用SQL Doc生成数据库字典文档的时候,突然发现有字段描叙(Description)这项内容,以前一直没有注意过,故特意研究了一下,结果越挖越深,就写了这篇文章。
SELECT * FROM sys.extended_properties
SELECT * FROM sys.extended_properties
其中 当class =1时,major_id它的值是dbo.Employee的id,minor_id是Department的id(详细信息参见MSDN),如下图所示
SELECT column_id FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( ' dbo.Employee ' )
AND name = ' Department '
SELECT column_id FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( ' dbo.Employee ' )
AND name = ' Department '
其实在MSSMS 管理器中,选中要添加字段说明的表,单击右键——》修改(08是设计),如下图所示,增加后,保存。就会在sys.extended_properties里添加相应的记录。
sp_addextendedproperty N
, N
, N
, N
, N
,过程 sp_addextendedproperty,第
无法添加属性。 ' dbo.Employee.EmployeeName ' 已存在属性 ' MS_Description ' 。
无法添加属性。 ' dbo.Employee.EmployeeName ' 已存在属性 ' MS_Description ' 。

-- 为每个表和视图中的每列返回一行,并为数据库中的存储过程的每个参数返回一行。
SELECT * FROM syscolumns
-- 每个表对象的信息
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
SELECT * FROM sysobjects
-- 在数据库中创建的每个用户定义的架构范围内的对象的信息
SELECT * FROM sys.objects
-- 数据库实例中的每个数据库的信息
SELECT * FROM sys.databases
-- 系统数据类型
SELECT * FROM sys.types
-- 含数据库中每个视图、规则、默认值、触发器、CHECK 约束、DEFAULT 约束和存储过程的项
SELECT * FROM dbo.syscomments
-- 保存表的自增列信息
SELECT * FROM sys.identity_columns
-- 为每个表和视图中的每列返回一行,并为数据库中的存储过程的每个参数返回一行。
SELECT * FROM syscolumns
-- 每个表对象的信息
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
SELECT * FROM sysobjects
-- 在数据库中创建的每个用户定义的架构范围内的对象的信息
SELECT * FROM sys.objects
-- 数据库实例中的每个数据库的信息
SELECT * FROM sys.databases
-- 系统数据类型
SELECT * FROM sys.types
-- 含数据库中每个视图、规则、默认值、触发器、CHECK 约束、DEFAULT 约束和存储过程的项
SELECT * FROM dbo.syscomments
-- 保存表的自增列信息
SELECT * FROM sys.identity_columns

create_date AS Created ,
modify_date AS Last Modified,
( SELECT collation_name
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = ' MyAssistant '
) AS collation_name
FROM SYS.tables
WHERE NAME = ' Employee '
modify_date AS Last Modified,
( SELECT collation_name
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = ' MyAssistant '
) AS collation_name
FROM SYS.tables
WHERE NAME = ' Employee '

modify_date AS Last Modified,
FROM syscolumns
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID (N ' dbo.Employee ' )
AND collation IS NOT NULL
AND name = ' EmployeeName '
) AS collation_name
FROM sys.tables
WHERE NAME = ' Employee '
modify_date AS Last Modified,
FROM syscolumns
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID (N ' dbo.Employee ' )
AND collation IS NOT NULL
AND name = ' EmployeeName '
) AS collation_name
FROM sys.tables
WHERE NAME = ' Employee '
sys.databases查看,而表的某个列的排序规则信息保存在syscolumns里面。上图的Heap, Row Count信息我还不知是从哪里来的。

C.Name AS FieldName,
T.Name AS DataType,
CASE WHEN C.Max_Length = - 1 THEN ' Max ' ELSE CAST (C.Max_Length AS VARCHAR ) END AS Max_Length,
CASE WHEN C.is_nullable = 0 THEN ' × ' ELSE ' √ ' END AS Is_Nullable,
ISNULL (M. text , '' ) AS DefaultValue,
ISNULL (P.value, '' ) AS FieldComment
FROM sys.columns C
INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.system_type_id = T.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments M ON M.id = C.default_object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties P ON P.major_id = C. object_id AND C.column_id = P.minor_id
WHERE C. [ object_id ] = OBJECT_ID ( ' dbo.Employee ' )
C.Name AS FieldName,
T.Name AS DataType,
CASE WHEN C.Max_Length = - 1 THEN ' Max ' ELSE CAST (C.Max_Length AS VARCHAR ) END AS Max_Length,
CASE WHEN C.is_nullable = 0 THEN ' × ' ELSE ' √ ' END AS Is_Nullable,
ISNULL (M. text , '' ) AS DefaultValue,
ISNULL (P.value, '' ) AS FieldComment
FROM sys.columns C
INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.system_type_id = T.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments M ON M.id = C.default_object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties P ON P.major_id = C. object_id AND C.column_id = P.minor_id
WHERE C. [ object_id ] = OBJECT_ID ( ' dbo.Employee ' )
如图所示,得到结果与文档还是有些区别,我通过该脚本实现与文档一致的时候,怎么也找不到nvarchar(30)的30,这个值的出处,后来才发现它其实就是nvarchar的max_length 的一半。

C.Name AS FieldName,
CASE WHEN T.Name = ' nvarchar ' THEN
T.name + ' ( ' + CAST (C.max_length / 2 AS VARCHAR ) + ' ) '
ELSE T.name END AS DataType,
CASE WHEN C.Max_Length = - 1 THEN ' Max ' ELSE CAST (C.Max_Length AS VARCHAR ) END AS Max_Length,
CASE WHEN C.is_nullable = 0 THEN ' × ' ELSE ' √ ' END AS Is_Nullable,
ISNULL ( CAST (I.seed_value AS VARCHAR ) + ' - ' + CAST (I.increment_value AS VARCHAR ), '' ) AS is_identity,
ISNULL (M. text , '' ) AS DefaultValue,
ISNULL (P.value, '' ) AS FieldComment
FROM sys.columns C
INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.system_type_id = T.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments M ON M.id = C.default_object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties P ON P.major_id = C. object_id AND C.column_id = P.minor_id
LEFT JOIN sys.identity_columns I ON I.column_id = C.column_id AND C. object_id = I. object_id
WHERE C. [ object_id ] = OBJECT_ID ( ' dbo.Employee ' )
C.Name AS FieldName,
CASE WHEN T.Name = ' nvarchar ' THEN
T.name + ' ( ' + CAST (C.max_length / 2 AS VARCHAR ) + ' ) '
ELSE T.name END AS DataType,
CASE WHEN C.Max_Length = - 1 THEN ' Max ' ELSE CAST (C.Max_Length AS VARCHAR ) END AS Max_Length,
CASE WHEN C.is_nullable = 0 THEN ' × ' ELSE ' √ ' END AS Is_Nullable,
ISNULL ( CAST (I.seed_value AS VARCHAR ) + ' - ' + CAST (I.increment_value AS VARCHAR ), '' ) AS is_identity,
ISNULL (M. text , '' ) AS DefaultValue,
ISNULL (P.value, '' ) AS FieldComment
FROM sys.columns C
INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.system_type_id = T.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments M ON M.id = C.default_object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties P ON P.major_id = C. object_id AND C.column_id = P.minor_id
LEFT JOIN sys.identity_columns I ON I.column_id = C.column_id AND C. object_id = I. object_id
WHERE C. [ object_id ] = OBJECT_ID ( ' dbo.Employee ' )
接下来看看Perssion信息来自何处。 首先我们来看看赋与、收回权限的脚本(我是在sa账号下运行的)

DENY DELETE ON [ dbo ] . [ Employee ] TO [ Kerry ]
REVOKE DELETE ON [ dbo ] . [ Employee ] TO [ Kerry ]
REVOKE SELECT ON [ dbo ] . [ Employee ] TO [ Kerry ]
DENY DELETE ON [ dbo ] . [ Employee ] TO [ Kerry ]
REVOKE DELETE ON [ dbo ] . [ Employee ] TO [ Kerry ]
REVOKE SELECT ON [ dbo ] . [ Employee ] TO [ Kerry ]
1:系统存储过程 sp_table_privileges, 它返回指定的一个或多个表的表权限(如 INSERT、DELETE、UPDATE、SELECT、REFERENCES)的列表,表具体参见(MSDN)。
2:系统函数 fn_my_permissions 返回有效授予主体对安全对象的权限的列表,表具体参见(MSDN)
EXEC sp_table_privileges @table_name = ' Employee ' , @table_owner = ' dbo '
EXEC sp_table_privileges @table_name = ' Employee ' , @table_owner = ' dbo '
FROM fn_my_permissions( ' dbo.Employee ' , ' OBJECT ' )
ORDER BY subentity_name, permission_name ;
FROM fn_my_permissions( ' dbo.Employee ' , ' OBJECT ' )
ORDER BY subentity_name, permission_name ;
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions( ' Kerry ' , ' USER ' );
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions( ' Kerry ' , ' USER ' );
再来看看SQL Srcipt,好像没有那个系统表、系统视图保存创建表的脚本(如果有的话,算我孤陋寡闻了),也不能通过SP_HELPTEXT来得到(存储过程可以),在
网上搜索了下大概有SMO 方式和存储过程来实现的,SMO方式我还没来得及验证,存储过程倒是找到一个(本来打算自己尝试下的。呵呵,那这篇文章得耗上好长时间了,等写完了,自己再写个试试),下面的存储过程是我在http://edu.codepub.com/2009/0603/5408.php这里搜索到,也不知道原创作者是谁。

Drop Proc up_CreateTable
/* 生成建表脚本(V2.0) OK_008 2009-5-18 */
Create Proc up_CreateTable
@objectList nvarchar ( max ) = null
/* 参数说明:
@objectList 对象列表,对象之间使用","隔开
Set Nocount On
Declare @sql nvarchar ( max ),
@objectid int ,
@id int ,
@Rowcount int ,
@ObjectName sysname,
@Enter nvarchar ( 2 ),
@Tab nvarchar ( 2 )
Select @Enter = Char ( 13 ) + Char ( 10 ),
@Tab = Char ( 9 )
Declare @Tmp Table (name sysname)
If @objectList > ''
Set @sql = ' Select N ''' + Replace ( @objectList , ' , ' , ''' Union All Select N ''' ) + ''''
Insert Into @Tmp (name) Exec ( @sql )
Set @sql = null
Select @sql = Isnull ( @sql + ' , ' , '' ) + name
From @Tmp As a
Where Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.objects Where type = ' U ' And name = a.name)
If @sql > ''
Set @sql = ' 发现无效的表名: ' + @sql
Raiserror 50001 @sql
Return ( 1 )
If object_id ( ' tempdb..#Objects ' ) Is Not Null
Drop Table #Objects
If object_id ( ' tempdb..#Columns ' ) Is Not Null
Drop Table #Columns
Create Table #Objects(id int Identity ( 1 , 1 ) Primary Key , object_id int ,name sysname)
; With t As
Select Object_id , Convert ( int , 0 ) As LevelNo,name As object_name
From sys.objects a
Where Type = ' U ' And is_ms_shipped = 0 And Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.foreign_keys Where referenced_object_id = a. object_id )
Union All
Select a.referenced_object_id As Object_id ,b.LevelNo + 1 As LevelNo,c.name As object_name
From sys.foreign_keys a
Inner Join t b On b. object_id = a.parent_object_id
Inner Join sys.objects c On c. object_id = a.referenced_object_id And c.is_ms_shipped = 0
Insert Into #Objects( object_id ,name)
Select a. object_id , object_name
From t a
Where Not Exists ( Select 1 From t Where object_id = a. object_id And LevelNo > a.LevelNo) And
Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.extended_properties Where major_id = a. object_id And minor_id = 0 And class = 1 And Name = N ' microsoft_database_tools_support ' )
And ( Exists ( Select 1 From @Tmp Where name = a. object_name ) Or Not Exists ( Select 1 From @Tmp ))
Group By object_id , object_name ,LevelNo
Order By LevelNo Desc
Set @Rowcount = @@Rowcount
If @Rowcount = 0
Raiserror 50001 N ' 没有可以生产脚本的表! '
Return ( 1 )
-- Column
Select a. object_id ,
a.column_id As Seq,
Cast ( 1 As tinyint ) As DefinitionType,
Quotename (a.name) + Char ( 32 ) + c.name +
When a.user_type_id In ( 231 , 239 ) Then ' ( ' + Case a.max_length When - 1 Then ' Max ' Else Rtrim (a.max_length / 2 ) End + ' ) '
When a.user_type_id In ( 62 , 165 , 167 , 173 , 175 ) Then ' ( ' + Case a.max_length When - 1 Then ' Max ' Else Rtrim (a.max_length) End + ' ) '
When a.user_type_id In ( 106 , 108 ) Then ' ( ' + Rtrim (a. [ precision ] ) + ' , ' + Rtrim (a.scale) + ' ) '
Else ''
+ Char ( 32 ) +
Case a.is_rowguidcol When 1 Then ' Rowguidcol ' Else '' End +
Case a.is_identity When 1 Then ' Identity( ' + Cast (d.seed_value As nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' , ' + Cast (d.increment_value As nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' ) ' Else '' End +
Case a.is_nullable When 1 Then ' Null ' Else ' Not Null ' End +
Isnull ( ' Constraint ' + Quotename (e.name) + ' Default( ' + e.definition + ' ) ' , '' ) As definition
Into #Columns
From sys.columns As a
Inner Join #Objects As b On b. object_id = a. object_id
Inner Join sys.types As c On c.user_type_id = a.user_type_id
Left Outer Join sys.identity_columns As d On d. object_id = a. object_id And d.column_id = a.column_id And a.is_identity = 1
Left Outer Join sys.Default_constraints As e On e. object_id = a.default_object_id And e.parent_column_id = a.column_id
Create Nonclustered Index IX_#Columns_object_id On #Columns( object_id Asc )
-- Constraint
Insert Into #Columns
Select a.parent_object_id As object_id ,
Row_number() Over (Partition By a.parent_object_id Order By Case a.type When ' PK ' Then 1 When ' C ' Then 2 Else 3 End ) As Seq,
2 As DefinitionType,
' Alter Table ' + Quotename ( object_name (a.parent_object_id)) + ' Add Constraint ' + Quotename (a.name) +
Case a.type
When ' PK ' Then ' Primary Key ' + Case When Exists ( Select 1 From sys.indexes Where object_id = a.parent_object_id And is_primary_key = 1 And type = 1 ) Then N ' Clustered ' Else N ' Nonclustered ' End +
' ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (c1.Name) + Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc ' Else ' Asc ' End
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.indexes As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.index_id = a1.index_id And b1.is_primary_key = 1
Inner Join sys.columns As c1 On c1. object_id = a1. object_id And c1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a.parent_object_id
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) '
When ' F ' Then ' Foreign Key ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name)
From sys.foreign_key_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1.parent_object_id And b1.column_id = a1.parent_column_id
Where a1.constraint_object_id = a. object_id
Order By a1.constraint_column_id
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) References ' + ( Select Quotename ( object_name (referenced_object_id)) From sys.foreign_keys Where object_id = a. object_id ) +
' ( '
+ Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name)
From sys.foreign_key_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1.referenced_object_id And b1.column_id = a1.referenced_column_id
Where a1.constraint_object_id = a. object_id
Order By a1.constraint_column_id
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) '
When ' UQ ' Then ' Unique ' + ( Select Case a1.type When 1 Then ' Clustered ' Else ' Nonclustered ' End
From sys.indexes As a1
Where a1. object_id = a.parent_object_id
And Exists ( Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where object_id = a. object_id And parent_object_id = a1. object_id And unique_index_id = a1.index_id)
) +
' ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (c1.Name) + Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc ' Else ' Asc ' End
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.indexes As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.index_id = a1.index_id And b1.is_unique_constraint = 1
Inner Join sys.columns As c1 On c1. object_id = a1. object_id And c1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a.parent_object_id
And Exists ( Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where object_id = a. object_id And parent_object_id = a1. object_id And unique_index_id = a1.index_id)
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) '
When ' C ' Then ' Check ' + ( Select definition From sys.check_constraints Where object_id = a. object_id )
Else ''
End As definition
From sys.objects As a
Where a.type In ( ' PK ' , ' F ' , ' C ' , ' UQ ' )
And Exists ( Select 1 From #Objects Where object_id = a.parent_object_id)
-- Index
Insert Into #Columns
Select a. object_id ,
a.index_id As Seq,
3 As DefinitionType,
' Create ' + Case a.is_unique When 1 Then ' Unique ' Else '' End +
Case a.type When 1 Then ' Clustered ' Else ' Nonclustered ' End +
' Index ' + Quotename (a.name) + ' On ' + Quotename (b.name) +
' ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name) + Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc ' Else ' Asc ' End
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a. object_id And a.index_id = a1.index_id And a1.is_included_column = 0
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) ' +
Isnull ( ' Include( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name)
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a. object_id And a.index_id = a1.index_id And a1.is_included_column = 1
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) ' , '' )
As definition
From sys.indexes As a
Inner Join #Objects As b On b. object_id = a. object_id
Where a.type > 0
And Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where parent_object_id = a. object_id And unique_index_id = a.index_id)
-- Print
Print ' Use ' + Quotename ( db_name ()) + @Enter + ' Go ' + @Enter + ' /* 创建表结构 Andy ' + Convert ( nvarchar ( 10 ), Getdate (), 120 ) + ' */ ' + @Enter
Set @id = 1
While @id <= @Rowcount
Select @objectid = object_id , @ObjectName = name From #Objects Where id = @id
Set @Sql = @Enter + ' --( ' + Rtrim ( @id ) + ' / ' + Rtrim ( @Rowcount ) + ' ) ' + @ObjectName + @Enter + ' If object_id( ''' + Quotename ( @ObjectName ) + ''' ) Is Null ' + @Enter + ' Begin ' + @Enter + @Tab +
' Create Table ' + Quotename ( @ObjectName ) + @Enter + @Tab + ' ( ' + @Enter
Select @Sql = @Sql + @Tab + @Tab + definition + ' , ' + @Enter
From #Columns
Where object_id = @objectid
And DefinitionType = 1
Group By Seq,definition
Order By Seq
Set @sql = Substring ( @sql , 1 , Len ( @sql ) - 3 ) + @Enter + @Tab + ' ) ' + @Enter
Select @Sql = @Sql + @Tab + definition + @Enter
From #Columns
Where object_id = @objectid
And DefinitionType > 1
Group By DefinitionType,Seq,definition
Order By Seq
Print Substring ( @sql , 1 , Len ( @sql ) - 2 ) + @Enter + ' End '
Set @id = @id + 1
Print ' Go '
Drop Table #Columns
Drop Table #Objects
Drop Proc up_CreateTable
/* 生成建表脚本(V2.0) OK_008 2009-5-18 */
Create Proc up_CreateTable
@objectList nvarchar ( max ) = null
/* 参数说明:
@objectList 对象列表,对象之间使用","隔开
Set Nocount On
Declare @sql nvarchar ( max ),
@objectid int ,
@id int ,
@Rowcount int ,
@ObjectName sysname,
@Enter nvarchar ( 2 ),
@Tab nvarchar ( 2 )
Select @Enter = Char ( 13 ) + Char ( 10 ),
@Tab = Char ( 9 )
Declare @Tmp Table (name sysname)
If @objectList > ''
Set @sql = ' Select N ''' + Replace ( @objectList , ' , ' , ''' Union All Select N ''' ) + ''''
Insert Into @Tmp (name) Exec ( @sql )
Set @sql = null
Select @sql = Isnull ( @sql + ' , ' , '' ) + name
From @Tmp As a
Where Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.objects Where type = ' U ' And name = a.name)
If @sql > ''
Set @sql = ' 发现无效的表名: ' + @sql
Raiserror 50001 @sql
Return ( 1 )
If object_id ( ' tempdb..#Objects ' ) Is Not Null
Drop Table #Objects
If object_id ( ' tempdb..#Columns ' ) Is Not Null
Drop Table #Columns
Create Table #Objects(id int Identity ( 1 , 1 ) Primary Key , object_id int ,name sysname)
; With t As
Select Object_id , Convert ( int , 0 ) As LevelNo,name As object_name
From sys.objects a
Where Type = ' U ' And is_ms_shipped = 0 And Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.foreign_keys Where referenced_object_id = a. object_id )
Union All
Select a.referenced_object_id As Object_id ,b.LevelNo + 1 As LevelNo,c.name As object_name
From sys.foreign_keys a
Inner Join t b On b. object_id = a.parent_object_id
Inner Join sys.objects c On c. object_id = a.referenced_object_id And c.is_ms_shipped = 0
Insert Into #Objects( object_id ,name)
Select a. object_id , object_name
From t a
Where Not Exists ( Select 1 From t Where object_id = a. object_id And LevelNo > a.LevelNo) And
Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.extended_properties Where major_id = a. object_id And minor_id = 0 And class = 1 And Name = N ' microsoft_database_tools_support ' )
And ( Exists ( Select 1 From @Tmp Where name = a. object_name ) Or Not Exists ( Select 1 From @Tmp ))
Group By object_id , object_name ,LevelNo
Order By LevelNo Desc
Set @Rowcount = @@Rowcount
If @Rowcount = 0
Raiserror 50001 N ' 没有可以生产脚本的表! '
Return ( 1 )
-- Column
Select a. object_id ,
a.column_id As Seq,
Cast ( 1 As tinyint ) As DefinitionType,
Quotename (a.name) + Char ( 32 ) + c.name +
When a.user_type_id In ( 231 , 239 ) Then ' ( ' + Case a.max_length When - 1 Then ' Max ' Else Rtrim (a.max_length / 2 ) End + ' ) '
When a.user_type_id In ( 62 , 165 , 167 , 173 , 175 ) Then ' ( ' + Case a.max_length When - 1 Then ' Max ' Else Rtrim (a.max_length) End + ' ) '
When a.user_type_id In ( 106 , 108 ) Then ' ( ' + Rtrim (a. [ precision ] ) + ' , ' + Rtrim (a.scale) + ' ) '
Else ''
+ Char ( 32 ) +
Case a.is_rowguidcol When 1 Then ' Rowguidcol ' Else '' End +
Case a.is_identity When 1 Then ' Identity( ' + Cast (d.seed_value As nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' , ' + Cast (d.increment_value As nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' ) ' Else '' End +
Case a.is_nullable When 1 Then ' Null ' Else ' Not Null ' End +
Isnull ( ' Constraint ' + Quotename (e.name) + ' Default( ' + e.definition + ' ) ' , '' ) As definition
Into #Columns
From sys.columns As a
Inner Join #Objects As b On b. object_id = a. object_id
Inner Join sys.types As c On c.user_type_id = a.user_type_id
Left Outer Join sys.identity_columns As d On d. object_id = a. object_id And d.column_id = a.column_id And a.is_identity = 1
Left Outer Join sys.Default_constraints As e On e. object_id = a.default_object_id And e.parent_column_id = a.column_id
Create Nonclustered Index IX_#Columns_object_id On #Columns( object_id Asc )
-- Constraint
Insert Into #Columns
Select a.parent_object_id As object_id ,
Row_number() Over (Partition By a.parent_object_id Order By Case a.type When ' PK ' Then 1 When ' C ' Then 2 Else 3 End ) As Seq,
2 As DefinitionType,
' Alter Table ' + Quotename ( object_name (a.parent_object_id)) + ' Add Constraint ' + Quotename (a.name) +
Case a.type
When ' PK ' Then ' Primary Key ' + Case When Exists ( Select 1 From sys.indexes Where object_id = a.parent_object_id And is_primary_key = 1 And type = 1 ) Then N ' Clustered ' Else N ' Nonclustered ' End +
' ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (c1.Name) + Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc ' Else ' Asc ' End
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.indexes As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.index_id = a1.index_id And b1.is_primary_key = 1
Inner Join sys.columns As c1 On c1. object_id = a1. object_id And c1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a.parent_object_id
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) '
When ' F ' Then ' Foreign Key ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name)
From sys.foreign_key_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1.parent_object_id And b1.column_id = a1.parent_column_id
Where a1.constraint_object_id = a. object_id
Order By a1.constraint_column_id
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) References ' + ( Select Quotename ( object_name (referenced_object_id)) From sys.foreign_keys Where object_id = a. object_id ) +
' ( '
+ Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name)
From sys.foreign_key_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1.referenced_object_id And b1.column_id = a1.referenced_column_id
Where a1.constraint_object_id = a. object_id
Order By a1.constraint_column_id
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) '
When ' UQ ' Then ' Unique ' + ( Select Case a1.type When 1 Then ' Clustered ' Else ' Nonclustered ' End
From sys.indexes As a1
Where a1. object_id = a.parent_object_id
And Exists ( Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where object_id = a. object_id And parent_object_id = a1. object_id And unique_index_id = a1.index_id)
) +
' ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (c1.Name) + Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc ' Else ' Asc ' End
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.indexes As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.index_id = a1.index_id And b1.is_unique_constraint = 1
Inner Join sys.columns As c1 On c1. object_id = a1. object_id And c1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a.parent_object_id
And Exists ( Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where object_id = a. object_id And parent_object_id = a1. object_id And unique_index_id = a1.index_id)
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) '
When ' C ' Then ' Check ' + ( Select definition From sys.check_constraints Where object_id = a. object_id )
Else ''
End As definition
From sys.objects As a
Where a.type In ( ' PK ' , ' F ' , ' C ' , ' UQ ' )
And Exists ( Select 1 From #Objects Where object_id = a.parent_object_id)
-- Index
Insert Into #Columns
Select a. object_id ,
a.index_id As Seq,
3 As DefinitionType,
' Create ' + Case a.is_unique When 1 Then ' Unique ' Else '' End +
Case a.type When 1 Then ' Clustered ' Else ' Nonclustered ' End +
' Index ' + Quotename (a.name) + ' On ' + Quotename (b.name) +
' ( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name) + Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc ' Else ' Asc ' End
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a. object_id And a.index_id = a1.index_id And a1.is_included_column = 0
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) ' +
Isnull ( ' Include( ' + Stuff (( Select ' , ' + Quotename (b1.Name)
From sys.index_columns As a1
Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1. object_id = a1. object_id And b1.column_id = a1.column_id
Where a1. object_id = a. object_id And a.index_id = a1.index_id And a1.is_included_column = 1
For Xml Path( '' )
), 1 , 1 , '' ) +
' ) ' , '' )
As definition
From sys.indexes As a
Inner Join #Objects As b On b. object_id = a. object_id
Where a.type > 0
And Not Exists ( Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where parent_object_id = a. object_id And unique_index_id = a.index_id)
Print ' Use ' + Quotename ( db_name ()) + @Enter + ' Go ' + @Enter + ' /* 创建表结构 Andy ' + Convert ( nvarchar ( 10 ), Getdate (), 120 ) + ' */ ' + @Enter
Set @id = 1
While @id <= @Rowcount
Select @objectid = object_id , @ObjectName = name From #Objects Where id = @id
Set @Sql = @Enter + ' --( ' + Rtrim ( @id ) + ' / ' + Rtrim ( @Rowcount ) + ' ) ' + @ObjectName + @Enter + ' If object_id( ''' + Quotename ( @ObjectName ) + ''' ) Is Null ' + @Enter + ' Begin ' + @Enter + @Tab +
' Create Table ' + Quotename ( @ObjectName ) + @Enter + @Tab + ' ( ' + @Enter
Select @Sql = @Sql + @Tab + @Tab + definition + ' , ' + @Enter
From #Columns
Where object_id = @objectid
And DefinitionType = 1
Group By Seq,definition
Order By Seq
Set @sql = Substring ( @sql , 1 , Len ( @sql ) - 3 ) + @Enter + @Tab + ' ) ' + @Enter
Select @Sql = @Sql + @Tab + definition + @Enter
From #Columns
Where object_id = @objectid
And DefinitionType > 1
Group By DefinitionType,Seq,definition
Order By Seq
Print Substring ( @sql , 1 , Len ( @sql ) - 2 ) + @Enter + ' End '
Set @id = @id + 1
Print ' Go '
Drop Table #Columns
Drop Table #Objects