据能力?Amazon Echo 将以超预期的速度将 AI 带入我们的生活。_第1张图片
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  • Focus on attracting or developing certain skills:I believe there are six key skills required to work with big data: analytical skills, creativity, a knack for maths and statistics, computer science skills, business acumen, and communication skills. Rather than hiring people with these skills, you may be able to build on your existing skills in-house.
  • Nurture your existing talent:Developing your existing people is a brilliant place to start, especially in smaller businesses or companies on a tight budget.
  • Thinking outside the box:It’s worth considering unusual sources where you might be able to recruit help, either on a permanent basis or on a temporary basis (such as getting help to analyse data for a one-off project).
  • Harness the power of the crowd:You might consider crowdsourcing your big data project. Crowdsourcing is a way of using the power of a crowd to complete a task.
  • Tapping into external service providers:If none of the above options work for you, you can still make the leap into big data. A great way to supplement missing skills, particularly when it comes to the statistical, analytical and computer science aspects, is to hire external providers to handle your data and analytics needs.

Amazon Echo 将以超预期的速度将 AI 带入我们的生活

原文链接:Amazon Echo will bring artificial intelligence into our lives much sooner than expected
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Amazon Echo 已经上市一年了,到今天来看,这款产品作为家庭内部的私人智能助理 Hub 取得了很大的成功,以至于让 Google 也需要高调推出 Google Home 来应对挑战。Amazon CEO 杰夫 贝索斯说 Echo 具有成为 Amazon 第四个核心服务的潜力,自然顺理成章了。

现在看只具备语音接口的 Echo 这样的产品还处于初级阶段,但是它们已经向其他的公司、银行以及游戏娱乐公司提出了如何应对的问题,因为 Echo 们将成为这些公司的产品和最终用户之间的中间人。

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