Guided Hacking DLL Injector 3.3

Guided Hacking DLL Injector 3.3


Injection Methods:

  • LoadLibrary
  • LdrLoadDll Stub
  • Manual Mapping

Launch Methods:

  • NtCreateThreadEx
  • Thread Hijacking
  • SetWindowsHookEx
  • QueueUserAPC

Compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit programs running on Windows XP or higher. Settings of the GUI are saved to a local ini file. Processes can be selected by name or process ID and by the fancy process picker.

Guided Hacking DLL Injector 3.3_第1张图片


Since GH Injector V3.0 the actual injector has been converted in to a library

To use it in your applications you can either use InjectA (ansi) or InjectW (unicode) which are the two functions exported by the "GH Injector - x86.dll"/"GH Injector - x64.dll". These functions take a pointer to a INJECTIONDATAA/INJECTIONDATAW structure. For more the struct definition / enums / flags check "Injection.h".

Rake's dank video tutorial for v2.4 showing how to use it's features and a source code review:


For the Manual Mapping a lot of credits go to Joachim Bauch. You can visit his website here.
highly recommend you to go there and take a look if you're interested in Manual Mapping and the PE format itself.

The windows structures I use for the unlinking process are mostly inspired by this site which is also a very interesting read. I also want to credit Anton Bruckner and Dmitri Shostakovich because most of the time coding this I listened to their fantastic music which is probably one of the reasons why this took me way too long 

Last but not least credits go to Rake's mom for keeping me motivated during hard times (no pun intended).

Also checkout the loader made by Traxin: Release - GHLoader v2.0 (Source Included)





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