How to choose an agency to au pair to China?

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When you search “AU Pair China” or “AU Pair **(Chinese city)”, you could find out tons of agencies/websites which are all saying we are the “leading”, “best”, and “most valued”. But do you believe some of top reviews are paid to pu online? In this article we will tell you how to choose an agency as you can trust to help you to au pair to China.

As we have noted in the articleHow to AU Pair to China, you have been told:

“By China’s law, a personnel or a family cannot hire a foreigner directly, so the agency in China make the whole process as a culture exchange program. That is why you need an agency.”

So, if we want to know how to choose agencies we need to know how it works. Normally the Chinese agencies (the AU Pair accepting party) hire foreign agencies (the AU Pair sending party) to help on AU Pair recruitment and paying them the fee which is shared from the host family agency fee. The foreign agency could facilitate from there distance advance to recruit and interview participants in their country. This is normal routine of how domestic and oversea agencies work together, which is the Local agency only charge on family, the oversea agency charge on local agency (recruitment fee) and au pairs (application fee).

But since the internet is popular now and everyone can search and contact AU Pair agencies in their destination country, so the “bridge” (the sending party) sometimes can be omitted. This also can save the au pairs application fee and have a direct contact with the host family and au pair agencies in China which you will be keep in touch with for your whole au pair life in China.

Here have some tips for you to choose an agency to au pair to China.

Background search. The agency will ask for you background state (noncriminal check) you can also background search the agency, just google the agency’s name with “scam”, “cheat”, “unpleasant” and such words to see their reviews online. (Try us by “tofriend+*”, is it a clean background? ^ ^)

This is important, now most Chinese agencies are not requiring deposit. But if you still choose agencies in your country (the bridge), be aware that you may lose your deposit and pay back the Chinese agency in some circumstances. Cause the bridge’s terms are nor clear and they do not wish you to know cooperation details of them with the Chinese agencies (In this vague situation, you even have no idea which agencies do hat exact work for you). To avoid the double pay situation we strongly suggest you to choose Chinese agency directly.

Theirs reputation. Same as the background search, you may notice their reviews on websites such as online categories, other au pairs’ facebook, blog and such tweets online.

In the articleAU Pair contract in China, you have been informed that you have 2 contracts for your au pairing to China, check them carefully before signing your name on them, and make sure your benefits will be listed all clearly. (like pay, completion bonus/airfare assistance, schools and etc.)

Mandarin (Chinese) Lessons. Most au pairs to China are attracted by the language lessons will be provided by the families. But make sure you are aware of your lesson details. Do not afraid of disgusting with your agencies about, even you signed the contract with the lessons you need to know the lessons will be conducted where and the quality of lessons. Some agencies may have their own mandarin study teachers and study room, which means they provide you lessons in the agencies. Some agencies provides au pairs lessons in universities which is a good option. We even heard complaints of some agencies just throw piles of book and CDs to the au pairs to let them “self-study” at home. (This is ridiculous but it is really happening, as an agency named “Shanghai AU ***r”, they are really doing so – – #) In tofriend AU Pair agency, we provide lessons in universities or independent schools based your host family’s distance from the school.

Ask for reference. Ask your agency if they can give your several au pairs they had as successful cases. Some agencies won’t give you because their au pairs are all angry. ^ ^

Well, if you concerns are all solved, then no doubts, just prepare your au pair life in China. If you have inqury or ideas to share with us please contact us thru the contact info on the page right botom.

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