
As she bathed and dressed she had apremonitionofdoom.

verb /dʊm/

be doomed to failure/defeat/extinction etc

Many species are doomed to extinction.

The plan was doomed from the start.

be doomed to do something

We are all doomed to die in the end.

A criminal record will doom your chances of becoming a politician/ˌpɑlə'tɪʃən/.

- usually used as (be) doomed

The plan was doomed from the start.

The treaty is doomed [=destined] to failure/fail.

If no one rescues us, we are doomed.

a project doomed by the poor/weak economy

The species is doomed to extinction.

The plan was doomed to failure.

The marriage was doomed from the start.

Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?

Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure /'kloʒɚ/.

The invention of the train doomed the canals/kə'næl/ to extinction.

She felt she was doomed to work in an office all her life.

These schemes are always doomed to failure.

That argument was the turning point for their marriage, and the one which doomed it to failure.

to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be destroyed etc

to make (someone or something) certain to fail, suffer, die, etc.to make sb/sth certain to fail, suffer, die, etc

to make someone or something certain to do or experience something unpleasant, or to make something bad certain to happen

to make someone or something certain to fail, be destroyed, be extremely unhappy etc

If a fact or event dooms someone or something to a particular fate, it makes certain that they are going to suffer in some way.

GRAMMAR Doom is usually passive.

doomed adjective

passengers on the doomed flight

a doomed plan/mission/ship

noun /dʊm/

A sense of impending doom (=coming very soon) gripped her.

sense/feeling of doom

spell doom for something(=mean that something will be unable to continue or survive)

The recession spelled doom for many small businesses.

spell trouble/disaster/danger etc if a situation or action spells trouble etc, it makes you expect trouble etc:

The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers.

Thousands of soldiers met their doom (=died) on this very field.

doom and gloom/gloom and doom(=when there seems to be no hope for the future)

Despite these poor figures, it’s not all doom and gloom.

The sailors had a sense/feeling of (impending) doom as the storm approached. [=they sensed or felt that something very bad was going to happen]

Theprophets of doom[=people who predict that bad things will happen] say that the Internet will kill off print newspapers.

The papers are filled with stories of gloom and doom.

the story of a mysterious /mɪ'stɪrɪəs/ creature /'kritʃɚ/ who lures /lʊr/ travelers to their doom

Prepare to meet your doom. [=die]

The poor economy spelled doom for many small businesses. [=many small businesses would fail because of the poor economy]

to meet your doom

She had a sense of impending doom(= felt that sth very bad was going to happen).

Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team.

The prophets of doom who said television would kill off the book were wrong.

A sense of doom hung over the entire country.

The newspapers are always full of doom and gloom (= bad news and unhappiness) these days.

He predicted doom for any country that did not act immediately.

A sense of impending doom hung over the meeting.

the famous castle in Denmark where Hamlet met his doom

Despite all the doom and gloom in the City, there are still some bright spots in the stock market.

The arrival of the home computer spelt doom for the typewriter.

...his warnings of impending doom.

...a wicked mermaid who lured sailors to their doom.

Why are people so full of gloom and doom?...

Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.

something very bad that is going to happen, or the fact that it is going to happen

very bad events or situations that cannot be avoided

death or ruin

death or destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid

death, destruction or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided

a bad event, usually death, destruction, or complete failure, that will happen in the future and cannot be avoided

Doom is a terrible future state or event which you cannot prevent.

If you have a sense or feeling of doom, you feel that things are going very badly and are likely to get even worse.
