LINQ- 子查询、组合策略、投影策略

A subquery is a query contained within another query's lambda expression . The following example uses a subquery to sort musicians by their last name:
string[] musos =
{ "David Gilmour", "Roger Waters", "Rick Wright", "Nick Mason" };
IEnumerable query = musos.OrderBy (m => m.Split().Last());
下面的查询语句返回在 array 中所有的字符串长度最小的。
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" };
IEnumerable outerQuery = names
    .Where (n => n.Length == names.OrderBy (n2 => n2.Length)
                                  .Select (n2 => n2.Length).First());
Tom, Jay
IEnumerable outerQuery = 
from n in names 
where n.Length == 
    (from n2 in names orderby n2.Length select n2.Length).First() 
select n;
IEnumerable query =
from n in names
where n.Length == names.OrderBy (n2 => n2.Length).First().Length
select n;
用最小聚合函数,we can simplify the query further( 我们可以进一步简化)。
IEnumerable query =
from n in names
where n.Length == names.Min (n2 => n2.Length)
select n;
Our example makes an ideal database query, since it would be processed as a unit, requiring only one round trip to the database server. This query, however, is inefficient for a local collection because the subquery is recalculated on each outer loop iteration. 
// 我们的示例实现了一个理想的数据库查询,因为它将作为一个单元处理,只需要到数据库服务器的一次往返。但是,这个查询对于本地集合来说效率很低,因为子查询是在每次外循环迭代时重新计算的。
We can avoid this inefficiency by running the subquery separately:
int shortest = names.Min (n => n.Length);
IEnumerable query = from n in names
where n.Length == shortest
select n;
Subqueries and Deferred Execution 子查询和延时执行
This is because subqueries are called indirectly—through a delegate in the case of a local query, or through an expression tree in the case of an interpreted query.
2、Composition Strategies
In this section, we describe three strategies for building more complex queries:
  • Progressive query construction
  • Using the into keyword
  • Wrapping queries
2.1、Progressive Query Building 逐步构建查询
At the start of the chapter, we demonstrated how you could build a fluent query progressively:
var filtered = names .Where (n => n.Contains ("a"));
var sorted = filtered .OrderBy (n => n);
var query = sorted .Select (n => n.ToUpper());
  • It can make queries easier to write. 这样写查询容易
  • You can add query operators conditionally.  方便你加入查询操作符
For example:     
if (includeFilter) query = query.Where (...)
This is more efficient than:
query = query.Where (n => !includeFilter || )
改为这样写避免了增加额外的查询操作,if includeFilter  is false.
because it avoids adding an extra query operator if includeFilter  is false.
In fluent syntax, we could write this query as a single expression—by projecting before we filter:
IEnumerable query = names
.Select (n => n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "")
.Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", ""))
.Where (n => n.Length > 2)
.OrderBy (n => n);
//RESULT: { "Dck", "Hrry", "Mry" }
n => Regex.Replace (n, "[aeiou]", "")
2.2、The into Keyword  关键字 into
The into keyword lets you “continue” a query after a projection and is a shortcut
for progressively querying. With into, we can rewrite the preceding query as:
IEnumerable query =
from n in names
select n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "")
    .Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", "")
into noVowel
    where noVowel.Length > 2 orderby noVowel select noVowel;
当一个查询结束的时候,它得到的应该是一个序列(集合),into 语句可以让这个结果集继续为下一个查询作为输入序列。以上面的例子为例 into 把前面查询的结果集放到 noVowel 中,在其后的 where 等操作符会继续作用在这个序列上。
The only place you can use into is after a select or group clause. into “restarts” a query, allowing you to introduce fresh where, orderby, and select clauses.
to think of into as restarting a query from the perspective of a query expression,
Scoping rules:
var query =
from n1 in names
select n1.ToUpper()
into n2 // Only n2 is visible from here on.
where n1.Contains ("x") // Illegal: n1 is not in scope.
select n2;
var query = names
.Select (n1 => n1.ToUpper())
.Where (n2 => n1.Contains ("x")); // Error: n1 no longer in scope
The original name (n1) is lost by the time the Where filter runs. Where’s input sequence contains only uppercase names, so it cannot filter based on n1. 
2.3、Wrapping Queries
var tempQuery = tempQueryExpr
var finalQuery = from ... in tempQuery ...
can be reformulated as:
var finalQuery = from ... in (tempQueryExpr)
IEnumerable query =
from n in names
select n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "")
.Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", "");
query = from n in query where n.Length > 2 orderby n select n;
Reformulated in wrapped form, it’s the following:
IEnumerable query =
from n1 in
    from n2 in names
    select n2.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "")
    .Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", "")
where n1.Length > 2 orderby n1 select n1;
When converted to fluent syntax, the result is the same linear chain of operators as in previous examples:
IEnumerable query = names
.Select (n => n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "")
.Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", ""))
.Where (n => n.Length > 2)
.OrderBy (n => n);
3、Projection Strategies  投影策略
We can write the following class to assist:
class TempProjectionItem
    public string Original; // Original name
    public string Vowelless; // Vowel-stripped name
and then project into it with object initializers:
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" };
IEnumerable temp =
from n in names
select new TempProjectionItem
    Original = n,
    Vowelless = n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "")
    .Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", "")
The result is of type IEnumerable, which we can subsequently query:
IEnumerable query = from item in temp
where item.Vowelless.Length > 2
select item.Original;
Anonymous Types 匿名类型
匿名类型允许您在不编写特殊类的情况下构造中间结果。以上面的列子,可以将TempProjectionItem 去掉。
var intermediate = from n in names
select new
    Original = n,
    Vowelless = n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "").Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", "")
IEnumerable query = from item in intermediate 
                                where item.Vowelless.Length > 2
                            select item.Original;
The let Keyword let 关键字
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" };
IEnumerable query =
    from n in names
        let vowelless = n.Replace ("a", "").Replace ("e", "").Replace ("i", "").Replace ("o", "").Replace ("u", "")
        where vowelless.Length > 2
    orderby vowelless
    select n; // Thanks to let, n is still in scope.
  • 它在现有元素的基础上投射新的元素 
  • 它允许表达式在查询中重复使用而不需要重写。
至此我们讨论的都是本地查询,是操作于实现了可枚举接口的序列上,这些操作符可以构成操作符链。接下来要学习的是 解释查询,它不同于本地查询,具体有啥不同见下回分解。

你可能感兴趣的:(LINQ- 子查询、组合策略、投影策略)