EMD距离(Earth Mover's Distance)

EMD(搬土距离)(Earth Mover's Distance)



详细的数据推导: http://blog.csdn.net/zhangping1987/article/details/25368183

Earth Mover's Distance,是2000年IJCV期刊文章《The Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval》基于运输问题的效率 提出的一种直方图相似度量。 它是归一化的从一个分布变为另一个分布的最小代价, 可以用来测量两个分布(multi-dimensional distributions)之间的距离。



    (位置, 权重)

    P = {(p1, wp1), (p2, wp2), ..., (pm, wpm)}

    Q = {(q1, wq1), (q2, wq2), ..., (qn, wqn))}

    D = [dij]  表示位置 pi 到 位置 qj的距离

    F = [fij]  表示权重 wpi 到 wqj 的权重


    WORK(P, Q, F) =  sum(dij * fij for i in range(1:m) for j in range(1:n))


    fij > 0

    sum(fij for j in range(1:n)) <= wpi    从i处搬出来的重量不能超过wpi所有的总和
    sum(fij for i in range(1:m)) <= wqj    搬到j处的重量不能超过wqj能存放的总重量
    WORK = min(sum(wpi for i in range(1:m)), sum(wqj for j in range(1:n)))
    当仓库总重量和工厂货物总重量不一致时, 才需要限制第四个条件


    F是线性优化问题的最优解,earth mover's distance 定义为归一化后的WORK:
    EMD(P, Q) = WORK(P, Q, F)
                sum(fij for i in range(1:m) for j in range(1:n))
    为了使EMD的值不随着运输总量的大小变化而变化, 引入归一化因子-总的运输量,  (The normalization factor is introduced in order to avoid favoring smaller signatures in the case of partial matching.)

EMD距离ground distance的优势:

  • Naturally extends the notion of a distance between single elements to that of a distance between sets, or distributions, of elements.

  • Can be applied to the more general variable-size signatures, which subsume histograms. Signatures are more compact, and the cost of moving ``earth'' reflects the notion of nearness properly, without the quantization problems of most other measures.

  • Allows for partial matches in a very natural way. This is important, for instance, for image retrieval and in order to deal with occlusions and clutter.
    允许计算部分的相似度, 对于图像检索这很重要

  • Is a true metric if the ground distance is metric and if the total weights of two signatures are equal. This allows endowing image spaces with a metric structure.

  • Is bounded from below by the distance between the centers of mass of the two signatures when the ground distance is induced by a norm. Using this lower bound in retrieval systems significantly reduced the number of EMD computations.
    有下界-两个分布的质心之间的距离, 粗略估计可以减少大量计算

  • Matches perceptual similarity better than other measures, when the ground distance is perceptually meaningful. This was shown by [2] for color- and texture-based image retrieval.
    分布在视觉上有意义时, EMD距离比其它距离估计更有好, 可以参照基于色彩以及纹理的图像检索


C代码包: emd.h, emd.c, emd.i

OpenCV:实现了EMD api, 
    pip install --upgrade setuptools
    pip install numpy Matplotlib
    pip install opencv-python

import numpy as np
import cv


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