
1. 雅思学术类考试适用性



2. 近两年中国大陆学生雅思考试成绩汇总和分析






与此同时雅思官方统计出了入围QS 世界大学排名前500名的中国大陆高等院校雅思考试总成绩。从入围QS世界大学排名前500名的21所中国高校对比来看,有17所大陆高校雅思平均成绩高于6.0分,低于6.5分,其中排名第一的复旦大学平均成绩为6.45分。






雅思口语考试总时长是11到14分钟,包括三部分:第一部分是Answer Questions(回答问题) (总时长4到5分钟),主要内容与日常生活相关;第二部分是The Long Run(个人描述),考生会发到一张话题卡,一分钟准备,一到两分钟描述,主要描述对象包括人,地,事,物(总时长3到4分钟);第三部分形式也是Answer Questions, 但主要是由第二部的话题描述衍生出的社会问题的讨论,3到4个问题(总时长4到5分钟)。

1. 2017年雅思口语考试第一部分


同时也衍生出了一些相似的较新话题,包括:snacks (小吃),camping (野营),maths (数学),dreams (梦),shoes(鞋)。

 Snacks


 Camping


 Maths

 Shoes

由此可见,考生不必对新话题过分恐慌,平时练习时多注意表达思路的拓展和练习巩固,以及对话题词汇的输入储备和输出训练,便可以以不变应万变。针对雅思口语考试第一部分,建议考生,第一:听清听懂考官的问题,及时自然做到应答;如果没有听懂题目,可以让考官重复问题,例如“Could you repeat the question, please?”,不会影响到分数;第二:在直接回答问题的基础上,做到两到三句拓展,例如解释原因或举例说明,不宜过长,尽量用话题相关的词汇(topic vocabulary)进行拓展说明,用连接词将句子之间的逻辑关系连接起来。

2. 2017年雅思口语考试第二部分


1.Describe a person who helped you in your studies or work.

2.Describe someone who said positive comments to you

3.Describe a happily married couple

4.Describe a group of people who made you smile

5.Describe a person you admire who is not from your country.

6.Describe a disagreement with a decision that someone made

7.Describe a good news about a person you know well.

8.Describe an occasion you helped someone

9.Describe something you planned to do but haven’t done yet.

10.Describe a time you were happy to have a mobile phone

11 Describe an English lesson

12.Describe a conversation with someone you don’t know

13.Describe a car journey.

14.Describe your ideal home.

15.Describe a place you visited as a child.

16.Describe a piece of art.

17.Describe a special cake.

18.Describe a time you teamed up with an old person

19.Describe something you got for free

20.Describe a big company/organization near year. 


1. Describe an occasion you received a good service from a company or shop.

2. Describe a beautiful person that you know.

3. Describe a holiday you recently had.

4. Describe a place where you can learn.

建议考生在备考时,加强对话题关联性的总结。例如Describe a positive experience that you had as a teenager; Describe a place where you can learn; Describe a journey; Describe a holiday you recently had等话题皆可以在同一个核心主题“旅游”的基础上,结合卡片(cue card)上的具体问题进行拓展描述,从而减轻备考负担。同时在第二部分,考生需要加强对话题词汇的积累和运用,例如与旅游话题相关的guided tour(有导游安排的旅行);book ahead of time (提前预定);holiday resort(度假胜地);exotic environment(异域风情)等。同时,在平时备考训练中,建议考生多做计时模考练习,避免在考试时无法充分描述到1到2分钟。


I’m going to describe the best known river in England, the river Thames.

The river Thames is in the south of England, and it is famous because it flows right through the centre of London. It goes winding through all of the most iconic, famous tourist attractions and landmarks of the city. For example, it goes past the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament, with Big Ben, and it goes under Tower Bridge, probably the most famous bridge in London.

So the land around this river, or on either side of this river is hectic, thriving, city-centre London. It ‘s right in the heart of the city, and of course it’s a cosmopolitan mix of cultures, business, tourism all around. It is where everyone goes to do sightseeing in the centre of the capital, and it’s got a lot of the history and heritage of London based around that area, in close proximity to the river itself.

The reason I like this river, the river Thames, is because it is such an iconic location. It’s a backdrop to these great landmarks of the city: the historic buildings and famous tourist sites in the city. And I’ve got good memories of being there on a New Year’s Eve one year recently. In London, New Year’s Eve celebrations are all focused on the river, with the river and some of the landmarks as the backdrop to a big fireworks show. And so the river’s all lit up, and there’s a spectacular fireworks display put on, and lots of tourists and local people all watch it there together. That was really an unforgettable experience, and the river was central to it. 

3. 2017年雅思口语考试第三部分

雅思口语考试的第三部分和第一部分考试形式较相似,均为考官问问题,考生回答。区别于第一部分,第三部分从内容上,更侧重于对社会问题的辩证性讨论,即具备批判性思维(critical thinking)。因此在备考时,建议考生多从问题形式着手,拓展表达思路和相应句式。其中常见的问题形式(question types)有:

a. 观点类 e.g. Do you think students should wear uniform in school?

b. 变化类 e.g. How may eating habits change in coming decades?

c. 对比类 e.g. Why do some people prefer listening to the news from the internet, while others prefer TV news?

d. 优缺点分析 e.g. What are the benefits of playing a sport?

e. 问题解决类 e.g. What are the usual ways to dispose of waste in your country?


4. 雅思口语考试的评分标准和备考建议总结

雅思口语考试有四项评分标准:Fluency (流利程度);Vocabulary (词汇);Grammar (语法); Pronunciation (发音),每一项各占25%。


由评分表可以看出,考生在备考上: 第一在流利程度方面,需要做到对话题熟悉,可以流利作答,训练表达思路,灵活应对话题;第二在词汇方面,需要加强话题相关词汇,固定搭配和俚语的积累和输出练习;第三在语法方面,需要对时态和复合句式的正确使用;第四在发音方面,需要注意对连读的处理,以及对语音语调的润色。 



Task 1/小作文


1) 题型变化


2) 备考建议



Task 2/大作文

1) 题型变化:


与2016年相比,题型比例变化不甚明显,Agree/Disagree出现了18场,占40%。今年Both Views和Report题型比例有所下降,反而Advantage/Disadvantage(优劣势讨论)类题型比例增加。PS: 雅思写作常考题型分为4种,分别为:

a) Agree/Disagree: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

b) Both Views: Discuss both views and give your opinion.

c) Advantage/Disadvantage: Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

d) Report: XX. (一些现象或问题) What are the reasons/effects/solutions?

2) 话题变化





(CN 2017.01.21) The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to provide free public transport in 24 hours per day, and seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

(CN 2017.02.25) Some people think that government should spend money on looking for life on other planets, while other think it is a waste of money when some problems are not solved on the Earth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

(CN 2017.05.06) Some people believe that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 


(CN 2017.01.07) Art classes, such as painting and drawing, are as important for children's development as other subjects, so they should be compulsory in high school. Do you agree or disagree?

(CN 2017.03.25) In the past, the role of teacher was to provide information. Today, students have access to wide sources of information. There is, therefore, no role of teacher in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?

(CN 2017.06.17) Some people think that a country benefit from a large proportion of young people university educated. Others think that sending young people to universities leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and your opinion. 


(CN 2017.02.18) Some people think that the development of technology has made our life more complex, and the solution is to live a simpler life without that technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

(CN 2017.03.30) In the past, people stored knowledge in the books. Nowadays, it is stored on the Internet. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

(CN 2017.08.12) Some people have benefited from modern communication technology, but some people have not benefited from it at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3) 备考建议

从以上题型变化和话题变化2部分内容中,我们可以怎么做才能更高效备考2018年的雅思写作呢?首先,题型上来说,2018年的题目仍然会以Agree/Disagree题型为主。考生注意此类题目要注意避免简单一边倒——例如,对于“(CN 2017.05.06)Some people believe that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ”这道题,假设考生同意该观点,写出2个分论点之后要加上对于反面的让步和反驳论述(让步:部分青年人会受到过重判罚;反驳:但是严重罪行对于社会的危害很大,像成年人去判罚更警醒青年人避免犯严重罪行,毕竟预防危害才是更有效的治理方法。),这样会更符合评分标准中Task Response中对于“addresses all parts of the task”(7.0分)的要求。

然后,因为从内容上来说,社会类题目一直都很常考,所以建议考生要重点复习2014-2017年社会类真题的解题思路。该类题目一般包含“政府和公民”2大主体,所以思考的时候建议也从这2个角度去思考。最后,建议考生一定要按照老师所给的真题汇总去总结一般思路以及对应表达,为什么这点非常重要?首先评分标准中对于Coherence and Cohesion的要求是这样的:“logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout”(7.0分)—— 老师课上能带着你去把一个观点讲清楚,避免跳跃或者含糊不清。例如“(CN 2017.06.17)Some people think that a country benefit from a large proportion of young people university educated. Others think that sending young people to universities leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and your opinion. ”这道题,对于第2个方面的解释,很多学生直接说:“学生毕业出来,工作很难找,所以降低就业率”。但是,这个观点其实没有讲清楚“为什么会难找工作”——可以这么来修改:某些学生在大学所学专业不能够对接现在社会所需要的人才,而且这些学生也不够努力去学习必须的工作技能,所以企业不给她们工作offer,所以社会就业率下降。



