2、while 循环
1 a = (3,2,1,4,5,2,2,4,5,6,4) 2 print(type(a)) 3 print(a.index(2)) 4 print(a.count(2))
1 >>> t = 12345, 54321, 'hello!' 2 >>> t[0] 3 12345 4 >>> t 5 (12345, 54321, 'hello!') 6 >>> # Tuples may be nested: 7 ... u = t, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 8 >>> u 9 ((12345, 54321, 'hello!'), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) 10 >>> # Tuples are immutable: 11 ... t[0] = 88888 12 Traceback (most recent call last): 13 File "", line 1, in 14 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment 15 >>> # but they can contain mutable objects: 16 ... v = ([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]) 17 >>> v 18 ([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1])
2、while 循环
1 count = 0 2 while True: 3 print("你是风儿我是沙,缠缠绵绵到天涯...",count) 4 count +=1
count = 0 while True: print("你是风儿我是沙,缠缠绵绵到天涯...",count) count +=1 if count == 100: #加入结束条件 break #跳出循环
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 #猜数字(0-100) 4 5 6 import getpass 7 hide_card = int(getpass.getpass("hide_card:")) 8 count = 0 9 10 if hide_card <100 and hide_card >0: 11 while True: 12 if count <5: 13 guess_digit = int(input("guess_digit:")) 14 if guess_digit == hide_card: 15 print("yes, you got it.") 16 break 17 elif guess_digit > hide_card: 18 print("think smaller...") 19 else: 20 print("think bigger...") 21 count +=1 22 else: 23 print("猜这么多次都不对,你个笨蛋!") 24 print("正确答案:%s"%(hide_card)) 25 break 26 else: 27 print("请输入数字在0-99之间。不要耍赖!")
来源Directory 2 课后习题:
Another useful data type built into Python is the dictionary (see Mapping Types — dict). Dictionaries are sometimes found in other languages as “associative memories” or “associative arrays”. Unlike sequences, which are indexed by a range of numbers, dictionaries are indexed by keys(键), which can be any immutable type; strings and numbers can always be keys. Tuples can be used as keys if they contain only strings, numbers, or tuples; if a tuple contains any mutable object either directly or indirectly, it cannot be used as a key. You can’t use lists as keys, since lists can be modified in place using index assignments, slice assignments, or methods like append()
and extend()
It is best to think of a dictionary as a set of key: value pairs(大脑P96,字典存储键/值对), with the requirement that the keys are unique (within one dictionary). A pair of braces creates an empty dictionary: {}
. Placing a comma-separated list of key:value pairs within the braces adds initial key:value pairs to the dictionary; this is also the way dictionaries are written on output.
The main operations on a dictionary are storing a value with some key and extracting the value given the key. It is also possible to delete a key:value pair with del
. If you store using a key that is already in use, the old value associated with that key is forgotten. It is an error to extract a value using a non-existent key.
Performing list(d)
on a dictionary returns a list of all the keys used in the dictionary, in insertion order (if you want it sorted, just use sorted(d)
instead). To check whether a single key is in the dictionary, use the in
(Operations Manager)
参考:https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries (python3.7.4)
字典是一种key - value 的数据类型
1 #Zhichao 2 3 info = { 4 "stu1801":"ZiQi", 5 "stu1802":"XiaoFeng", 6 "stu1803":"LiuYu" 7 } 8 print(info)
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 #创建字典的常用方法 4 info = { 5 "stu1801":"ZiQi", 6 "stu1802":"XiaoFeng", 7 "stu1803":"LiuYu" 8 } 9 10 print(info) 11 12 info2 = dict(stu1801="ZiQi",stu1802="XiaoFeng",stu1803="LiuYu") 13 print(info2) 14 15 info3 = {} 16 info3["stu1801"]="ZiQi" 17 info3["stu1802"]="XiaoFeng" 18 info3["stu1803"]="LiuYu" 19 print(info3)
- dict 是无序的
- key 是唯一的
- key 不可变性
1 #Zhichao 2 3 info = { 4 "stu1801":"ZiQi", 5 "stu1802":"XiaoFeng", 6 "stu1803":"LiuYu" 7 } 8 9 print(info)
1 >>>info["stu1804"] = "Zhichao" 2 >>>print(info) 3 {'stu1801': 'ZiQi', 'stu1802': 'XiaoFeng', 'stu1803': 'LiuYu', 'stu1804': 'Zhichao'}
1 >>>info["stu1804"] = "Wenjun" 2 >>>print(info) 3 {'stu1801': 'ZiQi', 'stu1802': 'XiaoFeng', 'stu1803': 'LiuYu', 'stu1804': 'Wenjun'}
1 >>>print(info) 2 {'stu1801': 'ZiQi', 'stu1802': 'XiaoFeng', 'stu1803': 'LiuYu', 'stu1804': 'Wenjun'} 3 >>>info.pop("stu1804") #标准删除姿势 4 >>>print(info) 5 {'stu1801': 'ZiQi', 'stu1802': 'XiaoFeng', 'stu1803': 'LiuYu'} 6 7 >>>del info["stu1801"] #换个姿势删除,del是不是python中通用的删除方式呢。回顾list 8 >>>print(info) 9 {'stu1802': 'XiaoFeng', 'stu1803': 'LiuYu'} 10 11 #随机删除 12 13 >>>info = {"stu1801":"ZiQi","stu1802":"XiaoFeng","stu1803":"LiuYu"} 14 >>>print(info) 15 {"stu1801":"ZiQi","stu1802":"XiaoFeng","stu1803":"LiuYu"} 16 >>>info.popitem() 17 >>>print(info) 18 {'stu1801': 'ZiQi', 'stu1802': 'XiaoFeng'}
1 >>>info = {"stu1801":"ZiQi","stu1802":"XiaoFeng","stu1803":"LiuYu"} 2 >>>info 3 {"stu1801":"ZiQi","stu1802":"XiaoFeng","stu1803":"LiuYu"} 4 >>>print("stu1801" in info) #标准用法 5 True 6 >>>print(info.get("stu1802")) #获取 7 "XiaoFeng" 8 >>>print(info["stu1802"]) #同上,但看下面 9 "XiaoFeng" 10 >>>print(info["stu1805"]) #如果一个key不存在,就报错,get不会,不存在只返回None 11 Traceback (most recent call last): 12 File "C:/Users/zhichao/PycharmProjects/untitled/day02/dict.py", line 12, in13 print(info["stu1805"]) 14 KeyError: 'stu1805' 15 >>>print(info.get("stu1805")) 16 None
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 4 vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"] 5 word = input("Provide a word to search for vowels:") 6 found = {} 7 8 # found["a"]=0 9 # found["e"]=0 10 # found["i"]=0 11 # found["o"]=0 12 # found["u"]=0 13 found = found.fromkeys(vowels,0) 14 15 for letter in word: 16 if letter in vowels: 17 found[letter] += 1 18 19 # print(found.items()) 20 for k,v in found.items(): 21 print(k,"was found",v,"time(s)") 22 # print(found)
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 4 5 vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"] 6 word = input("Provide a word to search for vowels:") 7 found = {} 8 9 for letter in word: 10 if letter in vowels: 11 found.setdefault(letter,0) #如果是元音字母,就在字典found中初始化这个元音字母,值为0 12 found[letter] +=1 13 for k,v in sorted(found.items()): 14 print(k,v)
思考:为什么dict比list运行速度快 ?
1 >>> d = {'Michael': 95, 'Bob': 75, 'Tracy': 85} 2 >>> d['Michael'] 3 95
1 #Zhichao 2 3 import pprint 4 people = {} 5 people['Ford'] = {"Name":'Ford Prefect', 6 "Gender":'Male', 7 "Occupation":'Researcher', 8 "Home Planet":'Betelgeuse Seven'} 9 people['Arthur'] = {"Name":'Arthur Dent', 10 "Gender":'Male', 11 "Occupation":'Sandwich-Maker', 12 "Home Planet":'Earth'} 13 people['Tricia'] = {"Name":'Tricia McMillan', 14 "Gender":'Female', 15 "Occupation":'Mathematician', 16 "Home Planet":'Earth'} 17 people['Marvin'] = {"Name":'Marvin', 18 "Gender":'Unknown', 19 "Occupation":'Paranoid Android', 20 "Home Planet":'Unknown'} 21 pprint.pprint(people)
# 取内容:性别 gender
# 取内容:年龄
# 取内:有无眼睛
# 取内容:头发状况
# 取出hairColor中的color为red的confidence值。
1 [ 2 { 3 "faceId": "29867cfe-ba72-41a3-8407-57b7f110633b", 4 "faceRectangle": { 5 "top": 128, 6 "left": 459, 7 "width": 224, 8 "height": 224 9 }, 10 "faceAttributes": { 11 "hair": { 12 "bald": 0.1, 13 "invisible": false, 14 "hairColor": [ 15 { 16 "color": "brown", 17 "confidence": 0.99 18 }, 19 { 20 "color": "black", 21 "confidence": 0.57 22 }, 23 { 24 "color": "red", 25 "confidence": 0.36 26 }, 27 { 28 "color": "blond", 29 "confidence": 0.34 30 }, 31 { 32 "color": "gray", 33 "confidence": 0.15 34 }, 35 { 36 "color": "other", 37 "confidence": 0.13 38 } 39 ] 40 }, 41 "smile": 1.0, 42 "headPose": { 43 "pitch": -13.2, 44 "roll": -11.9, 45 "yaw": 5.0 46 }, 47 "gender": "female", 48 "age": 24.0, 49 "facialHair": { 50 "moustache": 0.0, 51 "beard": 0.0, 52 "sideburns": 0.0 53 }, 54 "glasses": "ReadingGlasses", 55 "makeup": { 56 "eyeMakeup": true, 57 "lipMakeup": true 58 }, 59 "emotion": { 60 "anger": 0.0, 61 "contempt": 0.0, 62 "disgust": 0.0, 63 "fear": 0.0, 64 "happiness": 1.0, 65 "neutral": 0.0, 66 "sadness": 0.0, 67 "surprise": 0.0 68 }, 69 "occlusion": { 70 "foreheadOccluded": false, 71 "eyeOccluded": false, 72 "mouthOccluded": false 73 }, 74 "accessories": [ 75 { 76 "type": "glasses", 77 "confidence": 1.0 78 } 79 ], 80 "blur": { 81 "blurLevel": "low", 82 "value": 0.0 83 }, 84 "exposure": { 85 "exposureLevel": "goodExposure", 86 "value": 0.48 87 }, 88 "noise": { 89 "noiseLevel": "low", 90 "value": 0.0 91 } 92 }, 93 "faceLandmarks": { 94 "pupilLeft": { 95 "x": 504.8, 96 "y": 206.8 97 }, 98 "pupilRight": { 99 "x": 602.5, 100 "y": 178.4 101 }, 102 "noseTip": { 103 "x": 593.5, 104 "y": 247.3 105 }, 106 "mouthLeft": { 107 "x": 529.8, 108 "y": 300.5 109 }, 110 "mouthRight": { 111 "x": 626.0, 112 "y": 277.3 113 }, 114 "eyebrowLeftOuter": { 115 "x": 461.0, 116 "y": 186.8 117 }, 118 "eyebrowLeftInner": { 119 "x": 541.9, 120 "y": 178.9 121 }, 122 "eyeLeftOuter": { 123 "x": 490.9, 124 "y": 209.0 125 }, 126 "eyeLeftTop": { 127 "x": 509.1, 128 "y": 199.5 129 }, 130 "eyeLeftBottom": { 131 "x": 509.3, 132 "y": 213.9 133 }, 134 "eyeLeftInner": { 135 "x": 529.0, 136 "y": 205.0 137 }, 138 "eyebrowRightInner": { 139 "x": 579.2, 140 "y": 169.2 141 }, 142 "eyebrowRightOuter": { 143 "x": 633.0, 144 "y": 136.4 145 }, 146 "eyeRightInner": { 147 "x": 590.5, 148 "y": 184.5 149 }, 150 "eyeRightTop": { 151 "x": 604.2, 152 "y": 171.5 153 }, 154 "eyeRightBottom": { 155 "x": 608.4, 156 "y": 184.0 157 }, 158 "eyeRightOuter": { 159 "x": 623.8, 160 "y": 173.7 161 }, 162 "noseRootLeft": { 163 "x": 549.8, 164 "y": 200.3 165 }, 166 "noseRootRight": { 167 "x": 580.7, 168 "y": 192.3 169 }, 170 "noseLeftAlarTop": { 171 "x": 557.2, 172 "y": 234.6 173 }, 174 "noseRightAlarTop": { 175 "x": 603.2, 176 "y": 225.1 177 }, 178 "noseLeftAlarOutTip": { 179 "x": 545.4, 180 "y": 255.5 181 }, 182 "noseRightAlarOutTip": { 183 "x": 615.9, 184 "y": 239.5 185 }, 186 "upperLipTop": { 187 "x": 591.1, 188 "y": 278.4 189 }, 190 "upperLipBottom": { 191 "x": 593.2, 192 "y": 288.7 193 }, 194 "underLipTop": { 195 "x": 597.1, 196 "y": 308.0 197 }, 198 "underLipBottom": { 199 "x": 600.3, 200 "y": 324.8 201 } 202 } 203 } 204 ]
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 4 data = { 5 "北京":{ 6 "朝阳":{}, 7 "海淀":{}, 8 "昌平":{} 9 }, 10 "上海":{ 11 "黄埔":{}, 12 "浦东新区":{}, 13 "虹口":{} 14 }, 15 "广东":{ 16 "深圳":{ 17 "罗湖":["深中华","世纪星源"], 18 "福田":["招商证券","深华发","深科技","深圳会展中心"], 19 "南山":["Tencent","深信服","TCL"], 20 "龙岗":["华为","中兴通讯"] 21 }, 22 "广州":{}, 23 "佛山":{}, 24 }, 25 } 26 27 exit_flag = True 28 29 while exit_flag: 30 for i in data: 31 print(i) #打印第一层的key 32 choice = input("选择输入>>>:") 33 if choice in data: 34 while exit_flag: 35 for i2 in data[choice]: 36 print("\t",i2) 37 choice2 = input("选择输入>>>:") 38 if choice2 == "back": 39 break 40 elif choice2 == "exit": 41 exit_flag = False 42 if choice2 in data[choice]: 43 while exit_flag: 44 for i3 in data[choice][choice2]: 45 print("\t\t",i3) 46 choice3 = input("选择输入>>>:") 47 if choice3 == "back": 48 break 49 elif choice3 == "exit": 50 exit_flag = False 51 if choice3 in data[choice][choice2]: 52 for i4 in data[choice][choice2][choice3]: 53 print("\t\t\t",i4) 54 choice4 = input("这是最后一层,返回输入'back':") 55 if choice4 == "back": 56 pass 57 elif choice4 == "exit": 58 exit_flag = False 59 60 elif choice == "exit": 61 exit_flag = False
https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#sets (python3.7.4)
Python also includes a data type for sets. A set is an unordered collection with no duplicate elements. Basic uses include membership testing and eliminating duplicate entries. Set objects also support mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference.
Curly braces or the set()
function can be used to create sets. Note: to create an empty set you have to use set()
, not {}
; the latter creates an empty dictionary, a data structure that we discuss in the next section.
Here is a brief demonstration:
1 >>> basket = {'apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana'} 2 >>> print(basket) # show that duplicates have been removed 3 {'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'apple'} 4 >>> 'orange' in basket # fast membership testing 5 True 6 >>> 'crabgrass' in basket 7 False 8 9 >>> # Demonstrate set operations on unique letters from two words 10 ... 11 >>> a = set('abracadabra') 12 >>> b = set('alacazam') 13 >>> a # unique letters in a 14 {'a', 'r', 'b', 'c', 'd'} 15 >>> a - b # letters in a but not in b 16 {'r', 'd', 'b'} 17 >>> a | b # letters in a or b or both 18 {'a', 'c', 'r', 'd', 'b', 'm', 'z', 'l'} 19 >>> a & b # letters in both a and b 20 {'a', 'c'} 21 >>> a ^ b # letters in a or b but not both 22 {'r', 'd', 'b', 'm', 'z', 'l'}
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 4 list_1 = [1,2,5,6,7,2,3,2,4,4] 5 6 list_2 = set(list_1) 7 list_3 = set([1,3,4,0,8,66,7]) 8 9 print("list_2:",list_2,"\n",type(list_2)) 10 print("list_3:",list_3) 11 # 交集 12 print(list_2.intersection(list_3)) 13 print(list_2 & list_3) 14 15 # 并集 16 print(list_2.union(list_3)) 17 print(list_2 | list_3) 18 19 # 差集 20 print(list_2.difference(list_3)) 21 print(list_2 - list_3) 22 23 print(list_3.difference(list_2)) 24 print(list_3 - list_2) 25 26 # 子集 27 28 print(list_2.issubset(list_3)) #子集 29 print(list_2.issuperset(list_3)) #父集 30 list_4 = set([2,3]) 31 print(list_4.issubset(list_2)) 32 33 # 对称差集 34 print(list_2.symmetric_difference(list_3))
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Zhichao 3 4 list_3 = set([1,3,4,0,8,66,7]) 5 list_3.pop() # pop() 方法用于随机移除一个元素。 6 print(list_3) 7 # list_3.clear() #清空 8 # print(list_3) 9 list_3.remove(3) 10 print(list_3) 11 list_3.add(5) 12 print(list_3) 13 #该方法不同于 remove() 方法,因为 remove() 方法在移除一个不存在的元素时会发生错误,而 discard() 方法不会。 14 list_3.discard(9) 15 print(list_3) 16 list_4 = list_3.copy() 17 print(list_4)
1 >>>vowels = set('aeiou') 2 >>>word = input("Provide a word to search for vowels:") 3 >>>found = vowels.intersection(set(word)) 4 >>>for vowel in found: 5 print(vowel)